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Video Game News and Discussion



  • Nintendo is becoming the crazy uncle that has gone off the rails with his crazy schemes.

  • edited April 2014
    Starts out normally weird, rapidly progresses to drug trip, suddenly snaps back to normal.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Interesting strategy Nintendo. Instead of trying to not be Japanese, and failing, just go full Japan.
  • Who in the world owns two super scopes?
  • ThatGent said:

    Who in the world owns two super scopes?

    I vaguely remember a cosplay at a con involving multiple video game weapons. I don't know if they had two super scopes, but they had at least one, a zapper, a menacer, and more.
  • I'm surprised there aren't hats on this Miis.
  • I think my favorite bit is just Giant Reggie rising out of the ocean like Godzilla.
  • edited April 2014
    I'm getting a surprising amount of kills in Titanfall with my new Anti-rodeo strategy - Look down and crouch, and 99% of the time the other pilot will leap off your titan, because they think you've jumped out. Then, immediately step backward, look up, and punch - a good 50% of the time, you'll be able to swat the person who just rodeo'ed you out of the air. Though, the best one I've had so far, he jumped off, and I stood up, boosted forward, and just crushed him underfoot.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • The electric smoke gets more people than I ever thought it would. I usually just stay on long enough to get them to either try and deploy smoke or to hop out of their titan then I just wail on them up close as they're exiting. I generally don't take that strategy since it's pretty risky and its usually just easier to hit them with the anti titan weapon but some people don't even seem to give a fuck you're destroying their titan during a rodeo.
  • I rodeo basically ALL the time. A favorite tactic is hitching a ride with friendly titans, and watching enemy pilots flail around trying to rodeo and failing, then shooting them out of the air like skeet with the shotgun. Using your AT weapon when you're riding a friendly is pretty wicked good too.
  • Yeah I'd advise against using the AT weapon while riding an enemy titan as I've killed myself a couple times doing that. I could see riding a friendly as being a pretty good strategy though.
  • edited April 2014
    MATATAT said:

    Yeah I'd advise against using the AT weapon while riding an enemy titan as I've killed myself a couple times doing that. I could see riding a friendly as being a pretty good strategy though.

    Oh yeah, made that mistake more than once. But I'm told the charge rifle is safe, but I don't know if it's true or not. Also, panic grenade suicide has occurred more than once.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • When riding an enemy titan, is it better to shoot it (with a pistol, rifle, or shotgun) or drop a grenade in the braincase? I feel like a grenade would do more damage, but I've had times where I've dropped a grenade and peaced out, only to see the titan still trying to kill me for a few minutes afterward.
  • edited April 2014

    When riding an enemy titan, is it better to shoot it (with a pistol, rifle, or shotgun) or drop a grenade in the braincase? I feel like a grenade would do more damage, but I've had times where I've dropped a grenade and peaced out, only to see the titan still trying to kill me for a few minutes afterward.

    It's situational. If they're just running about, I just use my primary and secondary to unload into it till it dies. If they fire the electric smoke, then I immediately toss ordinance and peace out - It might not kill it, but damage is damage. Satchels at best(and I'll normally toss them, once I think a pilot is getting out, and if I see the hatch open, I jump off and detonate, killing the pilot and hurting the titan real bad), Arcs are right behind it(because they blind as well as causing pretty decent damage) and frags are last of all against titans, but they wreck against pilots and minions.

    Also, I've killed more than one pilot by shooting their grenades and satchels out of the air with the smart pistol - don't forget you can do that. Once you get the hang of it, it's the one weapon that lets you break the "Never follow a fleeing pilot along the same route" rule.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • While I have considered using satchel charges on Titans, I hadn't considered using any ordinance while rodeo-ing a titan.
  • MATATAT said:

    While I have considered using satchel charges on Titans, I hadn't considered using any ordinance while rodeo-ing a titan.

    Just remember to jump off before it goes off, or else you'll get stung.

  • Churba said:

    ...shooting their grenades and satchels out of the air with the smart pistol

    Woah, I didn't even know you could do that. That's pretty cool.
  • edited April 2014

    Churba said:

    ...shooting their grenades and satchels out of the air with the smart pistol

    Woah, I didn't even know you could do that. That's pretty cool.
    I discovered it by blowing myself up by accident.

    I've also discovered:
    - You can manual eject(or autoeject, obviously, but that's hard to do on purpose) from your titan directly into the dropship.
    - You can kill a dropship on some maps with the damage from your titanfall - any map where the dropship is level with a surface you can drop your titan on.
    - Punching dropships also works really well.
    - Hacking spectres is a surprisingly effective strategy, since most of the time people ignore them, and they can do some serious damage to titans en masse.
    - Always hack the big turrets when you can. It's basically free points.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, this is not a re-run from April 1st.
  • Heart Forth, Alicia

    This Kickstarter looks pretty sweet
  • I was really into this video before the misogyny hit.
  • Nintendo making new console for emerging markets.
    Who thinks this is a good ideia? I actually think this is a really good ideia. Seriously. Who here would not buy a cheap small console that could play all their main business (megaman, mario, yoshi, DK, Zelda) in HD? Assuming this is what they are doing I would be on that thing like a fly on poop.
  • Minish Cap is coming to Wii U virtual console. Ideally it would be nice to have on 3ds but I will probably grab it since might it be the only 2d Zelda I haven't played.
  • edited May 2014
    I didn't know this but the Minish Cap is/was available on 3DS but apparently only if you bought a 3DS when there was no reason to buy one (i.e. before the price drop). Nintendo gave you a code for an exclusive copy for the 3DS and don't seem to be interested in actually selling it on the 3DS store.

    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Minish Cap is garbage anyway.
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