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Video Game News and Discussion



  • The new dead rising is supposed to be a Xbox exclusive which makes me sad. The original was Xbox only despite the second game coming to PC. SWERY episode game is also supposedly an exclusive but I don't think that will always be the case.
  • You guys make me want to jump in on Civ V. Maybe next sale.
  • When the PS3 first came out, I got really worried that Kingdom Hearts 3 was going to be an exclusive on it and that I'd never get to play it. Now, by chance, I've come to live in a house that has a PS3 in it, and Sony announces KH3 for the PS4. I am madder than anybody has ever been on Earth.
  • Apparently, there will be no restrictions on used games on the PS4.
  • So I think Sony pulled a big "Take that" for Microsoft. They focused on the fact that there is no build in restrictions for selling (or borrowing) your games and there is not any kind of always online or even once every 24 hour requirement.
    And now they published the prize. 100$ cheaper than Xbox one.

    In a battle between Microsoft and Sony I say that Sony has stronger position going for the next generation.
  • If there's some cool super exclusives I'd be inclined to get one. I like the idea of more vita integration too.
  • Shit doesn't get funnier than this:

  • Microsoft is gonna lose this next generation. This is probably last console for them. I see it going nowhere. They sold out and they're gonna lose.
  • Microsoft is gonna lose this next generation. This is probably last console for them. I see it going nowhere. They sold out and they're gonna lose.
    Don't listen to the Internet. Normal people don't know or care about DRM, used games, or really much of anything. They probably buy based on a combination of exclusives, marketing, and brand identity.
  • But Sony is $100 less with better exclusives. People will buy on price alone. Also, cheaper online to play multiplayer games. But, since you now have to pay for online services on Sony as well, their internet will compete with Microsoft's. But it'll still be cheaper. $5 a month vs. $15 a month.
    People will buy Xbone. But a lot less than would've previously. Microsoft has weakened their brand considerably.
  • edited June 2013
    Microsoft is gonna lose this next generation. This is probably last console for them. I see it going nowhere. They sold out and they're gonna lose.
    Don't listen to the Internet. Normal people don't know or care about DRM, used games, or really much of anything. They probably buy based on a combination of exclusives, marketing, and brand identity.
    More likely community. When super hot new multiplayer game comes out and all your friends have ps4 you'll probably be less inclined to buy Xbox. Exclusives to some degree will effect it but I think price will have a significant impact. Everyone just plays tablet/smartphone games so why buy your kid the super expensive console when they already can play games, punk kids will take what's cheap while they're in high school or college. People in their mid thirties have smartly moved to PC if they have disposable income and if they don't, or they have kids, they'll take whatever they can play assassins creed on that's cheaper.
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Huh? As far as I know 12 month subscriptions for Playstation Plus and XBox Live Gold are in the same price range. Plus is always $50, and XBL Gold is $60 and often drops to $50 or below when there's a sale.

    But yeah, Microsoft fucked up pretty well in my opinion too.
  • Ah. Perhaps this is true. I am not sure. But PS Plus is apparently "Less than $5 a month." Xbox Live Gold is "Starting at $5 a month." PS sounds cheaper to me.
  • Waiting for Microsoft's price war and used game backpedaling...
  • Well, at least Arkham Origins still looks great.
  • To be fair, there's one thing the XBONE has that the PS4 doesn't: A Cheevo for buying it at certain retailers on launch day.
  • PS4 is region free. The only thing they fucked up is charging for online play like XBox does.

    PC is now ultimate king. Almost all games come out on PC. They are way cheaper because Steam. No paying for online play. Consoles have shit for exclusives. WiiU doesn't even have Nintendo exclusives worth playing, only 3DS does.

    The end.
  • edited June 2013
    No, if we're going by size and power, the ultimate king is my shrug at this whole idiotic affair.

    Seriously, I'm not in it for pissant console wars and PC master race nonsense. I don't care about who "Wins" (bro-tip - nobody wins, and you don't actually know what you're talking about if you think anyone does, especially at this early stage), I don't care about who is better than everybody else because of which platform they choose to spend their leisure time on, I care about games and the playing thereof. PC, Xbone, PS4, whatevs man. I'm here to play, not to stroke my ego over the hardware specs and sales figures of my chosen platform.

