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  • edited January 2012
    Barber poles were originally used as indicators of which barbers also performed surgeries.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • One of the editors at NPR must love Nujabes, I've heard several of his songs play during segues between articles. #iamokwiththis
  • Man, Ubuntu

    Later, I'll see how emulating Windows to run Steam works for me. My prediction: not great. But if stuff is at least playable, win!
  • Man, Ubuntu

    Later, I'll see how emulating Windows to run Steam works for me. My prediction: not great. But if stuff is at least playable, win!
    It's going to be horrendously awful.
  • Man, Ubuntu

    Later, I'll see how emulating Windows to run Steam works for me. My prediction: not great. But if stuff is at least playable, win!
    It's going to be horrendously awful.
    I've been reading about this PlayOnLinux thing, that works with Wine. Some people were saying it works well enough. Any experience with that?

  • Man, Ubuntu

    Later, I'll see how emulating Windows to run Steam works for me. My prediction: not great. But if stuff is at least playable, win!
    It's going to be horrendously awful.
    I've been reading about this PlayOnLinux thing, that works with Wine. Some people were saying it works well enough. Any experience with that?

    Never heard of it, but I do have experience with a lot of other similar things from the past. They have always had serious problems. For example, I once got Steam, Half-Life, and NS1 to work on Linux, but the audio was painfully out of sync and it wouldn't capture the mouse. That was especially bad with multiple monitors. Another time I got an emulator to work in Wine, but joysticks and gamepads didn't work. Those were the good times, most things just didn't work, period.

    Things will probably be better now than they were those years ago, but I can't imagine it being good enough. You will inevitably be spending some amount of time suffering instead of playing games. There are just some people who have as much, or more, fun getting games to work as they do playing the games. If that's not you, then don't bother.
  • I guess we'll see. It's worth a shot, at least. I'll report back with what I find.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    The issue right now is that the drive containing my Windows installation failed. Or at least, some part of the installation is corrupted to the point where I cannot boot into Windows. This is what sparked my musings about the necessity of a tower. Also, that's why I'm running Ubuntu.

    But yeah, if this doesn't work, then I'll be dual-booting. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't bother trying out Ubuntu earlier.

  • edited January 2012
    You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    I pirated my current version of Windows after the version I bought was scratched and Microsoft refused to accept the return. It works perfectly. I ran every test I know* to ensure no spyware/garbage, and the results were glowing. I've had no problems with TPB version.

    *I'm pretty stupid.
    Post edited by Jason on
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    I pirated my current version of Windows after the version I bought was scratched and Microsoft refused to accept the return. It works perfectly. I ran every test I know* to ensure no spyware/garbage, and the results were glowing. I've had no problems with TPB version.

    *I'm pretty stupid.
    Uh, here's a better idea. Get a legitimate windows iso that probably doesn't have rootkits and whatnot integrated into it, then just use the legitimate CD Key that came with your legitimate windows.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    I pirated my current version of Windows after the version I bought was scratched and Microsoft refused to accept the return. It works perfectly. I ran every test I know* to ensure no spyware/garbage, and the results were glowing. I've had no problems with TPB version.

    *I'm pretty stupid.
    Uh, here's a better idea. Get a legitimate windows iso that probably doesn't have rootkits and whatnot integrated into it, then just use the legitimate CD Key that came with your legitimate windows.
    This. I got Steam to work with Wine on Ubuntu, but it's horrendous. I can barely play Riven on it, and that's basically just watching a slide show.

  • edited January 2012
    I love when I realize what is actually going on when I read chart notes. Sometimes the medical terminology and lingo make it sound so different from what it actually is.

    Point in case: The vertebral heights, disc spaces, posterior elements
    are intact. No spondylolysis or spondylolisthesis. SI joints are
    unremarkable. Portions of distal sacrum and coccyx not well-seen
    due to overlying stool and bowel gas.

