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Random Questions



  • Rice cooker is of paramount importance.
    Only in a dorm room. >_>
  • Now I got a hankering for some hamsteak
  • I find that any sort of meat using that sort of red type barbecue sauce to be shit barbecue.

    That sauce is so pungent and overbearing it takes away from any decent flavor when consuming it.

    I actually find most barbecue sauces to be nauseating and no good.
  • I was not a fan of that particular BBQ as a kid, but in college I learned that I could get a giant pork steak during the summer for ~$2, grill it outside with a baked potato and some other veg, and then have a high-calorie tasty meal on my budget.
  • That BBQ sauce has one use. BBQ Chicken.
  • BBQ wings are ok, but I grew up on my culture's style so I'm very biased.

    Whenever I see people just slather BBQ sauce on ribs, I just cringe.
  • I prefer buffalo sauce to BBQ sauce in every situation I can think of.
  • I'd rather put Sriracha on plain grilled chicken over anything else.
  • BBQ wings are ok, but I grew up on my culture's style so I'm very biased.

    Whenever I see people just slather BBQ sauce on ribs, I just cringe.
    Just curious, if you were making ribs what sauce would you use? Because I can't think of anything that would compliment spare ribs better than BBQ sauce.
  • Buffalo sauce is awesome on pork.
  • edited August 2012
    Here is the marinade recipe my family and most Chamorros (people of Guam) use:

    1 cup soy sauce
    1.5 cups of vinegar
    6 cloves of garlic smashed
    2 lemons thinly sliced
    Lots of black pepper

    Adjust your amounts of soy sauce and vinegar to your liking. Let the ribs marinate for a few hours. Grill. Eat. Success.


    With short ribs, you can use that as well and just soak for like 30 mins.

    You can also use Oyster sauce and other Asian type sauces. I find any of these sauce FAR superior to barbecue.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I too am a fan of the tart/non-sweet sauces for meat.
  • And this is why we're friends.
  • Unless you actively live in the south, you have no business talking BBQ.

  • Why would I want to live in that hell hole?

    Oh, I can talk BBQ. If you've never been to a Pac Island BBQ, don't talk to me with that crap red sweat sauce nonsense.
  • You honestly have no idea. Your naivety and ignorance is cute.
  • edited August 2012
    As is your's. The Alabama bbq almost made me vomit.

    I'll tell you what Andrew, as long as the NYC New Year's is still down, I will be happy to make a sample of my bbq and you can decide for yourself.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • If you don't spend the entire weekend smoking it and or preparing your meat, it ain't bbq.
  • Wait, aren't you from Virginia?
  • I'm a GA resident and have lived here for six years. I also have a southern belle for a GF.
  • I'm a GA resident and have lived here for six years. I also have a southern belle for a GF.
    What exactly does that mean in a modern context? I assume she doesn't wear hoop dresses and own negroes.

  • I gave the quick and dirty version of Guamanian BBQ. For the best way, it does take a while done the proper way.

    If you want, here is a chicken version that is doable, but I'd probably bake it instead of grill due to limit in resources.

  • edited August 2012
    It means she's amazed by snow. Even horrid, nasty, grey, salt filled snow on the side of the highway.

    Andrew, do you eat grits?
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • edited August 2012
    I'd probably bake
    Yup, you lost all credibility here.

    Yes, I've eaten grits on occasion. Boiled peanuts are pretty good too.

    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Meh, whatever. You don't have to eat it then. More for others. Southern people and their arrogance for cooking is pretty stupid.
  • Fuck it, lets just make awesome food.
  • I means she's amazed by snow. Even horrid, nasty, grey, salt filled snow on the side of the highway.
    And what's wrong with that?

  • Nothing, it was actually quite amusing.
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