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PAX East 2012: End of the World edition



  • I'll upload to them if it is Creative Commons and such.
    Site has no detail. Just says they'll credit your name, and moderate images before posting.

    Also, expo hall map went live 2 days ago? Missed that one. Full maps must be soon to follow.

    Unknown Worlds (NS guys) have a big booth! Saw them designing it on Not very exciting design. At least they will be there for me to talk to.
  • edited March 2012
    I'll upload to them if it is Creative Commons and such.
    Site has no detail. Just says they'll credit your name, and moderate images before posting.

    Also, expo hall map went live 2 days ago? Missed that one. Full maps must be soon to follow.

    Unknown Worlds (NS guys) have a big booth! Saw them designing it on Not very exciting design. At least they will be there for me to talk to.
    Question One: Why don't you focus on the net connection? it is the most important part of your game.

    @Matt The message I got was directly from the "head" of the DVD project he informed me the site rarely gets updated hence the direct message to me.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • I'm going to be bringing the Meta Game, with the first expansion pack for it, if anyone is interested in playing it at PAX East.
    Caro did some cards for that.

  • edited March 2012
    Whoa, comparing PAX East 2011 and 2012 expo hall maps... there's quite a difference. 2012 is bigger for sure. It's also got a little growth sticking out one side, and a note that the PC area is above the growth.

    I no longer have any clue what this floorplan is gonna look like. Shit got shaken up for real. Maybe zero food court at all?
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I am thinking half food court in the front of the PC area. Which then leads to the questions of where the queue room is going to be tucked at.
  • I'm thinking that what was the tabletop area space is now part of the expo hall, so those two areas are now expo and PC areas. What was the queue room will be tabletop and what was the food court will be the queue room. That or the queue room stays where it is and the food court table area becomes table top.
  • edited March 2012
    Very good point. People don't need to be food-courting and queuing at the same time. Dual use.

    Also, Anime Boston has a booth in the PAX expo hall? Smart move. Wonder if they cut them a break.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • The queue room was pointless last year, as Main Events had it's own queuing area. It was only used in the morning for the ridiculous fanboys who desperately needed to be first into the expo hall. ;^)
  • I am also Enforcing this year as a Lt.

    Queue room is only useful for those who want to get into the expo hall first. If you want to go to the main theater then don't get in the queue room line! Go instead to the main theater which will have its own line I'm sure.
  • I am also Enforcing this year as a Lt.
    You're coming out for some drinks with us too. Equally important. ^_~

  • I have a first-time PAXgoer friend coming for the day on Sunday. He's one of those guys who imports board games that may or may not even be in English yet, and he's even currently beta-testing the expansion for Innovation.

    His goal is to camp out in Tabletop and play German board games all day long. I told him that I could introduce him to a group that can help him out. :)
  • Innovation as in Asmadi Games Innovation? We are bringing that game along with the first expansion. Does your friend have the Figures set?
  • That's the one! I haven't played it along with him yet, so I'm not sure of the details or the titles offhand. He does own the base game and the first expansion already. They emailed him a PDF of the forthcoming next expansion that he's been playtesting, and he plans on bringing that to get some more feedback.
  • edited March 2012
    Guidebook is out for PAX, I noticed that the Jamspace concerts have more appeal than the main concerts (well to me at least).

    The World is Square - Know nothing
    Those who Fight - Protomen except with Final Fantasy
    Brentalfloss - Free Candy during his shows
    Battlecake - Know nothing
    Armcannon - Solid show check them out
    Powerglove - they chanted "main stage next year" at the end of their Jamspace concert last year WELL worth it.

    @uncleulty Why Sunday? Of all the days the last day is usually the one to not game at since everyone is leaving.
    Post edited by Coldguy on
  • That's the one! I haven't played it along with him yet, so I'm not sure of the details or the titles offhand. He does own the base game and the first expansion already. They emailed him a PDF of the forthcoming next expansion that he's been playtesting, and he plans on bringing that to get some more feedback.
    That's cool. My bf went to Chris Cieslik's (creator) workshop at PAX Prime on how to make board games. He's also played jokes on me at an Enforcer. He's a pretty cool guy.

    Last I recall, he's looking for demo people for his games.

    I've played Innovation a few times and I like it because it was different than other games I've played. I'll have to play a few more times to get the mechanics down.

    FYI, for those who don't know, he's the guy who created We Didn't Playtest This.

  • I am absurdly excited about the PAX'ing. I may buy a new shirt and tie since those things are cheap and I'm not sure I want to unleash the full power of my wedding suit on Boston.
  • Just got my badge in the mail. I'm pretty friggin' psyched.

    Bioware Victory won't be at PAX unfortunately, but I have tracked down a spokesperson who will relay a present from me to them; a working build of my Red Alert 3 mod on a USB!
  • Just got my badge in the mail. I'm pretty friggin' psyched.

    Bioware Victory won't be at PAX unfortunately, but I have tracked down a spokesperson who will relay a present from me to them; a working build of my Red Alert 3 mod on a USB!
    Post a pic of the badge so we can inspect its anti-counterfeiting measures.
  • I have a first-time PAXgoer friend coming for the day on Sunday. He's one of those guys who imports board games that may or may not even be in English yet, and he's even currently beta-testing the expansion for Innovation.

    His goal is to camp out in Tabletop and play German board games all day long. I told him that I could introduce him to a group that can help him out. :)
    Does he have a copy of Alcatraz: The Scapegoat? I've been hearing really good things from people who played an import copy at ConnCon last weekend, but Z-Man has been taking their sweet ass time in bringing an official release over to the US.

    Re: all of the Innovation talk, I'm gonna have to step up and play that game. I traded for it two months ago and it's been sitting atop the shame pile waiting for me to read the rules. PAX goal!

  • edited March 2012
    Just got my badge in the mail. I'm pretty friggin' psyched.

    Bioware Victory won't be at PAX unfortunately, but I have tracked down a spokesperson who will relay a present from me to them; a working build of my Red Alert 3 mod on a USB!
    Post a pic of the badge so we can inspect its anti-counterfeiting measures.

    It's got all sorts of holographic bits, and is totally shiny!
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Nice! We'll do our PAX Badge Counterfeit-avoidance show this weekend I think.
  • Nice holos and shinies!
  • Was poking around in the Guidebook app and looked at the listing for restaurants around the BCEC. The Daily Catch caught my eye because we wound up going there last year. Fair warning to all, that restaurant is absolute shit. Remember its name, and remember to avoid it if the situation arises.
  • So are we going to use Glassboard at all, or just try to keep an eye on the forums, or what?
  • Glassboard is kinda crappy. We need something else.
  • Glassboard is kinda crappy.
    Based on? It worked fine for Magfest.
  • Well Matt made a few suggestions a page or two back.

  • You guys should do a Google+ Messenger (formerly Huddle) group chat. Works for iOS and Android. You can even share photos. Windows Phoners and people without smartphones would be SOL though.
  • Glassboard is kinda crappy. We need something else.
    Everyone makes a PAXgoer list on Twitter? (I miss Beluga.)
  • G+ is a decent option. Not perfect, and we'll have to leave the luddites and the poor behind ;^)
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