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PAX East 2012: End of the World edition



  • I was sad about not being able to suit up, but ultimately it wouldn't fit in my bag and I was spending too much time in Enforcer garb anyways.

    Weird after-PAX effect - I'm getting ghost-sensations on the back of my neck where my lanyard used to be. Probably the combined effects of wearing a lei, a scarf, and a lanyard at the same time for most of a day.
  • Weird after-PAX effect - I'm getting ghost-sensations on the back of my neck where my lanyard used to be. Probably the combined effects of wearing a lei, a scarf, and a lanyard at the same time for most of a day.
    This happens to me too. I sometimes have to double check with my hand to make sure I'm actually wearing my lanyard.
  • edited April 2012
    That plan always seems like a good idea until we randomly kill the detective. Or until the Sheriff doesn't do his/her job and the mafia kills the detective. We'd do better drawing straws to figure out who to lynch than picking with "strategy."
    Just going to say, I didn't protect Phil the first night bc I was concerned he might be mafia, and kill me right away. I had expected the mafia to otherwise target someone else, believing that he *was* protected. I was really frustrated about being wrong, esp. since *phil* was the detective (which got to me) AND I was kind of a fail sheriff for the remainder of the game T_T

    That game definitely underlined my difficulty dealing with large quantities of input and time-related pressure. It didn't help that Nate's friend explicitly chose losing over dying.

    Ah well, Next time!
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • I almost always have a collar of some sort. The lanyard always goes outside, so it doesn't touch me.
  • Weird after-PAX effect - I'm getting ghost-sensations on the back of my neck where my lanyard used to be. Probably the combined effects of wearing a lei, a scarf, and a lanyard at the same time for most of a day.
    This happens to me with hats all the time.
  • edited April 2012
    Ok, after much sleep my PAX post.

    I was so happy to meet so many new peoples and hang out with them, especially Adam & Kate. You guys are awesome.

    The awesome super nice dress up dinner was fucking phenomenal. I've never had such a wonderful meal in my entire life. Totally worth the money spent. The atmosphere, the service was great. Thank you, Nuri for coordinating that.

    As much as I said I wanted to see more of PAX, I once again spent most of my time in Table Top gaming it up. I regret nothing.

    A huge big thank you to Lyddi for making me the best Nyan cat pillow/plush. My eyes lit up greatly when I got it. It was the best gift. Also thank you to Emi for getting me Kinder chocolate. It is almost gone, but oh mans that made my weekend.

    To Chase, Sean, & Karl - you guys are the best drinking buddies. It was a blast having drinks looking dapper and dolled up as fuck. We must have more drinks next PAX.

    To the FRCF that I met and hung out with and wasn't able to hang out with as much, it was great. Had a fun time gaming.

    Georgie, we barely hung out. It made me sad, but it's ok. Next time. Johndis, great meeting you and gaming. I also met this one dude from Muse games who played some board games with us. He was cool, but I forgot your name! Bearded guy with glasses, you know who you are.

    Thank you Rym & Scott for teaching me Agricola. Now, I will try to teach Jeremy so we can play that.

    Matt, you baby girl Sarah is adorbz. She was so chill and laid back every time I saw her. Best convention baby.

    As for the loots:
    Nyan Cat mug
    Nyan Cat bumper sticker
    Nyan Cat buttons
    Nyan Cat charm for DS/cell phone
    Sanshee Deku Tree (Giving tree) shirt
    Mario dressed up in Yoshi costume plushy

    Board Games:
    Miskatonic School for Girls
    Cards Against Humanity
    Gold Mine
    Penny Arcade Gamers vs. Evil Expansion

    Video games:
    I saw a lot of great iOS games in various booths in the Expo Hall. The ones that caught my eye were Ash II, which I already purchased. I wish Ash I was available for iPad, but it's only on the iPhone at the moment. I've been really wanting to play a good RPG (JRPG) on my iPad and this seems like this is the one. There were a few more, but I need to find their cards to know what they were.

    The Borderlands 2 booth line was way too long, but the huge statues of the characters were pretty boss. I hear it was worth the wait for playing the demo and getting a shirt, but I know better.

    I really didn't go to the other major booths because I really didn't care, but the indie booths were pretty cool. I did stop by the Kickstarter room to check out Guns of Icarus Online and it was fun from what I played. The controls seemed pretty easy and I look forward to doing more on the ship in battles. My crew team even did a jig for me even though it was probably a bug. Also free Kickstarter tote bag. When the girl told me they were free, it was like I won the lottery. Fuck yeah tote bags.

    So much gaming. As happy as I am for buying Miskatonic, I feel they could have done more with the game. It seemed a bit slow going, but then again we were just learning. Also Lyddi and I totally messed up with our first game. I look forward to seeing more cards from the expansion to let us play Locker cards in our hands.

