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  • edited November 2011
    Hey Scrym, are messages private or "private" like whispers?
    They have direct access to the server, so it is impossible to be anything more then "private". I'd suspect it would take a tiny bit more effort to actually read those though. If you wanna tell someone something actually private, don't use this forum software.

    I suggest you PM them and ask for their email address.

    On a related note, any service on the Internet is run by someone, and can therefor be seen by someone. Google can read every private email you own, unless you encrypt them yourself. Many services have no qualms reading PMs.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • This was entirely out of curiosity, and I guess I meant more of "does Vanilla 2 give you easy access to messages, or do you have to do a bit of digging?" But no, i wasn't planning on sending my SS number or anything.
  • I can see everything because it is in a database and is not encrypted. Not that I'm looking or anything. I don't give an eight of a shit. Just know that there is basically no security on the private discussions in this forum. It's just enough to keep normal people from seeing what you don't want them to.
  • So what you are saying is that if we plot to overthrow you we need to use email. Not the forum.
  • So what you are saying is that if we plot to overthrow you we need to use email. Not the forum.
    Email with PGP.
  • edited November 2011
    Where can I upload an image file that is larger than 5 MB?
    Dropbox works pretty well.
    I've started using Cloud, but I'm not sure if there's a Windows version.

    Dropbox also works well, if you have enough free space (It's the only thing I've ever used an affiliate link for, and I feel sorta dirty for that, but I have 5 gigs free from getting friends to sign up.)

    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • How does watching a fullscreen 720p video work on a 1080p screen. I would understand if the scaling was by an integer, but how are discrete pixels scaled by fractional amounts?
  • How does watching a fullscreen 720p video work on a 1080p screen. I would understand if the scaling was by an integer, but how are discrete pixels scaled by fractional amounts?
    Via an imperfect algorithm that introduces some manner of noise.
  • edited November 2011
    Where can I upload an image file that is larger than 5 MB?
    Dropbox works pretty well.
    I've started using Cloud, but I'm not sure if there's a Windows version.

    Dropbox also works well, if you have enough free space (It's the only thing I've ever used an affiliate link for, and I feel sorta dirty for that, but I have 5 gigs free from getting friends to sign up.)

    I use iCloud, but I don't think I've ever bothered to use it on my computer, I mostly just use it to store stuff from my phone.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • What is the best game to use to introduce someone to video games? I have available a Gamecube, Xbox 360, PC, and an SNES emulator with original controllers. The fiance has an interest in video games but no coordination.
  • She's never played any video game?

    Does she like cute things? Do you think she'll like puzzles or platforms? RPGs or racing? Kirby games may be up her alley.

    Does she like Harry Potter, Star Wars, or Batman? She may like the Lego series of those games.
  • Hard to go wrong with a Mario.
  • What is the best game to use to introduce someone to video games? I have available a Gamecube, Xbox 360, PC, and an SNES emulator with original controllers. The fiance has an interest in video games but no coordination.
    My advice is pick a couple of easy games, show them to her and let her pick. Letting the person pick something that interests them is very important, they'll be way more likely to enjoy it and be invested in it.

    It's also very important to never, ever, take the controller away. If she asks you to take over, do so, but give it back as soon as possible.

    Those two points are more important then what kind of game you actually end up picking.
  • Good advice, all!

    Rochelle - She's not really into the cutesy-type stuff, and racing tends to go too fast for her just yet. She'll like puzzles, I think. So maybe I'll start her off on something like a Tetris-type clone.
  • Puzzle games:
    Dr. Mario
    Yoshi's Cookie
    Super Puzzle Fighter
    Magical Drop or Astro Pop on XBLA (Both hve similar play style, but Magical Drop has cute anime characters, and I believe there will be a MD for XBLA soon.)
    The Adventures of Lolo (This is NES, but you can probably find an emulator for it.)

    If she loves logic and you guys have a DS, Professor Layton.

    There were also two games I saw at PAX that were word/puzzle fighter games. I forget their names and don't know if they are available to play yet, but they looked all kinds of awesome.
  • If she loves logic and you guys have a DS, Professor Layton.
    If you have a DS, then go with Phoenix Wright.
  • Don't forget the epic Tetris Attack/Planet Puzzle League.
  • So I've been accumulating a lot of Coke bottles. Because of the amount of Americana contained in one of those (particularly the Santa ones that I'm using) I want to make something art-y with them. Do y'all have any ideas?
  • edited November 2011
    Are they glass? Make a coke bottle chandelier. Sell it on Etsy for $1000, and you'll probably get a buyer.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I don't have the skills to make something that awesome.
  • Wind Chime?
  • Giving it a bit more thought (I have a reflex that makes me object to anything that takes more work than a bit of Googling and duct tape/WD-40) I could probably make the chandelier using LEDs for lights and a trip down to Home Depot for glass. Now I just need to learn how to be an electrician. I like the brainstorming though, feel free to keep going, if you have any more ideas.
  • I wouldn't bother putting lights *in* the bottles; rather, let the bottles dangle around the lightbulb so light is cast through them.
  • Yeah, it's not hard to wire up a lightbulb. The hard part is wiring it into your house power, and it's the buyer's responsibility to handle that.
  • Since I'm at work, I'm not gonna open that link, but is it a vaporizer? Hypothetically, those wouldn't set of a fire alarm.

    Smoking a cigarette won't set off a fire alarm, so I doubt smoking weed would either.
  • Since I'm at work, I'm not gonna open that link, but is it a vaporizer? Hypothetically, those wouldn't set of a fire alarm.

    Smoking a cigarette won't set off a fire alarm, so I doubt smoking weed would either.
    Uh, heh. Funny you mention that... Smoking weed most certainly does, when the idiot smoking is dumb enough to close the window and door so there's no ventilation. Wasn't me smoking, but I was at the party where it happened, and things did not go well for that guy.

  • edited December 2011
    Are there any gloves that are good to wear while running?
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Are there any gloves that are good to wear while running?
    From what?
  • From what?

  • What is the best game to use to introduce someone to video games? I have available a Gamecube, Xbox 360, PC, and an SNES emulator with original controllers. The fiance has an interest in video games but no coordination.
    Whatever has the simplest controls.

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