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Video Game News and Discussion



  • Is eve ISK worth more than Iceland ISK yet?
  • I just spent the last 20 minutes reading the Wikipedia entry for EVE... Damn... Keep that crack away from me!
  • edited January 2013
    There's an API kill recorder that's has a record of all the deaths in the battle here. It reports a bit over 500 billion ISK worth of ships and inventory lost. A check at an online EVE market listing states that PLEX market price is around 500-600 million, and one PLEX is worth $15, since it's a one-month extension. So yeah, the value of ship losses totaled around the worth of one thousand months of EVE subscriptions, or $15k.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited January 2013
    $150,000 is much bigger than $17,000.

    Can you trade a PLEX?
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Yes, they are a commodity. I remember the story a couple years ago was when a single ship transporting a grand or something worth of PLEX got blown up.
  • I fixed my math.

    You can actually trade PLEX just like you trade anything else in EVE. It's not recommended, due to needing to take unnecessary risks of pirates, and because trading them usually ends with one party getting scammed.
  • $150,000 is much bigger than $17,000.

    Can you trade a PLEX?

    You can blow it up too
  • So all trading requires moving the item through the game? If you convert in game resources into PLEX is it safe until you use it or can it be destroyed/stolen/etc?
  • Any news on how much Eve's fps effects the game economy, if at-all?
  • So all trading requires moving the item through the game? If you convert in game resources into PLEX is it safe until you use it or can it be destroyed/stolen/etc?
    There are storage spaces in certain EVE space stations that are more or less totally safe where you can keep things.
  • edited January 2013
    What about that new Baldur's Gate remake?

    EDIT: Derp... I was a page behind on the recommendations thing. Ignore until I have a vehement opinion about something...

    EDIT2: Ahh, now I'm caught up! Some comments I read suggest the $17,000 figure may be a little bloated because there are insurers within EVE Online. Also, I predict that there is right now a huuugge spike of new players who are trying the game out and will get bored in another two days or so.

    Still, probably some great publicity for DUST 514, which just went into beta a week ago...
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • Remember, dealing wit ha kid here. Getting answers is like pulling teeth!

    She has Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, etc...
    She has Terraria but prefers Minecraft.
    Torchlight she also has.

    Never heard of Kings Bounty.

    Right now her big things are Minecraft and Homestuck. She also watches Supernatural.
    If she is into Minecraft, you may be able to get her hooked on the new Sim City when it comes out. The previews have been mouthwatering.

  • I had the opportunity to play a little of the Sim City beta, and it's definitely promising. DRM bullshit notwithstanding, I can see myself playing this game a lot when it comes out. A worthy successor to SC3k.
  • I had the opportunity to play a little of the Sim City beta, and it's definitely promising. DRM bullshit notwithstanding, I can see myself playing this game a lot when it comes out. A worthy successor to SC3k.
    I never played SC4. Was it so terrible that it's not even worth mentioning?
  • edited January 2013
    Oh, whoops. No, SC4 was good. I'd rank the games as: 2k, 4, 3, 1.

    EDIT: Societies was the so-bad-it-doesn't-count game.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Really? The original is your least favorite? There was something about its elegant simplicity relative to the other games that I found charming.
  • Hmm, true. Maybe switch 1 and 3. 4 (with the expansion) was really good, and 2k takes the cake. Dem arcologies.
  • edited January 2013
    Ok, so I've decided that there should be an officially recognized genre that exists between Adventure Games and Puzzle Platformers which I have dubbed "Mechanical Adventure" (somebody please inform the Smithsonian, I shall continue with this).

    The aspects of a Mechanical Adventure are as such:

    1. You solve puzzles in the game world primarily by manipulating the mechanics you are presented with early in the game, as opposed to with random junk you find (this is the big one)

    2. There is some kind of failure mechanic ie: death

    3. If there is combat, it is a re-skinned version of other mechanics or the puzzle mechanics are metaphorically presented as combat (ie: insult sword fighting or Punch-Out), instead of a fully fleshed out combat system.

    4. The things that you do are primarily in pursuit of understanding a mystery posed by the game world. Plot driven character stories are optional and rarely the primary focus.

    if you drew a line from Adventure Games to Action Games, I think it would look something like this:

    - Adventure Games
    | Monkey Island
    | Space Quest
    | Quest for Glory
    - Mechanical Adventure Games
    | Sword & Sworcery
    | Fez
    | Braid
    | Journey
    | Punch-Out
    - Puzzle Platformer
    | Mario Brothers
    | Metriod
    | Symphony of the Night
    | Mega Man
    | Contra
    | Metal Slug
    - Action Games

    (list not perfect, only basically perfect)

    who the fuck cares, what is the point?

    basically, I want to play more games that fit into the green part of the list above. Name some.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • Umm... Portal?
  • Umm... Portal?
    I've played it but that is a really good example.

  • You have a different view of what adventure and platformer are than I.
  • I didn't say the list was perfect, just basically perfect.
  • Shadow of the Colossus? That's the only one I can think of.
  • The Stanley Parable probably doesn't strictly fit in there, but I'll recommend it anyway.
  • Umm... Portal?
    I've played it but that is a really good example.

    I really thought that you were thinking of Portal when you decided on those qualities.
  • edited January 2013
    Anitchamber comes out tomorrow and that might be something to check out.
    Post edited by MATATAT on

    Anyone gonna try this? Looks decently sick to me.
  • I played Antichamber at PAX East last year. I went to check it out, and figured I'd play for like five or ten minutes just to see how it was. After playing for a while the developer tapped me on the shoulder and told me I had been playing for 30 minutes. I got really apologetic since clearly other people were looking to play, and I just got completely lost in playing it.
  • edited January 2013

    Anyone gonna try this? Looks decently sick to me.
    perma death MMO...looks interesting!

    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Only "possible" perma-death it sounds like. "If you're not prepared" perma-death. Considering it's free-to-play something makes me guess that you'll be able to pay to "be prepared". Eve online has steep consequences for uninsured players... will it just be something like that?
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