    Translation: Back looks fine, couldn't see the the tailbone area due to the patient being full of shit and farts.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited January 2012
    Translation: Back looks fine, couldn't see the the tailbone area due to the patient being full of shit and farts.
    I lol'd; you nailed it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • When things are already added to PlayOnLinux, they tend to work as well as they do on Windows (if not better) in my experience. Cept the things that don't right off the bat. When you get to play (not start up the game, but actually yknow, do things such as control and have a framerate), they're usually perfect. Adding things yourself to PlayOnLinux, unless you had known how to make it work with regular Wine, won't help you much, other than that you can try every Wine version, and maybe one of them works.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    I pirated my current version of Windows after the version I bought was scratched and Microsoft refused to accept the return. It works perfectly. I ran every test I know* to ensure no spyware/garbage, and the results were glowing. I've had no problems with TPB version.

    *I'm pretty stupid.
    Uh, here's a better idea. Get a legitimate windows iso that probably doesn't have rootkits and whatnot integrated into it, then just use the legitimate CD Key that came with your legitimate windows.
    This. I got Steam to work with Wine on Ubuntu, but it's horrendous. I can barely play Riven on it, and that's basically just watching a slide show.

    Better idea than any of this: Enroll in a computer science or CIT class that will give you access to MSDNAA. Download Windows for free and legally.
  • edited January 2012
    Except Microsoft makes legit ISOs available for free, and Pete should already have a key he can use. MSDNAA is really just for free keys.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Yup, download from here and just use your key.
  • Uh, here's a better idea. Get a legitimate windows iso that probably doesn't have rootkits and whatnot integrated into it, then just use the legitimate CD Key that came with your legitimate windows.
    That would have worked perfectly, but the problem was that the entire package was damaged and the seller went out of business. The package had a large puncture that ruined the disc and destroyed several digits of the key. Microsoft disavowed everything despite the fact that I sent them photos, mailed their customer service center the damaged box/discs/key sticker, etc.

    In short, I got fucked.

  • Hearing Rym and Scott talk about the bidoof video made me LOL'd too hard. throat.
  • edited January 2012
    I guess we'll see. It's worth a shot, at least. I'll report back with what I find.
    It works. PlayOnLinux is just a front-end for Wine. I did everything through its interface, from installing Steam to DirectX and various other needed components. Symlinked to the steamapps folder on my large drive so I wouldn't have to re-download everything.

    It doesn't work perfectly, but it works. I'ma keep fuck with it some more to see what I can get to happen.

    EDIT: OK, I didn't do everything through its interface. I still had to use the terminal for the symlink. But whatever.

    EDIT SOME MORE: This is the guide I followed. Really straightforward. You could do it all from Wine without grabbing PoL, but I didn't feel like finding all of the commands I'd need for all of the software I'd need. So PoL is nice in that it just has all of that information gathered already.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I was watching Sherlock tonight (so awesome, so awesome) and I realized that I really want a lab equipment cupboard and set of bookcases like Holmes. I've endeavored to make this my summer project and teach myself some basic cabinetry. I'm thinking a glass-fronted curio cabinet for large bits of equipment and specimens, with something like an Apothecary Chest underneath that to hold odd bits of kit. That piece will be flanked on both sides by bookcases.

    The question now is whether or not I can Ikea-hack this together, or if I need to get a dado kit and some hardwood, head for my uncle's place in Wisconsin (he has a table saw and a lot of other woodworking tools there), and start from scratch. Should be interesting, either way.
  • Dear George, I was right. ( *`ω´)