    The final Omegathon round. Holy balls that was epic. Now I want to get a crokinole board and play. I was so upset that Pork Buns and the dude didn't win. Guy was totally clutch in the game. Taking out 2 opponent pucks all the time. I was really impressed and almost shed a tear on the final game when all 4 competitors all gave a final fist bump with each other to show such good sportsmanship. That's what PAX is about.

    I was so happy I didn't Enforce. I plan to pretty much do this for ever East so I can have more time to hang out with peoples. I had the best time. I look forward to Prime now, even though most of you won't be there.

    Also, Andrew sucks for winning that last game of Bohnanza.

    P.S. For any dude (GEORGE) that says single girls at PAX don't exist, totally wrong. Found a really cute gaming girl that loves Mass Effect & Assassins Creed while waiting in line for the Expo Hall. Lyddi & Jeremy can totally confirm this. She was also allergic to cats, which George is as well.

    For reals.

    P.S.S. Totally forgot about the painting minis session I had with Jeremy & Lyddi. Go Team Pinkie Pie for Lyddi and I painting our minis with Pinkie Pie colors although Lyddi's was way cooler than mine.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • The plural of anecdote is not data! :P
  • edited April 2012
    If you came with us to wait in line, you would have met her George. Didn't you say it was "meh" when I asked you about the Keynote?

    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited April 2012
    Yea, I'm torn on Enforcing next year, I feel like I missed out on stuff and was overly tired from enforcering to enjoy the rest of the con. So Hopefully they will ask me to be responsible for the board game panel room or something along that lines of more responsibly and interaction and I'll stay enforcing but if I just have a regular job again, I'll just be a attendee and have worry free fun ^_^
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Also, Andrew sucks for winning that last game of Bohnanza.

    That was pretty much my reaction after everyone dissed me at the beginning of the game for being drunk.
  • The plural of anecdote is not data! :P
    It only takes one counter-example to prove a hypothesis wrong.

    Hypothesis: single girls do not exist at events like PAX.
    Evidence: single girl at PAX.

    Myth busted!

  • The plural of anecdote is not data! :P
    It only takes one counter-example to prove a hypothesis wrong.

    Hypothesis: single girls do not exist at events like PAX.
    Evidence: single girl at PAX.

    Myth busted!
    Revised hypothesis: There are very few single girls at PAX.
  • There was a single girl IN MY HOTEL ROOM :-p
  • I propose next year we do a survey, complete with clipboards. "Hi! Are you single?"
  • edited April 2012
    The plural of anecdote is not data! :P
    It only takes one counter-example to prove a hypothesis wrong.

    Hypothesis: single girls do not exist at events like PAX.
    Evidence: single girl at PAX.

    Myth busted!
    Revised hypothesis: There are very few single girls at PAX.
    There are few single girls, of appropriate age, who are datable, available for dating, that live within close geographic proximity to you, and are not scary fangirls you can't bear to be around at PAX.

    The odds of you bumping into one of the few, and starting a conversation, and then even more, are very very very low.

    Yet, I have seen in just my few years of PAXES multiple people propose marriage at a PAX who met at a previous PAX. We saw another one at the Q&A this year. We were even invited to a reception in Seattle one year.

    I consider it a miracle that it has happened so often. I really want to ask these people HOW they met at PAX. My guess, Pokemons.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I propose next year we do a survey, complete with clipboards. "Hi! Are you single?"
    Indeed. A hyothesis requires testing. The best test in this case is to ask out every girl at PAX.

    Get on it, George Davidson, D.L.

  • I propose next year we do a survey, complete with clipboards. "Hi! Are you single?"
    Indeed. A hyothesis requires testing. The best test in this case is to ask out every girl at PAX.

    Get on it, George Davidson, D.L.

    How to do this without being banned from PAX?
  • My guess, Pokemons.
    There's enough bars in the area that I think a different, more traditional social lubricant is involved.
  • My guess, Pokemons.
    There's enough bars in the area that I think a different, more traditional social lubricant is involved.
    Then George really has no excuse.
  • edited April 2012
    I consider it a miracle that it has happened so often. I really want to ask these people HOW they met at PAX. My guess, Pokemons.
    I'm curious now. I kind of want to put together an actual survey for geeks about their relationships and conventions. It would be good research for my book anyway... I guess that's a project for the "after May" bin.

    Post edited by Nuri on
  • I would just like you all to know that you suck, that is all.
  • It didn't help that Chase called dibs on all of them.
  • edited April 2012
    I consider it a miracle that it has happened so often. I really want to ask these people HOW they met at PAX. My guess, Pokemons.
    I'm curious now. I kind of want to put together an actual survey for geeks about their relationships and conventions. It would be good research for my book anyway... I guess that's a project for the "after May" bin.

