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Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice & Fire)



  • I mention this tumblr in other threads, but if you are down with Arrested Development check out the Arrested Westeros tumblr. It's a mashup of scenes from GoT with dialogue from AD. It's pretty hilarious.

  • All I can say is the Asterpor scene went down pretty much exactly the way it goes in the books. The character tropes had nothing to do with condensed storytelling. The whole point is that these slavers are so incredibly arrogant and secure in their superiority that they don't even contemplate that someone else could take them.
  • Geoffrey is still a bag of dicks. Just flaccid ones now.
  • All I can say is the Asterpor scene went down pretty much exactly the way it goes in the books. The character tropes had nothing to do with condensed storytelling. The whole point is that these slavers are so incredibly arrogant and secure in their superiority that they don't even contemplate that someone else could take them.
    Exactly. It is one of the scenes that happens almost exactly as the books, though I though Jorah and Baristan (Arstan in the book) were more hip to her plan in the book, though both times consuming the book has been through audio book and I may have missed something in there.

    Overall I am happy with how they have translated the book to the screen. Some omissions were very intuitive, as well as the addition of Theon in this season.

    I hope they do Jamie's dream sequence and the fight with the Bear proper justice. I am also looking forward to Sandor and Don Darian's fight.

  • edited April 2013
    Jorah and Barristan (I am pretty sure his name is the same as the book. Maybe you heard it wrong? I had problems with Roy dropping consonants; "Craster" sounded like "Crasta" and whatnot.) were varying degrees of hip. Jorah was oblivious, and Danaerys had to verbally bitch-slap him like she did in the show. Barristan was a little more trusting of what she was up to. We didn't get a first-person view from either of them, of course, so all we have to go on is their behavior.

    I am disappointed that they took out the Sam the Slayer scene. Maybe they will mix it with the scene where he meets Coldhands. I dunno.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited April 2013
    Baristan was Arstan Whitebeard and traveled with Strong Belwas for a while in the book before the reveal that he was Baristan. They obviously couldn't really do that kind of reveal visually in the show, and is also one of the reasons we don't have Belwas.

    Maybe they will have Gilly be Sam's witness to the slaying, but having witnesses from the Night's Watch would be better.

    Also, has Coldhands' actual identity even been revealed in the book?
    I think he might Jon's uncle.
    Post edited by Neocloud on
  • Oh yes, he did go by an alias before they revealed his identity. They simply skipped that part in the show. I wish we did have Belwas because... locusts.

    No, Coldhands's identity is still a mystery. There are a number of theories. The Westeros wiki catalogs them.
  • I suppose they could give him a hood like they did for Jaqen at the end of season 1. This way George can reveal the identity before the show does.
  • You know nothing Jon Snow-oh-oh-oh-aw..

    I really liked this episode. The Jamie bath scene where he talks about how he killed the Mad King was great. It made me sympathize for him.

    I also like the unraveling of Rob Stark. There is definite foreshadowing and ominous tones of what will happen by the end of the season.

    Seeing Stannis's wife with those jars of babies was cool. Also the scene of Shireen then her going to see Davos was cool. I loved the segue of her talking about Aegon the Conquerer to the scene with Dany was nice.

    I was also happy when that smug look on Cersei changed when she was told she had to marry Loras.

    Also hot man love making scene was hot.
  • Yeah, great episode. A good midway point, I think. All of the pieces get set up for the second half of the season, but we get some good new tension at the end for the
    King's Landing crew with the marriage announcements.
  • edited April 2013
    You know nothing Jon Snow-oh-oh-oh-aw..

    But man couldn't they have bathed first?
    Post edited by SWATrous on
  • edited April 2013

    That version is better than the one I posted... You will still want to watch it twice.
    Post edited by Neocloud on
  • Agh can't wait till the episode airs tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing that damn Wall.

    How tall is that thing? Seems stupid high.
  • Agh can't wait till the episode airs tonight. I'm looking forward to seeing that damn Wall.

    How tall is that thing? Seems stupid high.
    Quote the SoF&I Wiki...

    "The Wall is made of solid ice, althouth the top is compacted with gravel near the inhabited castles. The Wall stretches for 300 miles from the Gorge to the Bay of Seals and is approximately 700 feet tall. "
  • That episode was fucking, awesome.

