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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim



  • Friday can't come soon enough. This game just HAD to come out during finals week though.
  • Roughly twelve hours till it unlocks for me - So, Bethesda still fucks us on price(Though, yosho and I simply pulled the old steam-gift-switcharoo, because he's a champion), but does releases by time zone, so that like everyone else, we get it on 11/11/11, instead of late afternoon/evening 12/11/11, by forcing us to stick to American time-zones, despite that living in the past is commonly held to be unhealthy, I mean, look at Tasmania, I don't think they ever left the 80s.
  • Of note, you and I are currently an hour behind our southern Brethren.
  • Of note, you and I are currently an hour behind our southern Brethren.
    I don't know if steam actually accounts for that in unlocking the game, though. I'm honestly not sure.

  • From what I could gather, all of Australia is counted as one time zone, so east coasters will get it at midnight, and West Australians will get it at 9pm.
  • Also, guys, when you're playing later tonight/tomorrow, remember:
  • edited November 2011
    Can't; athletics/acrobats aren't a skill anymore.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Can't; athletics/acrobats aren't a skill anymore.


    Fuck that.
  • Seen videos confirming that you can become a werewolf, vampire or lich. Probably not all three at once. Also infinite quests Not something that will add significant playtime for me, but a nice addition I guess.

    Also guards still seem to be somewhat psychic...

  • But I can't dual wield shields. So fuck this game.
  • Can't; athletics/acrobats aren't a skill anymore.
    That's it, Canceling my pre-order! DOWN WITH BETHESDA! #OCCUPYTAMRIEL
  • Seen videos confirming that you can become a werewolf, vampire or lich.
    Thanks, bro. Not like I wanted to find that out on my own or anything.
    Can't; athletics/acrobats aren't a skill anymore.
    That's it, Canceling my pre-order! DOWN WITH BETHESDA! #OCCUPYTAMRIEL
    What do you mean I can't use a potato as a weapon? LAMEZORZ.
  • edited November 2011
    Supposedly unarmed is now tied to Two-Handed, and Two-Handed includes a decapitation perk. So in theory you can make a character who can punch peoples heads off.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • Do yourselves a favor and buy this instead.
  • Supposedly unarmed is now tied to Two-Handed, and Two-Handed includes a decapitation perk. So in theory you can make a character who can punch peoples heads off.
    I wouldn't have it any other way, after Fallout 3.
    Do yourselves a favor and buy this instead.
    These games are directly comparable.
  • edited November 2011
    Yeah, If I'm going to play a wildly unrealistic game, I'm going to pick the one where I can at least stab people in the bollocks while firing shining white projectiles at everything else in the room like peter north.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011
    Yeah, If I'm going to play a wildly unrealistic game...
    Do yourselves a favor and buy this instead.
    Post edited by Casa Vino on
  • Well, you could at least Give the steam link.
  • Giant Bomb are doing a live 12 hour marathon of Skyrim, run by Bastion producer Greg Kasavin, at 8am PST. At the moment, they're doing a retrospective of Morrowind and Oblivion.

    Watch live video from Giant Bomb Live! on
  • Well, that's one way to fill the next two hours.
  • Decrypting now. Awww yeah timezones.
  • But I can't dual wield shields. So fuck this game.
    I got a game for you.

  • Supposedly unarmed is now tied to Two-Handed, and Two-Handed includes a decapitation perk. So in theory you can make a character who can punch peoples heads off.

    That tears it. I'm buying it. I'm breaking my "Wait unless it has immediate multiplayer hotness" rule! RAWWWWWWWWWWWWG!
  • Okay, very first impressions :

    - Jesus, this game is Prettier than your high school sweetheart.
    - Control scheme takes a little getting used to - not major stuff, but weird little things like hitting tab to back out of a in-game menu, but Esc to get out of a pause menu.
    - Look speed is defaulted a little low, I adjusted mine to a little bit above half-way on the slider, and it's about right.
    - Still really pretty. Lighting is excellent, as is the facial detail, though the animation can be a little wiggy at times.
    - Character creation is imprecise as ever. My dude looks like somebody's taken a cricket bat to his face without any sort of kind intentions.
    - Plenty of options on races, all the usual collection of pointy ear bastards, humans, lizards and furries. Many of you will be disappointed to find that you can't yet be a pony, but hey, there's probably gonna be a mod for that before long.
    - Combat takes a little getting used to, but is pretty fun. Spells act differently depending how you have the equipped.
    - You have environmental cues to do things now, like set fire to stuff.
    - Menus Galore.
    - Still pretty, and the sound design is excellent - not BF3 excellent, but a close second. Music is very nice. Some of the voice-acting is a little odd.
    - The lock-picking minigame is far superior to either oblivion or morrowind - takes the better elements of both and combines them.

    More later.
  • Fuck you.
  • Why you do this to us? I have to sit here at work now, knowing that other peoples are enjoying the awesomeness of Skyrim without me.

    My character wants to be born! She wants to tame dragons! ;-;
  • Daenerys Targaryen complex. =P
  • Daenerys Targaryen complex. =P
    I plan on spending my first hour or two designing her so she looks as close as possible ^-^

  • edited November 2011

    My dude. Everything you see on him, he crafted from raw materials. True story.

    EDIT: Also, dragon kill count: 0
    Post edited by thaneofcawdor on
  • Fuck you.

    However, it's still an Elder Scrolls game. Wierd shit still happens from time to time.
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