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PAX East 2012: End of the World edition



  • There's one seat left for FreeMarket at 10am Sunday at Games on Demand.
  • There's one seat left for FreeMarket at 10am Sunday at Games on Demand.
    Craaaaaaap why didn't I check this thread earlier.

  • edited April 2012
    Welp, my PAX is over. It was over like six hours ago really. Quick thoughts;

    1. Hopy shit that was way too much fun.
    2. Driving downtown sucks. Next year, get hotel.
    3. Leaving early really fucking sucks. Next year, stay the extra night.
    4. I really wanna try enforcing.
    5. Those of you I met at PAX: you are awesome. Those of you I did not meet, I continue to assume are all just cats behind keyboards.
    6. Hopy shit, so much fun.

    When I get home proper, I'll draw up some comics of my PAX experience, as I promised.


    Jungle Speed : Really hard to play on the floor when your legs won't sit crosswise without tendons snapping. Oodles of fun regardless.
    Cards against Humanity AKA Liberal Guilt - The Game : I played three rounds and feel like I've seen everything that game has to offer, but it was a fun three games!
    Carcassonne : It is just sad I'd never played this before the panel. I played one game there that was just for lulz, not really trying to win and just watching everyone else stumble through. Then, at like 11 that night, I played for real. I still lost, but I felt I was playing fairly well. Need to buy so bad.


    Freemarket!!! ARRRRGH
    Puerto Rico : I couldn't find a game at any point. I'm going to order it the moment I get home and make people play.


    The Order of the Stick Boardgame : It was so glorious you guys.
    Advance Wars : I managed to find two guys this morning who had Dual Strike and we played like four games. I remain all-conquering. Infinite Mech Spam wooo.
    Settlers : I played my first game of Settlers in like two years. I forgot how to play. It was sad.


    Watching a part of the pony stream with forumites.
    Playing Super Mario Brothers on an ancient TV.
    Approaching the Bioware booth with my Iphone blaring "How do I live" from Con Air in order to deliever my mod to their waiting hands.
    Getting shit autographed by the Protomen and thanking their lead singer in person for the inspiration they've provided me artistically.
    Wearing a fucking plith helmet in public.
    Cutting my fucking finger open on a stair and bleeding everywhere wait that's not a highlight.

    I also played some SC2 Desert Strike with a whole gaggle of people, tried out CS:GO, saw the Protomen live (!!!!!), went to the keynote and first Q&A (Rym and Scott are magnificent bastards), met up with a bunch of Homestuck fans, and basically did not eat or sleep all weekend.

    I would say it was the best time I've ever had while still wearing pants, but I was not wearing pants on Friday.

    It was fucking sweet.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on

  • The Order of the Stick Boardgame : It was so glorious you guys.
    So in my grand tradition of fucking up games I buy and then instantly play at conventions, we screwed that game up royally. I've got it all sorted out mentally, though, so next time it'll work just fine.
  • edited April 2012
    There's one seat left for FreeMarket at 10am Sunday at Games on Demand.
    Craaaaaaap why didn't I check this thread earlier.
    If you had swung by at 10:30, we probably could have fit you in!
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • Looks like Penny Arcade pulled a prank on Paul Christoforo. Gabe says he'll post a post explaining the whole thing this week, but you can see what happened on Gabe's Twitter:!/cwgabriel
  • Another amazing year everyone!
  • edited April 2012
    I spent most of PAX with my own group, but thank you all so much for lots of fun. Cards Against Humanity is the best game ever, I've decided
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on
  • edited April 2012
    Awesome year as the usual. I knew we where in for a good PAX when within hours of the con playing Small World, I dropped "I have a' six guyz" and the stranger we where playing with immediately turned to me and said "You listen to Fast Karate?". Also my steak of completely randomly meeting up with Chase Gordon at least once at PAX remains unbroken. The only downside I can think of is there was no Tigris and Euphrates at the gaming library, so I couldn't bust that game out with my friends.
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • I got to chat with Tycho, hang out with y'all, and saw a Transformer at the Chevy booth. I am satisfied until next PAX.
  • The cards against humanity game was definitely the best part for me. Japanese pro wrestling explained was fun, too. Hope to see at least some of you before ConnectiCon. Am starting a discussion so we can plan a Massachusetts-area FRC-ers get together.
  • PAX pox has struck.
  • The cards against humanity game was definitely the best part for me. Japanese pro wrestling explained was fun, too. Hope to see at least some of you before ConnectiCon. Am starting a discussion so we can plan a Massachusetts-area FRC-ers get together.
    This is an idea that I can get behind.

  • Music being uploaded to YT, be prepared for awesome
  • PAX pox has struck.
  • I got home at 4 AM, and decided on waking up to skip class today. Fortunately, it was then canceled.

    PAX was awesome, although waking up before 8 AM and then going to sleep after 2 did not do wonders for my sleep schedule.

    Also, Enforcing is totally sweet, but it prevented me from having time to play German board games, which was sad.
  • edited April 2012
    I am in NYC/JFK for a quick layover. I am
    sorry for Rubin who got the PAX Pox.

    I had the best time and it was the best PAX East. More to come later.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Pretty sure Rubin had the ill before PAX, since he was showing symptoms at PAX. Rather, he was SPREADING the PAX pox.

    Now we wait to see how many of us get taken down. I hear Andrew is the first casualty.
  • Fortunately for us, Rubin doesn't like to touch other people. Now if Kate was spreading PAX pox, we'd all be screwed! :P
  • I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you. It was an awesome PAX east, despite the PAX pox having spread to me.
  • Sean right? (matching faces and screen names)

    Ugh, the chapstick helped stop my lips from drying out, but the backs of my hands are like leather. I've put lotion on them 4 times now and it's only slightly better.
  • Leprosy. Definitely.
    Ugh, the chapstick helped stop my lips from drying out, but the backs of my hands are like leather. I've put lotion on them 4 times now and it's only slightly better.
  • Of course this exists...
  • My friend may have also been one of the Patient Zeroes for the PAX Pox too. It was so sad, she was looking forward to her first PAX for the past 6 months, but then she missed the whole thing because by Friday afternoon, she was so sick that she was literally bedridden, and barely could make it up and out of bed for one panel on Saturday before having to go home early on Saturday night. :(

    And I think Emily was a little afraid of me when I mentioned how sick my friend was; she clearly didn't want any chance of getting infected. :P
  • No pox here *cross fingers*, although apparently I was fighting caffeine withdrawal (ah midterms)... can't wait until connecticon!
  • Sean right? (matching faces and screen names)

    Ugh, the chapstick helped stop my lips from drying out, but the backs of my hands are like leather. I've put lotion on them 4 times now and it's only slightly better.
    Yep. Sean. I didn't start feeling it until I got off the airplane, so it is probably just travel sick.

  • I feel bad for Geo as well, he got it pretty bad on Saturday.
  • I'm surprisingly good, especially considering how much I slept. Perhaps eating health-food from Eland helped? Throat's a bit sore, though.

    I wish I'd gotten more time to hang out with you guys, but such are the whims of enforcing and needing to fit in panels.
  • Of course this exists...
    You should start with 10 pts if you use the name "Tolan" or "Pork Buns."
  • Looks like Penny Arcade pulled a prank on Paul Christoforo. Gabe says he'll post a post explaining the whole thing this week, but you can see what happened on Gabe's Twitter:!/cwgabriel
    I saw this on Twitter, but I didn't understand the joke at all.
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