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Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice & Fire)



  • "If we lose the war we will die the way father died. Or worse" Robb was freaking half psychic.
  • So... Has HBO followed in the footsteps of the TV adaptation of the The Stand yet?

    Remember that? First episode (season) was awesome but later episodes (seasons) merged characters and did all sorts of weird shit that it ended up crap.
  • So... Has HBO followed in the footsteps of the TV adaptation of the The Stand yet?

    Remember that? First episode (season) was awesome but later episodes (seasons) merged characters and did all sorts of weird shit that it ended up crap.
    There are very minor examples of character merging and they were only for extremely minor characters. The adaptation has been really solid 2.5 books in.

  • image And this is why I barely know any characters' names.
  • Another day in Westeros. I think ultimately I cared more that Ygritte wasn't on that horse.
    The guy that said, "Game of Thrones literally just killed me.", did he commit suicide?

    Do so many people actually need to relate to, identify with, and have good things happen to the characters in stories?
  • edited June 2013
    No, people just really root for the Starks and hopes that justice happens in these sorts of stories.

    By the by, I added them to my twitter feed and they keep retweeting reactions. It's very entertaining. It reminds me of my reaction to S01 E09 - Baelor. I haven't had that much rage in regards to a show in such a long time.

    Edit: I would have love to have seen more of the fighting in Yunkai. What we did see was alright. I would have loved to see the trio just take down more peoples.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I root for and against the Starks in the same breath, but I don't get angry at the narrative or storyteller because what I want to happen doesn't.
  • People get attached to fictional characters, yes. Bad things happening to them bothers you, especially when it feels unjustified.
  • Best/worst photoshop ever.

    Also do we know, outright or through implication, what became of the newleyweds?
  • I don't recall seeing Blackfish there. I was looking for him especially since he left to take a piss. In the books he lives to do other things and encounters a few of the main characters in future books.

    The same could be said for Edmure. Who knows? Maybe they'll show it next week.
  • Yeah I mean, despite being from the Stark side, he's in with The Twins as they say... Perhaps the reason for the timing involved.
  • That comic made me realize how much GRRM looks like a train conductor.
  • edited June 2013
    That comic made me realize how much GRRM looks like a train conductor.
    I wouldn't say train conductor, I'd say one of those chaps with an elaborate model train set in their basement, which is an exact reproduction of a historical line, who eventually snaps and bludgeons his wife to death with a 1:29 scale model of the Flying Scotsman.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • RE: Edmure

    He doesn't die at the RW in the book, they keep him as hostage since he's the heir to Riverrun, and since hes married to Roslin, they have control of Riverrun. Or something like that.
  • I always thought of him as skipper.
  • That moment when the band started playing the song and the look at Catelyn's face.

    That was so messed up.

    One day the Starks will get some love. At least I hope so. :'(
    Was that song The Rains of Castamere? I mean, that would totally make sense, since no other song I can think of would make her have that reaction.

  • Yes, yes it was. Also the episode title.
  • Yeah, I know you can just Google the song. I have a hard time listening to it. It's slow and kind of annoying, and the dude's voice bothers me. That's why I don't know the tune and asked the question.
  • Yeah, I know you can just Google the song. I have a hard time listening to it. It's slow and kind of annoying, and the dude's voice bothers me. That's why I don't know the tune and asked the question.

    We can no longer meet without one of us dying.
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