    Speed dating at New York Comic Con. This event even got its own TLC special (which I did not watch, but might give you more of the info you are looking for).

    Extended thoughts on my PAX: was great meeting new forum people! From what I can remember, I met Nate, ShadowOrc, Coldguy, and Scott Johnson for the first time. Probably more I can't remember.

    Next year's goal: new badge. Either panelist or [E]. I've been working on a panel concept for a while now but it wasn't ready for PAX East. Maybe I'll groom it and submit to Connecticon so I can get some more experience before submitting it next year. If it doesn't get accepted, there should still be time to respond to [E] call.

    Another highlight was that I bought a copy of Action Castle and ran it for my wife while she drove her leg of the trip home. She falls into the "geek adjacent" category, so I wasn't sure how she'd take it, but she was totally into it. Solved it with only one death (tried to hit the troll with the branch).
    Matt, you baby girl Sarah is adorbz. She was so chill and laid back every time I saw her. Best convention baby.
    Thanks! They should hand out a prize ribbon for this like a county fair. I know she's a good kid but even I was surprised by how easygoing she was the entire 3 1/2 days. The only big effect that it has on my PAX is that it prevented me from getting in much long-form board gaming b/c I didn't want to have to bail on players if I had to take care of her. I got in a good game of Belfort while my wife was watching her, but the rest of my gaming was all short card and dice games. Wound up sitting in on several panels instead, which I was not expecting to do but did enjoy, because she'd sit quietly in the back.

    I have to give another big thanks to Emily for giving her a giant plush bunny. The kid went nuts when I showed it to her, and it resulted in one of the best candid happiness pictures of her I have:
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Very cute child you got there ^_^ was nice meeting you at that Panel, Matt
  • Has anyone mentioned Castellan in this thread yet? The Steve Jackson castle wall/tower game. Seems to be the hotness.
  • Get on it, George Davidson, D.L.
    What does the D.L. stand for?
    Has anyone mentioned Castellan in this thread yet? The Steve Jackson castle wall/tower game. Seems to be the hotness.
    Hotness and Steve Jackson games just doesn't sound right. EVER. While some games are fun, hotness I expect it to be fairly balanced with little randomness that requires strategerie and thinkings. However, I still have yet to play Revolution.

    The two boardgames of PAX where Miskatonic and Cards Against Humanity. I did see a lot of interesting new games at the Z-Man booth, but they were way too expensive for me to buy sight unseen or unheard of.
  • Has anyone mentioned Castellan in this thread yet? The Steve Jackson castle wall/tower game. Seems to be the hotness.
    It's pretty fucking awesome. John and I played it. I quickly learned that a conservative approach is best.

    The 4 player version looks like madness.

  • Get on it, George Davidson, D.L.
    What does the D.L. stand for?
    Doctor of Love.
  • I need to buy Cards Against Humanity. After telling my friends they all want in on it. The next game night I go to will be awesome!
  • edited April 2012
    Has anyone mentioned Castellan in this thread yet? The Steve Jackson castle wall/tower game. Seems to be the hotness.
    Hotness and Steve Jackson games just doesn't sound right. EVER. While some games are fun, hotness I expect it to be fairly balanced with little randomness that requires strategerie and thinkings. However, I still have yet to play Revolution.

    The two boardgames of PAX where Miskatonic and Cards Against Humanity. I did see a lot of interesting new games at the Z-Man booth, but they were way too expensive for me to buy sight unseen or unheard of.
    Pic of Castellan I took at Toy Fair a few months back:
    It does indeed look like the hotness. Steve Jackson puts out a ton of Munchkin, but they're an open-minded company. They'll put out an abstract or a euro if it the situation presents itself to them.

    It's like Carcassonne. Basically, you draw a card, it tells you what piece(s) of the castle you are allowed to place. Add it to the castle, and if you manage to make an enclosure, you get to place a castle in the pen. What's more is that only you can now place new castle pieces within that pen. If you can manage to further subdivide your pen, then you can score a castle in each of the new enclosures.

    You can see in the photo above, where the green used to be 1 point is now 3. You just need to be smart and make sure you have the tower pieces inserted in the walls for future piece placement.

    I had breakfast with Andrew and Phil from SJG on Friday morning and they offered to let me borrow one of their prototypes during the show. I didn't wind up taking them up on the offer but I'll be getting an early production copy in the mail soon instead.

    Scott, if this is something you wanted to try out, I'll probably bump into you at NerdNYC events more often in the near future. I stopped going as much once I discovered a good local gaming group, but I'm moving this weekend and will now be within 40min of NYC, so it's more likely I'll show up.
    Post edited by Matt on
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