    I don't know how to process it fully, other than "holy shit"
  • It had a few holes but the highs were very high. The Tywin/Lady of Thorns scene was amazing. A lil disappointed there was no Daenerys, but eh.
  • The episode was interesting as it continued the theme of underlining patriarchy in the realm.
    While Blackfish decides to marry out of duty, he says that no man can force another to marry. He is concerned with the physical appeal of his partner, and his will is respected. Meanwhile, there is no such freedom for women. The episode underlines that by teasing Sansa with dream boy, and finishing with her crying over being bound to Tyrion. Cersei is under a similar fate, despite having already paid her dues (of arranged marriage and children), this time bound to someone who will never want her. Tyrion and Loras are similarly (although arguably not equally) disempowered -- they are not "men". The final touch is the fate of Ros dead at the hands of Jeoffrey, in contrast to Ygritte and her free choice to be with Jon Snow.
  • Well we all know now that King Shithead is still very much a sadistic fuck despite the glimmers of hope from before. Holed up in his room with a damn crossbow and no-one to answer to...
  • <3 this song
  • I am now 3 episodes behind in this show. Don't feel bad for me. I am going to have the best night ever sometime soon.
  • BTW, an acquaintance from college went on to become a production manager at one of the visual effects companies working GoT. They just started work on season 4, and based on the photos he just posted to Facebook, they're roughing out some green screen scenes where someone is gonna get it good from a direwolf.

    Also, seeing a guy walk around with what looks like a giant paper mache wolf to simulate the effects is hilarious. Not gonna share the actual photos here for his own good just b/c I don't know if he's supposed to be sharing that sort of stuff.
  • This last episode was pretty bad honestly. Looks like it was a new director for the show, and shes doing the next episode too :-/
  • edited May 2013
    I thought it was fine. I really liked the encounter between Tywin and Joffrey. This episode is not on my top list of favorites, but it was still not bad. It's also interesting to note that George R.R. Martin wrote this episode, especially with adding all the new stuff that happens to Theon that doesn't happen in the books.

    Edit: Also the stuff with Gendry. That's all new stuff too.

    I also liked the scene with Margaery and Sansa. It just goes to show how naive Sansa still is while Margaery knows what's up.

    Edit part 2 electric boogaloo: And Jamie. He's turning out to be more admirable.

    Also are those dragons getting bigger or is it just me? Dany's scene was very enjoyable.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I saw the Theon stuff coming but man it hurt to watch.
    And Tywin has raised up to be one of my favorites rather quickly.
  • I get annoyed at the littleinconsistencies and crappy things, like a long and quiet scene that's 75% butt shot, or the hilariously bad fuzz out transition at the end of the Theon torture scene. Or including an actual wink reaction shot to Daenrys's punchy 'what happens to things that do not bend' line. Just reeks of sloppiness + heavy handed pandering (in the case of the butt shot) to me! Also everyone seemed noticeably cleaner (like ygritte especially), but maybe that was the quality of my copy??

    A lot of episodes have little inconsistencies like that, but this last one just seemed to have a whooole lot.
  • edited May 2013
    I did notice the gratuitous butt shot used as a transition. Like, I appreciate a nice ass, but was that strictly necessary? Couldn't you have used those frames to, like, move some fucking plot?

    I don't know about people being cleaner. Jamie's still a hot mess, and the Wildlings are not covered in snow any more - so maybe that's how they look.

    Margery is my new favorite. I mean, Tyrion is still the man, but he's been more of a wuss lately. Jamie is also rising in the ranks.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • It wasn't a BAD episode, it's just that they seem to be saving all the action for one big action ejaculation at the end of the season or something. I am expecting
    the red wedding, Joffrey's wedding, the attack on the wall, and the taking of Yunkai to all go down within one or two episodes. Maybe, just maybe, Sam the Slayer and/or Cold Hands.

    Chie: It's not Blackfish who is asked to get married to fix Rob's mistake. It's Edmure Tully. Blackfish = badass, Edmure = whiny little bitch.

    Ro: Of course the dragons are getting bigger. How do you expect them to get big enough to ride if they don't grow? ;)
  • edited May 2013
    It wasn't a BAD episode, it's just that they seem to be saving all the action for one big action ejaculation at the end of the season or something. I am expecting
    the red wedding, Joffrey's wedding, the attack on the wall, and the taking of Yunkai to all go down within one or two episodes. Maybe, just maybe, Sam the Slayer and/or Cold Hands.
    I would assume the
    red wedding, Ygritte dying in the attack on the wall, Yunkai and Sansa's wedding
    will all happen this season. But I think
    Joffery dying, Manse's attack on the wall, Sam the slayer, Jon taking over as Lord Commander, Sandor saving Arya (and somewhat redeeming himself a little more IMO)
    will be happening next season.
    At the rate they are going, they may need to take from books 4/5 for some content for the last episode or two for next season.
    do you think that Osha will leave Bran with the Krenigs and take Rickon?
    Post edited by Neocloud on
  • The whole pace this season has felt slow as all get out to me. I don't mind but I feel like they really are milking A Storm of Swords at this point trying to squeeze out more than a season per book.
  • I am pretty sure that they said that they are splitting A Storm of Swords into 2 seasons. I assume that this would be because books 4 and 5 are parallel until the end, so thus they would need to be combined as seasons go along. I would also assume that this would be to allow GRRM as much time as possible to get another book out so that they can continue the series without a huge interruption. They already tapped into A Dance with Dragons for a particular character.
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