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PAX East 2012: End of the World edition



  • Khoo & A scheduled for Midnight on Friday. Going to be awesome!
  • Nice. Totally going to that one. He has some pretty great stories.
  • Khoo & A scheduled for Midnight on Friday. Going to be awesome!
    Fuck yeah!
  • Khoo & A scheduled for Midnight on Friday. Going to be awesome!
    Oh my. I wonder if this is inspired by my "Robert Khoo's nap time" idea in any way.
  • I now have a mission.

    Everyone else will (hopefully) ask the real good questions. Thus, I need to ask a Daryl Surat question.
  • I now have a mission.

    Everyone else will (hopefully) ask the real good questions. Thus, I need to ask a Daryl Surat question.
    Everyone else will mostly ask stupid shit, just as usual.

  • The whole event should just involve Khoo sitting on stage with his phone and the audience tweeting him and then being tweeted back to. No interaction whatsoever.
  • Guys, here's what we do. We ask one simple question, but ALL of us ask it. Fifteen or twenty instances of one simple but slightly odd question. Brainstorm for what the question will be.
  • They updated the wwebsite as on the internet.

    I like it. Excitement increased.
  • Guys, here's what we do. We ask one simple question, but ALL of us ask it. Fifteen or twenty instances of one simple but slightly odd question. Brainstorm for what the question will be.
    "How can we be as Khool as you?"
  • Yo, the PAX site got a redesign. It's all purdy now.
  • And tabletop events are included in the schedule.
  • I really like the new website withe the scedule, especially because when you click on a certain event it pops up a new window showing you all the other events happening at the same time.
  • Nice! So, question: who from the forum is enforcing this year?
  • From what I recall:

  • Emily which departments did you pick!
  • They updated the wwebsite as on the internet.

    I like it. Excitement increased.
    Penny Arcade's web designers are really awesome. I love The PA Report's design as well.
  • From what I recall:

    I applied but did but was not chosen.
  • Odd, I thought they were taking everyone. Better luck next PAX.
  • My picks were:
    1. Satellite Theaters
    2. Tabletop
    3. Handheld Lounge
    4. Special Rooms
    5. BYOC
  • ahh very close to what I picked.
    1. Tabletop
    2. Exhibition
    3. Special Rooms
    4. Spareboard
    5. Main Theatre
  • I just realized I could make my suit and turn it into a cosplay relativity cheaply. Just need to find some items and cut out some details out of construction paper.

    Debating on whether to get one of those auto tune mics for it however...
  • I'm going to be bringing the Meta Game, with the first expansion pack for it, if anyone is interested in playing it at PAX East.
  • I just received a message from the PAX community DVD guys and though to pass it along here. They are looking people to go and film anything for their DVD. Main concerts and panels will be filmed with their team but if anyone has a camera and wants to record Jamspace or panels that they attend let them know. They are short staffed this year (4 people and only one of them is a photographer) and will give credit if you help them out. Also holy shit PAX is 14 days away.
  • edited March 2012
    We will definitely put all our video out there with CC license for the Community DVD to rock the house.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I'll be brining Fiasco! Shit is going down.
  • I just received a message from the PAX community DVD guys and though to pass it along here. They are looking people to go and film anything for their DVD. Main concerts and panels will be filmed with their team but if anyone has a camera and wants to record Jamspace or panels that they attend let them know. They are short staffed this year (4 people and only one of them is a photographer) and will give credit if you help them out. Also holy shit PAX is 14 days away.
    The new PAX site has a big photo upload section. I wonder what the terms of the upload are, and whether they could work something out with PA to make it so that anyone uploading their photos to the official PAX gallery thereby allows them to be used in making the DVD.

    In other news: exactly 2 weeks from now, I'm in a car driving to Boston.

  • I'll upload to them if it is Creative Commons and such.
  • I'll upload to them if it is Creative Commons and such.
    Site has no detail. Just says they'll credit your name, and moderate images before posting.

    Also, expo hall map went live 2 days ago? Missed that one. Full maps must be soon to follow.

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