I'm primarily VS on Waterson. Light Assault and Magrider certs mostly. After they "fixed" the jetpack regen I'm now certing out the full LA because fuck I feel sluggish now.
My favorite kills are definitely roadkill kills. I remember plowing through a couple dudes while I was in a Reaver (NC 4 LYFE) and it was the sweetest ever. Also every single time I manage to run over a sniping infiltrator in a Vanguard. Every damn time.
Eeeeew. You're on the same server and faction as The Enclave. Eeeeeeeeew. On the up side, you're on my server, so I can shoot you for it. XD Look for RelentlessSG.
I don't know why the NC is so fixated on Amerish on the Matherson server. I like fighting on Indar the most, and SG seems to bounce around depending on where the biggest fights are or where we think we can be the most effective.
There was a big huge update the other day that added some great base redesigns, tweaked some weapons, added some great music, and basically made the game even better.
Man, I should play more often, but between work and everything I play with everyone else, it's the one that gets pushed to the back of the "I should but don't" line, right next to NS2.
I've been really trying to get into Planetside for a while now, but it's basically impossible to be effective unless your'e part of a large and well organized group. None of my friends on the west coast play, so I'm just running around like a headless chicken.
Good part is the game will just get better the longer you don't play :-p
Thats my plan. Im slowly gathering a group for post uni gaming. We look to have five or six weeks from when we finish our degrees to when we graduate. Going to start a little outfit and go from there. That said we are all getting our nerd on, watching videos, reading FAQs the works. We are so cool.
I've been really trying to get into Planetside for a while now, but it's basically impossible to be effective unless your'e part of a large and well organized group. None of my friends on the west coast play, so I'm just running around like a headless chicken.
the best easy to be effective as a lone wolf is to grab an engineer, grab a sunderer with an AMS, and roll to the biggest fight. This is especially true for big Amp Station fights, as there is a lot of xp to be had from repairing turrets and generators. Also, lone wolfing as an infiltraitor can be fun if you get good at it. That being said, getting in with a group is way more fun.
The best easy to be effective as a lone wolf is to grab an engineer, grab a sunderer with an AMS, and roll to the biggest fight. This is especially true for big Amp Station fights, as there is a lot of xp to be had from repairing turrets and generators. Also, lone wolfing as an infiltraitor can be fun if you get good at it. That being said, getting in with a group is way more fun.
Not to mention, if a base is about to switch to your team, engineer up and start getting near the broken shit. Repairs are worth a decent amount of XP, about 5XP minimum per tick, which is about 1.5 to 2 seconds, at a guess - each turret is worth a decent chunk, as are consoles.
Also, you can hack turrets and terminals, which gives you 25 XP per, and if you're stealthy, an entire base can usually net you around 200 XP, just two hacks short of a cert. Also, if you hack them all, you've got an enemy with limited ability to resupply or change roles, and no ability to use their own defensive turrets, for which your vehicles will thank you. Naturally, using those defensive turrets against them is also par for the course, there is often a few helpful kills and opportunities to help the best team by mowing down unsuspecting imperial dogs and hippy vanu scum.
In a big fight? If you can't hack it, break it. A broken turret kills no soldiers.
Best thing to do is always flank or sneak around even if not a infiltraitor nothing is more fun then finding yourself behind enemy lines and blowing up their sunder or just catching 5 or 6 guys unaware.
The warp gates were rotated during the last patch, so every faction has a new starting point. This as proven devastating to the Terrans and Vanu on Matherson, as the New Conglomerate had a the continent lock yesterday.
I had a good, albeit short, time pushing west into Ceres, just north of the Crown. It was a heated, infantry heavy fight with two squads from SG fighting across foothills to get to the Ceres base proper through a platoon of TR. They even had a few attempts at pushing through with Prowlers and Sunderers, but they were all beaten back by quick, fierce counter attacks.
I live for fights like that. Scott was driving a Sundy as well, and he can attest to the awesome.
I'm primarily VS on Waterson. Light Assault and Magrider certs mostly. After they "fixed" the jetpack regen I'm now certing out the full LA because fuck I feel sluggish now.
On the up side, you're on my server, so I can shoot you for it. XD
Look for RelentlessSG.
just a note Adam and I play together on Mattherson as Space Libertarians :-p (NC)
Also, lone wolfing as an infiltraitor can be fun if you get good at it.
That being said, getting in with a group is way more fun.
Also, you can hack turrets and terminals, which gives you 25 XP per, and if you're stealthy, an entire base can usually net you around 200 XP, just two hacks short of a cert. Also, if you hack them all, you've got an enemy with limited ability to resupply or change roles, and no ability to use their own defensive turrets, for which your vehicles will thank you. Naturally, using those defensive turrets against them is also par for the course, there is often a few helpful kills and opportunities to help the best team by mowing down unsuspecting imperial dogs and hippy vanu scum.
In a big fight? If you can't hack it, break it. A broken turret kills no soldiers.
I had a good, albeit short, time pushing west into Ceres, just north of the Crown. It was a heated, infantry heavy fight with two squads from SG fighting across foothills to get to the Ceres base proper through a platoon of TR. They even had a few attempts at pushing through with Prowlers and Sunderers, but they were all beaten back by quick, fierce counter attacks.
I live for fights like that. Scott was driving a Sundy as well, and he can attest to the awesome.