    Regrettably, it seems that I'm a gamer, surrounded by fucking sales-figure obsessed accountants and hardware-obsessed engineers. Maybe y'all can gimme a call when you want to play something, if you can ever squeeze it in around your busy schedule of extolling the virtues of your preferred platforms.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm here to stroke Churba.
  • Disagreed Churba, I think who "wins" the console war is interesting, particular in this case. I absolutely despise Sony as a company, but Microsoft has put me in the uncomfortable position of hoping that Sony outsells Microsoft by a mile. This is because Sony has a much better and more open method for content delivery. If Sony wins, maybe the industry wises up understands that this locked down bullshit is not what their customers want and won't in any way increase their revenue.

    That being said, for now I don't plan on buying any of these next gen consoles. And PC itself was never in any way a competition in terms of games anyway because it caters to a completely different demographic and entirely different use-case for the vast majority of the prospective customer base.
  • edited June 2013
    I'm here to stroke Churba.
    That's acceptable, my pelt is glorious.
    Disagreed Churba, I think who "wins" the console war is interesting, particular in this case.
    I can see where you're coming from, and it's not an unreasonable perspective, but I can't agree with the conclusion. After all, people predicted Sony winning the last race, too, on hardware, superior online services and exclusives - but the 360 outsold the PS3 when we came to the end of the generation. While it looks like they're ahead now, the race has a long way to run, as it were - remember, most if not all the restrictions that are in place so far are software restrictions, and can change. It's not set in stone - not even the hardware is set in stone, last generation saw hardware updates over time, as will this one. Hell, some of them could even change pre-release, not that I anticipate they will, but it is possible.

    I doubt I'll be buying the next gen consoles either, they simply don't have feature sets that appeal to me at this time. Pretty much everything but the games is US only, for a start, and the price will invariably be obscene for the first 12-24 months. Maybe later in the generation, when things have changed up a little, I'll consider my options again, and see if the lay of the land is favorable to me.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have no clue what you are talking about. When the PS3 was announced, it was completely trashed by the media as being ridiculously overpriced and having removed useful functionality (rumble) for a completely useless and idiotic feature (six-axis). I don't remember anyone predicting the PS3 to outsell the XBox 360 at the start of the cycle, and I remember a lot of people calling Sony absolute morons of the price tag they slapped on the thing.
  • I recall a savaging over price - especially here, where it was about a thousand dollars - but I only recall a tiny minority complaining about the lack of rumble. Six-axis was made fun of, then largely ignored. But they had the hardware - at the time, while expensive for a console, they were still reasonably priced for a blu-ray player, along with HDMI outputs, which the 360 didn't have until their first major hardware update in late 2007 - they had the exclusives, and they had the momentum from the PS2, which sold in absolutely absurd numbers - best selling console of all time, damned near everyone had one in the end. Nobody thought that it was going to be a quick starter, but they were predicting victory in the long run.
  • PS4 is region free. The only thing they fucked up is charging for online play like XBox does.

    PC is now ultimate king. Almost all games come out on PC. They are way cheaper because Steam. No paying for online play. Consoles have shit for exclusives. WiiU doesn't even have Nintendo exclusives worth playing, only 3DS does.

    The end.
    So insanely incorrect.
  • Yea the WiiU will have Exclusives at some point that are worth playing right Johndis?
  • No no I'm saying the Playstation 3 is currently the best gaming machine available, with the best exclusives, and soon the Playstation 4 will inherit the throne. PC gaming is the court jester.
  • I don't think I heard you properly. I think you may be suffering from some sort of mental impairment.
  • *PC gaming dances into room with a stack of TF2 hats on its head*

    I-i-if it pleases his grace, I would like to now p-p-perform my famous "Inc-c-ompatible Drivers" routine!!

    *PS3 yawns and throws a couple copper to the ground*
  • *PC gaming dances into room with a stack of TF2 hats on its head*

    I-i-if it pleases his grace, I would like to now p-p-perform my famous "Inc-c-ompatible Drivers" routine!!

    *PS3 yawns and throws a couple copper to the ground*
    Incompatible drivers? That's never happened to me. Cremlian must be on to something. Perhaps you love the PS3 so much because you are too mentally impaired to make a PC work. If you want to say PS3 is the best console for dum-dums, I'll agree to that.
  • I really wish I could game on the favored machine of today's intellectual elite, but alas, I am stuck with the discs and joysticks of the simpleton, as downloading and installing software is a task that requires more brain power than most have.
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