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Random Questions



  • It really depends on a person's interests. For example, my girlfriend is a medievalist, and really likes German boardgames, so I showed her some Civ V and Shogun 2. If I had tried to get het to play Tribes 2 or Zelda, it might not have worked so well.
  • I would have thought Zelda would have been awesome to show her.
  • Why does it seem like everyone needs managers? The only job listings are for managerial positions.
  • edited December 2011
    I would have thought Zelda would have been awesome to show her.
    She likes the idea of RPGs, but prefers pen-and-paper. In other news, I lent her my Burning Wheel books and she is deeply intrigued. :3
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I made Red Wine Ice Cream, with Egg Yolks, Milk, Heavy Cream, Sugar, Salt (Just a Pinch), and Lambrusco Ca' Da' Meicini Wine. The ice cream tastes like BREAD.

    Can someone explain how that happened? Result from curdled custard? Too acidic wine? The yeast playing a part?
  • Eggs, Milk, Sugar, Salt.

    Don't know if you've noticed, but you've got quite a few bread ingredients there.
  • Also, if you're going to make red wine ice cream, you want to simmer off some of the alcohol, and you're going to want to use a dolce Lambrusco, rather than secco or amabile.
  • Can anybody suggest a good restaurant in Chinatown D.C.? I'm visiting my mom here, and on the way to Chinatown.
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I'm looking to get a new mp3 player for Christmas. I'm currently set on the Cowon J3, but I'm interested in an Android. Any recommendations (Android or otherwise)?
  • I like the look of the Samsung Galaxy mp3 players, though I haven't handled any of them myself.
  • For the company Christmas party this year, they want to run some kind of mario-party style series of games. The games themselves are really archaic terrible things like "guess the price of this thing", "answer this question", "identify this song", etc. They havn't given me the spec yet, but I assume it's a simple process like "randomly determine game", "play game", "show leaderboard", "randomly determine game" or some such till the score hits an arbitrary goal.

    My question is if there is any software, development kits, or other widgets to make building something simpler. I could go through and build a real program to handle everything, but this seems like a lot more work than I'm going to want to do for a single instance of some crappy game.
  • Just play Mario Party.
  • edited December 2011
    Just play Mario Party.
    I wish. It's going to be vastly more lame than that.

    The things I've heard about so-far include Jeopardy with categories like "Company History" and a price-is-right guessing game guessing about the price of equipment we use to provide service...
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • Anyone know a scanlation group that could use a good proof reader? I tried finding one via google before, but that was hell.
  • edited December 2011
    Anyone know a scanlation group that could use a good proof reader? I tried finding one via google before, but that was hell.
    I used to be do proofreading and some attempts at translating for Suimasen Scans. They still list me on their staff page, though I actually haven't talked with the guys in almost a year now. Just got done with college and didn't have any time for it anymore.

    Anyway, they mostly do translations of the works of Koji Kumeta (Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Katteni Kaizo). Just hit them up in their IRC channel. They will gladly take you in, I assume. I can also give you the e-mail address of their group leader (Oyashiro) if you like.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • It seems they have enough people. Unfortunately (or fortunately I guess) there are a lot of people willing to proof, making it hard to get a gig.

    Actually, if anyone knows a group that needs Chinese translators, that would also be good.
  • I'd like to get back into fan translations (it is good practice) but all in all, a fun hobby that is technically illegal gets pushed back by other things. I always think "Yeah, people who enjoy it will be so happy at the translated comic and at me, but what if the comic suddenly has to get taken down? All that work down the tubes!" Also, you can't show it to anybody professionally, which kind of sucks. Seriously, though, I was one of the first people to translate chunks of Hetalia, and I got the love of so many fangirls. Probably about 20 people hugged me at once when I told people in a Hetalia panel that I was one of the translators. That sort of gratitude feels so good, but it isn't really for something I've created, and I've decided that I really want to get that same thing from something I made.
  • I'd like to get back into fan translations (it is good practice) but all in all, a fun hobby that is technically illegal gets pushed back by other things. I always think "Yeah, people who enjoy it will be so happy at the translated comic and at me, but what if the comic suddenly has to get taken down? All that work down the tubes!" Also, you can't show it to anybody professionally, which kind of sucks. Seriously, though, I was one of the first people to translate chunks of Hetalia, and I got the love of so many fangirls. Probably about 20 people hugged me at once when I told people in a Hetalia panel that I was one of the translators. That sort of gratitude feels so good, but it isn't really for something I've created, and I've decided that I really want to get that same thing from something I made.
    I've been thinking of helping out some scans groups, after all, I bitch about the poor grammar, punctuation and spelling in many current scans, and I read a ton of manga, so it might be worth putting something back. Doesn't matter to me so much about that I can't show it to anyone professionally, since I'm not in that profession.

  • Why is Sympathy for Lady Vengence in the Vengence trilogy? I mean sure it is about Vengence but it does not end like the others.
  • Why is Sympathy for Lady Vengence in the Vengence trilogy? I mean sure it is about Vengence but it does not end like the others.
    You answered your own question there, chief.

  • But, it is out of place with the other two. She ends happy, the others do not.
  • But, it is out of place with the other two. She ends happy, the others do not.
    Right, but the endings do not tie the films together. Vengeance does.

  • I thought the message was Vegeance causes things to end poorly.
  • edited December 2011
    According to Wikipedia, the connecting themes are "revenge, violence and salvation." It's not so much that the messages are all the same, but rather that the motivation for the films are similar.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • KFC or Taco Bell?
  • KFC or Taco Bell?
    Combination KFC and Taco Bell.
  • The answer is always Yoshinoya.
  • White Castle needs to go global. Why is there no White Castle in the UK?
  • How soon is "too soon" to bang someone?
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