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Identify Yourself



  • Hello Everyone! Now I know that if you were to look back through this thread, that you would undoubtedly notice another post by me. However, if you were to look closely at that post you would also notice that it's about 3 or so years old. Seeing as that post is so incredibly old, and that many many things have changed since then, I have decided to freshly reintroduce myself. Of course I know that I could have just edited my old post, however, I wanted my reentry into the GeekNights community to be big and Flashy! FLASHY I SAY!!!!!!

    Now with all of that said, my name is Justin, I am 22, and I am from North Carolina. I am currently in my 7 quarter (of 8) of Animation School. For now I am specializing in 3D Character Animation though I am also working on a CG Environments/Lighting reel. I am hoping to get a job with a place that makes movies such as Pixar or DreamWorks, though I'm currently for work/internships at the local gaming companies. Either way, as long as I get to do 3D stuff I will be pretty damn happy. My areas of Geekery are pretty much covered by the GeekNights shows. I love anime, or really just cartoons in general, though i haven't seen as much anime as I'd like. I love comics, though I really just got back into those right recently thanks to the fact that there is actually a comic book store nearby. I realize I can order them for much cheaper online, and if I know what I'm going to buy that's what I do, but really I just like socializing at the comic shop and asking around for suggestions. I also like Manga, I really want to read the rest of Eden (Endo Hiroki) and I want to start reading Biomega, but manga is just so much more expensive than comics that i just have a hard time exploring it. I love video games, I have a PS3, Wii, PSP, and a DS lite. I haven't really played anything on the PS3 a lot lately due to school, but in my spare time I cram in some Pokemon on my DS and on the weekends I try to play some DDR. I actually just got DDR about 3 weeks ago. As far as technology goes, I think that I am fairly knowledgeable, but if I don't know something I just look it up on Wikipedia or Google. Another geekery that I am a fan of I don't even know if it counts as being geeky. I like old movies, like old old incredibly old movies, such as Metropolis (1927 or 28) and The Mysterious Lady (1928) those are actually the only silent movies I think I like besides some Harold Lloyd movies, of course I really like movies like that for visual inspiration.

    That is about it I suppose, it's great fun being back here, I'm really trying to be part of the community this time, no more half-assery. I've already added Scott on facebook and I'm about 92% sure that I clicked “follow” on his twitter. Sadly I must go now, it is so late that it's early. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask me! So yeah, Awesome!
  • but manga is just so much more expensive than comics that i just have a hard time exploring it.
    wut? A 200-page manga only costs 2-3 times what a 22-page comic does! Anyway, welcome -- I'd love to see some of your animation work, you got anything online?
  • I'd love to see some of your animation work, you got anything online?

    Unfortunately I do not. I thought about putting some of it on youtube or vimeo but I'm in the process of making my own website so I'll just wait and put it on there when it's finished. Of course that also gives me some spare time to refine it so I can refine it and make it look all impressive and whatnot.
  • I'm Jason, born June 15, 1979. Grew up a geek but didn't fully embrace it until college. I earned a B.S. in IT from BYU.

    Video games and Sci-Fi are my 2 longest-running areas of geekery. I love Star Wars too much, way more than it deserves. I played D&D for the first time in 2006 and have enjoyed it very much since. I have dabbled in electronics and love reading good Fantasy & Sci-Fi novels.

    I attended PAX in 2009 for the first time and felt like I came home after a long absence. PAX was where I first found out about GeekNights and have enjoyed the podcasts immensely since then.

    Professionally I am a Storage Admin, meaning I live in a world full of Terabytes and Petabytes, IOPS and throughput, SAN and NAS.

