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Pax East 2013



  • Enforcing Tabletop: Fri morning, Sat mid-day, Sun morning
    How did you find out? Did they email you an assignment? I haven't gotten anything yet.

    If you follow EnforcerNews, you'd've seen the tweet. Beta schedule's up in the forum.
    I do follow it. Did not see the tweet.
    You should set up Twitter for text message alerts. You can configure it to text you all of the tweets from a specific account, such as one that posts very infrequently but only with important information.

    I have a picture of Tabletop at 6PM on Sunday where it is just Scott yelling madly at everyone still playing games: "why are you still here and not at the Omegathon finale?!?!?"

    I am a bit sad at missing the keynote/Q&A, but as the same time it'll be nice to be done around 3PM and have the whole rest of the day to game.

  • Friday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
    Saturday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
    Sunday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
  • Friday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
    Saturday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
    Sunday 3:00pm - Main Theatre
    Exact same. On the one hand, this means I am obliged to not miss the friday concerts and the Omegathon finale! On the other, this means I have a significant chance of being subjected to at least 30 minutes of Jonathan Coulton.
  • I'm morning Phoenix Theater. I don't think I recognize any of the people on my shift but whatevs. Will make all the friends and do all the work.
  • Does "Enforcing Tabletop" mean the entire Tabletop play area, the Tabletop workshop/theatre room, or all of the above?
  • Does "Enforcing Tabletop" mean the entire Tabletop play area, the Tabletop workshop/theatre room, or all of the above?
    Whatever they tell me to do.
  • What Scott said.
  • Buying Netrunner to get in on that scene. Do I need any particular datapacks, or is the base game a good start?
  • Dude, what's up with the cold ass woman weather with snow in the forecast? Bah. Also getting the jitters of prepping and thinking I may have missed something.
  • Dude, what's up with the cold ass woman weather with snow in the forecast?
    It's Massachusetts in March. That's like saying "Man, WHAT is UP with all that rain in Seattle?"
  • Dude, what's up with the cold ass woman weather with snow in the forecast?
    It's Massachusetts in March. That's like saying "Man, WHAT is UP with all that rain in Seattle?"
    Amen. Amen.

  • Buying Netrunner to get in on that scene. Do I need any particular datapacks, or is the base game a good start?
  • edited March 2013
    Base is fine. If you can get any the data packs, that's cool. However, I am partial to the most recent pack of Cyber Exodus.

    I haven't played since I last played Rubin. Need to play more.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • If you want to be able to construct every possible tournament legal deck you need three core sets and one of every expansion. If you have two core sets and one of every expansion you can still be extremely competitive. That third core set only gets you a very small number of cards.

    I suggest that people buy the core set to play the game. You probably won't win against anyone who is serious, but you weren't going to win as a noob anyway no matter what deck you had. If you decide you like the game and you are going to play regularly, you should definitely buy 2-3 core sets and one of every expansion. If you are only playing at conventions, that's not often enough to justify it. If you have a meetup at least twice a month, or a friend who is playing it with you a lot, then you definitely should go for it.

    An LCG is a time and money investment. Just like with Magic, you become a Netrunner player when you get into it, only it costs less money overall. I played the base set and decided to become a Netrunner player. Buy a core set, then make that same decision for yourself.
  • The preliminary list: **denotes definite bringing

    Supernatural Selection** (Jeremy's game)
    Viva Java**
    Ground Floor**
    7 Wonders** (all expansions)
    Alien Frontiers
    Infinite City

    I want to bring more, but we shall see.
  • I'll also be bringing a copy of Bohnanza, if you decide yours won't fit.
  • I put finishing touches on the newest beta of my game recently, and I will indeed be bringing it. Supernatural Selection is a deck building game with Dinosaurs and Aliens. If anyone is interested in playing it, and giving some feedback, I would greatly appreciate it!

    OMG 3 days to go!
  • edited March 2013
    Edit derp

    Jeremy when are you planning on releasing it?
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • That's something that's way down the road. We need tons of play testing to make sure the game goes smoothly along with getting help on card art.

    I think it's awesome Jeremy got this far. No shit talking from him.
  • Ah I thought it was closer to being done. It was fun when I played it at PAX though.
  • I'll also be bringing a copy of Bohnanza, if you decide yours won't fit.
    We here at the TvH household will also be bringing a copy of Bohnanza, because I don't want to run the risk of being without Bohnanza at any time.
  • edited March 2013
    Wyvern Theater AM shift all 3 days =(

    I get to watch the "how to win PAX" instead of actually winning. fingers crossed it all gets put on the youtubes
    Post edited by Jonesy on
  • edited March 2013
    Ah I thought it was closer to being done. It was fun when I played it at PAX though.
    It has changed a decent amount since PAX Prime. I think it's better.


    And our Bohnanza fits in a small card box. We don't pack it in the original box. Plus we have rules on PDF via iPad.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited March 2013
    Wyvern Theater AM shift all 3 days =(

    I get to watch the "how to win PAX" instead of actually winning. fingers crossed it all gets put on the youtubes
    I don't remember exactly where, but there is a list floating around of which panels will be streamed (and archived online). You can safely assume all of the main theater content will be watchable post-PAX.

    And our Bohnanza fits in a small card box. We don't pack it in the original box. Plus we have rules on PDF via iPad.
    I will once again reveal the mark of shame: I have STILL not played Bohnanza, although funny enough I did recently acquire my own copy in a trade. I usually wind up hanging with you guys for a nice chunk of PAX b/c you're a fun group to play with, but I always seem to be off with other people when Bohnanza breaks out.

    Post edited by Matt on
  • And our Bohnanza fits in a small card box. We don't pack it in the original box. Plus we have rules on PDF via iPad.
    We just use a rubber band. No box. This would be troublesome in a bag, but I just carry it in my pocket.
  • Damn it Rym and Scott's shifts start as soon as mine end. Now I can't be that guy.
  • Hey, it could always be worse - as an XA, I do both morning AND afternoon shifts. If you ever want to find me, I'll be in the Expo hall. Somewhere.
  • edited March 2013
    Damn it Rym and Scott's shifts start as soon as mine end. Now I can't be that guy.
    Well if you paid attention to Rym's "that guy" stories, you'll know he loves it when people sit outside his door waiting for him to come out. I'm sure we can get you his hotel room number.

    Post edited by Matt on
  • Matt, we'll get a game going. I kind of want to do a best of Bohnanza game off. It may take a few hours of us arguing over beans. It's so fun though.
  • Please tell me someone else here loves the Elder Scrolls and is interested in this:

    I plan to be all over that demo booth first thing on Friday O_O
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