    8:29 AM George:
    8:30 AM why are they giving Marten a hard time for not being a creeper?
    me: oh man the reader hasn't been updating
    8:32 AM because he's whining
    8:33 AM if you want to know what is really going on go up and ask
    8:36 AM George: No, that's weird
    cornering someone at work is not cool
    8:38 AM me: he's also not following her to work since he's been there many times before
    8:43 AM me: it has already been awkward since they know the time together is limited and even moreso now that Padma hasn't returned the calls
    8:45 AM George: she has his number, he's not hard to get a hold of
    if she wanted to talk to him if's not hard
    8:46 AM me: she could also be just upset and scared to see him because she has real feelings for him
    and is scared of having it get anymore serious when it will result in heart break
    it's complicated
    it normally can be that way
    8:48 AM George: it sounds like she doesn't want to see him
    me: because she's afraid of getting even more hurt or afraid of hurting him
    stupid insecurities
    9:03 AM George: those are legitimate reasons not to wanna see him anymore
    it'd be better if she just told him that
    9:04 AM me: yeah, true, but she's just afraid and dumb
    As you can see George and are hard at work. _φ( ̄ー ̄ )

  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    The issue right now is that the drive containing my Windows installation failed. Or at least, some part of the installation is corrupted to the point where I cannot boot into Windows. This is what sparked my musings about the necessity of a tower. Also, that's why I'm running Ubuntu.

    But yeah, if this doesn't work, then I'll be dual-booting. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't bother trying out Ubuntu earlier.
    That's how it starts. After about two weeks you'll realize that (as a desktop PC) Ubuntu does everything your Windows did, but a bit worse and requires more fiddling. Considering your time is worth about $30/hr or so, you'll eventually realize that all the fiddling you're doing is costing you more money than if you had just bought Windows and it worked straight away.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    The issue right now is that the drive containing my Windows installation failed. Or at least, some part of the installation is corrupted to the point where I cannot boot into Windows. This is what sparked my musings about the necessity of a tower. Also, that's why I'm running Ubuntu.

    But yeah, if this doesn't work, then I'll be dual-booting. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't bother trying out Ubuntu earlier.
    That's how it starts. After about two weeks you'll realize that (as a desktop PC) Ubuntu does everything your Windows did, but a bit worse and requires more fiddling. Considering your time is worth about $30/hr or so, you'll eventually realize that all the fiddling you're doing is costing you more money than if you had just bought Windows and it worked straight away.
    Unless you are writing software. Then the opposite.
  • You can always pirate Windows and dual boot. Just make Ubuntu your default and only go into Windows for gaming.
    The issue right now is that the drive containing my Windows installation failed. Or at least, some part of the installation is corrupted to the point where I cannot boot into Windows. This is what sparked my musings about the necessity of a tower. Also, that's why I'm running Ubuntu.

    But yeah, if this doesn't work, then I'll be dual-booting. Honestly, I'm not sure why I didn't bother trying out Ubuntu earlier.
    That's how it starts. After about two weeks you'll realize that (as a desktop PC) Ubuntu does everything your Windows did, but a bit worse and requires more fiddling. Considering your time is worth about $30/hr or so, you'll eventually realize that all the fiddling you're doing is costing you more money than if you had just bought Windows and it worked straight away.
    Yeah, I figured that out a long time ago. I tried using Ubuntu as a media center PC OS to save some money, and after a few months of fiddling with it I realized that it's not good for that and I don't have the time to continually poke at it. So it's not my media PC, and I have to use the PS3 or 360 in conjunction with it to consume all media.

    Had I bought Windows 7, I wouldn't have to use the PS3 or 360 at all. I could stream Netflix in it, watch downloaded TV thingies, consume Hulu and whatever else I'd want to do. The only thing it wouldn't do would be due to it being a small form factor PC and not having a blu-ray or DVD drive.

    All in all, I basically learned that if I wanted to use a Linux distro I needed to be more careful. There are things Linux is the best OS for, and a media center PC or desktop PC is not one of them.

  • edited January 2012
    Unless you are writing software. Then the opposite.
    Or hosting a website.

    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • Had I bought Windows 7, I wouldn't have to use the PS3 or 360 at all. I could stream Netflix in it, watch downloaded TV thingies, consume Hulu and whatever else I'd want to do. The only thing it wouldn't do would be due to it being a small form factor PC and not having a blu-ray or DVD drive.What's stopping you from getting Windows now?

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