    Non-geeky hobbies: snowboarding, mountain biking, airsoft, hiking
    • Portland, Oregon
    • Phoenix, Arizona
    • Seattle, Washington
    • Detroit, Michigan
    • Ravenna, Italy
    • Salt Lake City, Utah
  • Very well then. Here is the first question:
    Is that Bakemonogatari?
  • Is that Bakemonogatari?
    WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, it's not but nice one.
  • edited April 2010
    Very well then. Here is the first question:
    Is that Bakemonogatari?
    To answer the question: That's Toaru Majutsu no Index or its spin off Toaru Kagaku no Railgun.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited April 2010
    Very well then. Here is the first question:
    This is so retarded, they are meshing Quantum Mechanical and Relativistic notation, which in of itself is meaningless. In other words it's mathematical gibberish.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited April 2010
    I still contend my answer of 42 is correct.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • This is so retarded, they are meshing Quantum Mechanical and Relativistic notation, which in of itself is meaningless. In other words it's mathematical gibberish.
    Post it to 4chan /sci/ and you'll still start a flamewar between one group of "Scientists" with one answer, another group of "Scientists" with another, and approximately three people who are going "What? That's gibberish."
  • approximately three people who are going "What? That's gibberish."
    All three would be /a/ssholes.
  • edited April 2010
    approximately three people who are going "What? That's gibberish."
    All three would be /a/ssholes.
    Note- I did not say they'd be correct intentionally.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Post it to 4chan /sci/ and you'll still start a flamewar between one group of "Scientists" with one answer, another group of "Scientists" with another, and approximately three people who are going "What? That's gibberish."
    I already see it on /sci/ all the time, and I don't care to troll intentionally.
  • So! I am a dude. I am a First Wave geek. I live in Seattle and am here thanks to some PAX panels ('08).

    I'm sad that y'all are basically East Coast dudes, because it is lonely up here in Seattle sometimes. There are a lot of geeks, sure, but they're all Microsofties or Amazon code monkeys; I am a fucking SCIENTIST. I do not want to talk about cubicles, or about Apache, or especially not - since I work in the public sector - about how you make 86k a year straight out of college, and own 4,000 DVDs and a huge home theater, and have your friends over to your 3,000 square foot townhouse to play Rock Band all the time. I am a geek on a shoestring budget. Let's talk about tabletop RPGs and PAX and fucking rad science news instead.

    Also, my ex has apparently kinda claimed the Penny Arcade/PAX forums community as her territory, so this is mine now. This is not something you need concern yourselves with, but it has disgruntled me a little. Quality geek communities are a limited commodity.
  • Quality geek communities are a limited commodity.
    I hope you will never ask to have your hopes dashed. Welcome to the forums, please go over the pack-requirements list in case of a zombie apocalypse. Communication is important when everyone is undying or undead.
  • Yay, another Washingtonian and PAX goer! /wave
  • Hey everyone, self introduction here. First off, I'm Matt, and I'm a central NJ guy. I'm doing the mid-20s thing. Graduated engineering school about 4 years ago and started work right away in a public sector job. Got married right out of college as well, got a dog, got a townhouse. May have to sell the townhouse and move closer (or into) NYC as we spend a lot of our time there as it is, and my wife has been getting steady work in the television industry. Sometimes it can be a 2 hour commute from where we live and that's just madness.

    On the geeky front, I love video games, but during college I was split between the rigors of engineering, and the temptation to hang out with friends. I don't think I played one single-player campaign those four years. I've been playing catch-up, and trying to go back to play everything I missed, but let's just say I'm two years behind on video games. I don't get to read very often but I've kept up with the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, and the "The Walking Dead" series as they get put into trade paperback. I'm currently in the middle of reading Scott Pilgrim book 4.

    My #1 love though is board gaming. I run a regular board game night at my house, and consider it the modern day geeky version of the poker games my father used to run at our house growing up in order to stay in touch with his old friends. I also head into the city to go to NerdNYC gaming events whenever I get the chance. I realize I need to start going to more conventions. I had been trying to go to a PAX since they started having them, and finally made it to PAX East. I fell in love, and immediately booked a flight for PAX Prime this year.

    I was very into board gaming and even some tabletop wargaming in my pre-high school years, but lost touch with all the guys I played with once I went to high school. It wasn't until 2 or 3 years ago that I realized board gaming could be a glue that held all these friendships together, and got us to see each other in person now that we graduated college and live all over the state (or out of state). The games we rotate playing are: Axis & Allies, Settlers of Catan, Robo Rally (my favorite), Munchkin, Last Night on Earth, The Climbers, Mystery Express, Fluxx, and Red November.

