Nope. I wound up sitting next to a college senior who's not going to PAX, although she did give me a weird look over the quantity of MLP on my computer.
Nope. I wound up sitting next to a college senior who's not going to pass, although she did give me a weird look over the quantity of MLP on my computer.
Was she concerned you hadn't brought enough, perhaps? Hard to imagine any other concerns.
I am on the lobby of the Westin right now. My host is an Enforcer so he let me see inside the convention center. I was in awe.
If anyone is in or near the Westin or the center give me a shout, we can hang out or whatever! I'm the guy with the red plaid jacket and blond ponytail.
I'm guessing this is your 1st PAX. If this is the case, I suggest you go out of your way to change every one of your stories from 'saw' to 'I met and chatted with'. (I met a guy in a kilt > saw a guy in a kilt.) Go meet peoples! We are friendly.
Feels so weird to have packed it up at 9PM today, but such is life with a baby strapped to your chest. She's a good kid, but gotta respect the bedtime if you expect her to stay that way.
The wife rolls in tomorrow evening to take over baby duty and then I am getting my board game on like nobody's business. Still was able to get a few games in today, so I am grateful for every PAX minute.
Ran into Scott Rym Emily in the keynote line. I believe I saw a number of you at Test kitchen. Hoping to find some frc people to game with later. Tell me where you all are gaming and I'll be on the lookout.
So, I'm trying to organize a Freemarket game, but Jared Sorensen lost his voice, so he can't GM. Anyone know of someone who can run it, sometime today or tomorrow morning?
If anyone is in or near the Westin or the center give me a shout, we can hang out or whatever! I'm the guy with the red plaid jacket and blond ponytail.
If this is the case, I suggest you go out of your way to change every one of your stories from 'saw' to 'I met and chatted with'. (I met a guy in a kilt > saw a guy in a kilt.)
Go meet peoples! We are friendly.
The wife rolls in tomorrow evening to take over baby duty and then I am getting my board game on like nobody's business. Still was able to get a few games in today, so I am grateful for every PAX minute.