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Meta Forum Comments



  • Does it stop at the first li or return you all of them?
  • Does it stop at the first li or return you all of them?
    The line $("a[title='MATATAT']").parents("li").hide(); will hide every comment by MATATAT on the current page. Does that answer your question?
  • edited November 2012
    Sure does. I guess I should have made the connection that parents would mean all parents. My somewhat limited js experience has taught me that things sometimes don't work the way you would expect them so I never trust function names :P
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Cool story bro.
  • I've been waiting for an appropriate opportunity to debut my popcorn gif, but screw it, tired of waiting for arguments.

  • I approve of your poster.
  • The only reason I don't have a popcorn gif yet is I don't have a funnel big enough for my idea.
  • The reason I don't have a popcorn gif is because I haven't made any popcorn since you guys started this thing.
  • The reason I don't have a popcorn gif is because I haven't made any popcorn since you guys started this thing.
  • The reason I don't have a popcorn gif is because I haven't made any popcorn since you guys started this thing.
  • Nice work on the looping, Sail.

    Also, for the moment my excuse is the same as the above.
  • Nice work on the looping, Sail.
    Well he is into audio, isn't he?

  • Only reason I don't have a popcorn gif is I don't know how to make a gif.
  • Only reason I don't have a popcorn gif is I don't know how to make a gif.
  • Only reason I don't have a popcorn gif is I don't know how to make a gif.
    Scott just Scott'ed me.
  • The only reason I don't have a popcorn gif is my lack of simultaneous access to (a) video recorders and (b) popcorn. I may rectify this when I go to the movies tonight.
  • Nice work on the looping, Sail.
    Thanks! I tried. The source video for that is probably really funny, it's just me sitting there for a whole minute trying to shovel popcorn in my mouth the exact same way with the same hand and head positioning.
  • 1. That's the first GIF I think I've ever made in my life.
    2. They made popcorn at work, so I snagged some and got a coworker to videotape me. I told him it was "for the Internet."
  • I told him it was "for the Internet."
    Good man.
  • You'd be surprised how much I've gotten away with by saying that with an air of authority.
  • I am making mine. I have two ideas that could work but iffy on which to choose.
  • I'm just short popcorn. But I never buy popcorn...
  • Today in the Forum: Rym and Open_sketch get in fights about politics.
  • You have a comically low threshhold for what you consider a "fight" or a "flamewar" recently. Trolling, I presume.
  • No, I use the terms liberally because I don't expect people to be so sensitive about it. Fighting are flamewars aren't bad things, they're just things. Sometimes they're fun, sometimes they're enraging, sometimes they're both, sometimes they're neither. I rarely think that people truly dislike each other because of it.
  • Sure OK but I don't see any sense in using those terms interchangeably with "discussion"
  • So another big con and forum activity will take another drop.
  • So another big con and forum activity will take another drop.
    I fully intend to pick up the slack.
  • Please don't.
  • Please don't.
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