    Aside from my geek habits, I'm a huge NY Mets fan, and go to more games than I probably should if I want to keep my sanity. I play ultimate frisbee on a semi-regular basis with a group in the Freehold NJ area. Long story short I was pretty much a sloth until about age 16, when one day I decided to drop a lot of weight and get in shape. I succeeded, but from never having the normal childhood experience with sports like baseball, basketball, etc., I am developmentally challenged in those areas. I decided to practice throwing the frisbee because a few other friends were getting into it. I practiced a LOT and now consider it the only sport I'm really good at, so I play any chance I can get.

    Anyways, that's me. As balderdash mentioned in the post a few above mine, quality geeky communities are hard to come by, so I'm happy to have another one to visit. Other than this, I frequent the NerdNYC and Penny Arcade forums.
  • *waves*

    Hello all. I am Faye, as is fairly clear by my uncreative username. I'm pretty sure I qualify as a punk kid, as I'm 16 years old as of this post. I live in the city, and recently started home/unschooling, which allows me to turn my geekery/nerdery into things I can put on my high school transcript. I think this is a Pretty Cool Thing.

    I'm more of a nerd than a geek I guess. I'm into lots of fields of academia, notably astronomy, physics, and engineering. I do have geeky interests as well, including Pokemon, Guitar Hero, internets, and the like.

    In theory I want to go to MIT for aerospace engineering in the near-ish future.

    I know a couple people on here (and was introduced to GN by one of them, ProfPangloss), and I poke around in Geekchat very occasionally. I also lurk a lot more than I post, but I don't bite. In theory I want to make it to PAX East '11, as well as ROFLCON. But alas, all things come back to me being a poor punk kid. I have also run out of things to say. =)
  • Pokemon
    You will fit in here very well.
  • me being a poor punk kid
    The burden of all Punk Kids.
  • i'm chie.

    i met scrym&co at PAXeast, and have had the pleasure of their company for AnimeBoston and Burning Dwarf Fortress.

    i'm from many places, including saitama, iwakuni, kitakyushu in the japan, as well as louisiana, arkansas, & florida in USA.
    now i live in the rhode island. summer and sunshine are here. it is marvelous.

    i was once a student at Brown University, studying the Maths and the Science of Computers. after sophomore year, i dropped out for four years.
    now i "study" Industrial Design at RISD. by study, i mean submit myself to great and torturous rituals of learning.

    reflective of a general life-pattern, i am a dabbler of geekery -- infinitely interested, erratically educated.
    board games, sci-fi books/viddy, technologies, are my stronger suits, with anime, comics, computer/video games, table-top games comprising my remaining geek-points.

    in other realms, i have played mostly-classical violin for quite some time, playing in orchestras and rock bands as well.
    i dabble in various physical activities, such as climbing, stretching, and kicking, as well as sleeping and cuddling.
    other things include: cats, tea, fruit, pastries, books, poetry, plants and existentialism.

    i am guilty of not having read every page of this thread yet. -_-
    that is all at the moment.
  • Oh god, has Steve Jobs become president of the world?

    Regardless, welcome to the forums, don't bother reading any post in this thread.
  • Oh god, has Steve Jobs become president of the world?

    Regardless, welcome to the forums, don't bother reading any post in this thread.
    But feel free to if you truly want.
  • edited May 2010
    i'm chie.

    other things include: cats, tea, fruit, pastries, books, poetry, plants and existentialism.
    Do you know how to bake pastries? Do you keep a garden? These are things I'm interested in learning more about. In fact, I just built my first planter myself to begin growing pumpkins in.
    Post edited by Dromaro on
  • i bake some pastries (mostly fruit pies, fruit tarts, scones), i occasionally grow container gardens, until i decide death for them.
  • until i decide death for them.
    You am play gods!
  • Hi, my name is Jonathan (or Jon, up to you). I'm 31. I'm in Albany, NY. Graduated college, did a number of odd jobs, went to Japan to teach English for 3 years, took a year off to travel around Asia and a bit of Australia (and spent all my money in the process) and now, I just finished my first year of law school.

