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Video Game News and Discussion



  • Slanted? Seriously?
    but don't you get it
  • Basically, the only way I'm likely to buy any of the new consoles is if a new Lunar game is exclusive to one of them. Otherwise, I'm passing.
  • Hey, there are actually good Wii U games that nobody has brought up.

    @Rochelle - Going to buy a Wii U for fuckin' Yarn Yoshi?

    Am I going to buy one for Game & Wario? (nope)
  • Game and Wario may be complete shit. GB's time with it said there was only about 6 mini games for $60. They may have updated it since then, but that's a lot of game to put in very last minute.
  • Lol. Tempting, but I can hold out.
  • Game and Wario may be complete shit. GB's time with it said there was only about 6 mini games for $60. They may have updated it since then, but that's a lot of game to put in very last minute.
    I am pretty sure they are launching Game & Wario at a $30 retail price, not a big $60 game. I'm hoping it turns out to be a decent Wario Ware title that makes cool use of the Gamepad.

    There are good games for Wii U coming! It's true. I listed about 10 Wii U games to look forward to in an earlier post, so just add Scott's 2 to the pile. The real problem is that Wii U sales are bad, scary bad, because this is literally one of the worst post-launch droughts a console has ever seen, and almost every 3rd party has jumped ship.

    Honestly, I love my Wii U. It's a really cool console and I probably won't even have time to play all 10 or 12 of these good looking games that are coming in the next 18 months, but I can't recommend anyone buy one unless they've got plenty of disposable income to spend on a Nintendo-only box.
  • It is blowing my mind that the Wii Fit trainer is a SSB character.
  • What is going on with PlayStation Plus? I just got full games of Deus Ex, Uncharted 3 and X-Com!?!?!?!
  • New Smash Bros: (from Sakurai)

    Tripping removed, slightly faster than Brawl.

    This bodes well.
  • What is going on with PlayStation Plus? I just got full games of Deus Ex, Uncharted 3 and X-Com!?!?!?!
    They changed it up! Whichever three it was that were up there before had been up for a year. You also got Little Big PLanet Karting 8-)
  • I can't download uncharted yet because it requires 40GB and I only have 20GB free.
  • edited June 2013
    You can download just the single player and it's like uhhh 11GB I think.

    I wonder if its going to bite Sony in the ass that they gave out so many sick games for free, cause I have so much shit left to play from PS+ that it wouldn't even make sense to buy a PS4.
    Post edited by johndis on
  • You can download just the single player and it's like uhhh 11GB I think.

    I wonder if its going to bite Sony in the ass that they gave out so many sick games for free, cause I have so much shit left to play from PS+ that it wouldn't even make sense to buy a PS4.
    But if you get PS4 you can get many sick next gen games for free. Think about that.

  • Ohhh sugar snaps I didn't realize theyre giving out PS4 games for free too ahhh
  • Ohhh sugar snaps I didn't realize theyre giving out PS4 games for free too ahhh
    I don't promise anything, but one would assume that similar deals would be on PS4 as they are on PS3.

  • edited June 2013
    I went ahead and ordered a 1TB drive for my PS3. Since the 320GB is full and I have more PS+ games to download...

    Damn... SR3 is coming this month too for free.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Since I just got XCOM for PS3 via PS+ does anyone want to trade me a copy of BL2 on Steam for my copy of XCOM on Steam?
  • I'm more then a little pumped about the new D&D game:
  • I'm more then a little pumped about the new D&D game:
    I would be if I hadn't somewhat recently played and beaten both games using MAME.
  • Ahah I love this Monster Hunter intro vid:
  • Freedom Unite is so old it borders on the archaic.

    (And really not that good compared even to Tri, which falls flat compared to 3rd G/3 Ultimate).
  • Watching the TotalBiscuit episode for Marvel Heroes. The microtransactions they use are good for a laugh. Listen to this. So, it's a shitty diablo clone with Marvel characters. A lot of Marvel characters, in fact. How do you get them?

    Well, Daredevil is free. Black Widow and Hawkeye are $6. Cyclops is $9. The Hulk is $12. Spiderman? Deadpool? $20. (Those are examples, but there are a lot of characters at each tier of... popularity? I don't know what else to call it.)

    There're also palette swaps you can buy for your character in the ~$10 range, some of which are more expensive than the character itself. Oh, and you can get a mini T-Rex that follows you around for $12. Want a free level up? $7.50

    So this is it. This is that absurd game that everyone joked about when microtransactions were first becoming popular. Although, it seems there was an option, before the game came out, where you could pay one lump sum to get everything forever. That is, get 100% of a really terrible version of Diablo. No microtransactiony bullshit. How much? $200

    Here's a link. I found it pretty entertaining.
  • edited June 2013
    It's actually a pretty decent Diablo clone, and it's free. You don't need to buy anything unless you want to try a different character. I played through with Storm and found her just fine. It's a good bit of fun and you don't need to spend a dime if you don't want to.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Holy shit, Valve are actually releasing a game for once.

    Also, it's just DOTA 2 going gold. But still.
  • Holy shit, Valve are actually releasing a game for once.

    Also, it's just DOTA 2 going gold. But still.
    No surprise. They are really good at releasing games numbered 2.
  • No cross-play between 3DS and Wii U versions of Smash Bros. Oh well.
  • No cross-play between 3DS and Wii U versions of Smash Bros. Oh well.
    Not surprising. However it would be nice if we could use a 3ds as a controller in the game the way Wii used ds in so.e games and GameCube used gameboy.
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