    I found out about this podcast when I went to the NY Comicon (it was either in 07 or 08, I forget which, the year it was the same weekend as the first days of Passover), and was randomly handed a business card for Geeknights. Ever since, I've been a faithful listener, but not a poster, and I finally broke down and decided to check out the forums.

    I would definitely consider myself to be a Geek. I read a lot (now, not so much for pleasure but for school) but I'm an avid fan of science fiction and fantasy. I was a huge comic book fan in the early 1990's when I was young, stupid, and comics were crap, stopped reading them altogether in the mid 90's, and then fell in love with them again in 1998 when I went into a comic shop, told the owner I wanted a single complete story, and he handed me The Dark Knight Returns. Now, I mostly read Vertigo and indy stuff. Love the Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Mouse Guard, Kabuki, Preacher and a bunch of others as well. I also like a bunch of Japanese comics too, but I tend to be pretty far behind on that stuff. Some of my favorite series are Sanctuary, Blade of the Immortal, Eagle, Lone Wolf and Cub, Akira, Vagabond, Slam Dunk, and Me and the Devil Blues (which unfortunately I think got canceled). Just as a warning, one of my personal pet peeves are people who call comics from everywhere else besides Japan "comics" and comics from Japan "manga." There is no difference and nobody calls movies by Akira Kurosawa "eiga."

    I grew up playing PC games (the very first game I bought was the original Summer Games and the second was the first Space Quest) and only got my first console as a hand-me-down when the spring loader in my cousins' NES broke and they got a new one. The old one worked fine as long as I stuck a piece of wood on top of the game cartridge. I like all types of games but as I get older (and more crotchity) I find my patience for generic story-lines (especially in the rpg genre) to be dwindling. I enjoy FPS's, but don't really like death matches or even multi-player that much. I love games with good storylines with good co-operative play though. Now back in school, I don't have that much time to game, but I try when I can. I finally got around to beating the first Mass Effect and Uncharted 2.

    When I came back from Japan, I accidentally stumbled upon a gaming convention in Albany and was introduced to the world of boardgames. In high school and college I was an avid Diplomacy player, but that was pretty much the extent of my knowledge of any type of game besides the "Toys R Us" variety. In the past couple of years, I've become a huge boardgame player and get together with a group of people once a week. My favorite games are Power Grid, Imperial, Dominion, Diplomacy (when we can actually get 7 players), Puerto Rico, Descent, and Agricola, and a bunch of others. I'm lucky in that I have a somewhat large group of friends and we have a ton of games that we're constantly rotating through. I honestly can't believe I went so long without ever knowing about all these great games.

    The one glaring hole in my geek resume is that I've never played Dungeons and Dragons or any other kind of RPG. I've always wanted to, but either no one else around me was interested, or now, I don't really have the time because of school. I would love to try though. As a fan of the podcasts, I keep hearing how great Burning Wheel is and I actually own a copy of the Mouse Guard rpg book.

    Other random info.... when I was young, I skied. When I was in Japan, I started to snowboard (badly). I've taken karate since I was 13 but haven't had time in the last year or so to do it because law school is an all-consuming, time-sucking nightmarish experience (1/3 done though!)

    Anyway, hi!
  • Yoroshiku ne!
  • Douzo yoroshiku!
  • edited May 2010
    ...Just as a warning, one of my personal pet peeves are people who call comics from everywhere else besides Japan "comics" and comics from Japan "manga."...
    Waddaya know? I was just arguing this with a weeaboo junior at my school. She tried to argue that it was a function of the style or some bullshit, but I always use this argument: If I drew a comic (highly hypothetical, since I can't draw) and my style was influenced by Astrix, would I call my comic a "BD" or a "bande dessinée"? No, I would call it a comic.

    Which brings me to my anger about the ethereal "anime style."
    All I need to do is post this image, which I'm pretty sure someone pulled off of 4chan. I however got this off of Wikipedia.
    Checkmate. Maybe this should have gone on an anime/manga thread....
    Post edited by Andrew on
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