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Identify Yourself



  • lots of hungry clowns around here..?
    You could certainly call us clowns - assclowns at the very least - and we love us some food. So, yes. Hungry clowns.
    We are The League of Voracious Assclowns.

    no problem... sandwiches on the way..
  • Hi;

    My name is Amira and I'm a chef touring with a big circus. I'm on leave from work now so I'm in Israel visiting my mom. I was born on April 30th 1968. I found this pod cast randomly on iTunes and I'm kind of addicted to it. I like philosophy, layman's science, music and music history and whatever I'm enjoying at the moment. I lived in Japan for a year with the circus last year and I found some great anime. I enjoyed Japanese culture and integrated well. I don't play any video games. We had the first pong game on my block some time in the late 70's. My brother had a huge OMNI collection and a reel to reel player. We played Planet of the Apes in the backyard. I was raised on Star Trek TOS as well as the original Twilight Zone.

    Thanks for the great pod cast.

    I like you already.
  • ...Please stop talking about clowns... they scare me...
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2010
    ...Please stop talking about clowns... they scare me...
    Even when just talking about them...really? Not to be insensitive, but I find it odd if just mentioning them scares you.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • My name is Amira and I'm a chef touring with a big circus. I'm on leave from work now so I'm in Israel visiting my mom. I was born on April 30th 1968. I found this pod cast randomly on iTunes and I'm kind of addicted to it. I like philosophy, layman's science, music and music history and whatever I'm enjoying at the moment. I lived in Japan for a year with the circus last year and I found some great anime. I enjoyed Japanese culture and integrated well. I don't play any video games. We had the first pong game on my block some time in the late 70's. My brother had a huge OMNI collection and a reel to reel player. We played Planet of the Apes in the backyard. I was raised on Star Trek TOS as well as the original Twilight Zone.
    Are you the answer to live, the universe and everything?
    We are The League of Voracious Assclowns.
    Abbreviated to 'Lovah', sexy and dish-washingly handsome, charismatic and within the loop, balancing on chairs and stools, flicking the light switch off.
  • edited June 2010
    My name is Amira and I'm a chef touring with a big circus. I'm on leave from work now so I'm in Israel visiting my mom. I was born on April 30th 1968. I found this pod cast randomly on iTunes and I'm kind of addicted to it. I like philosophy, layman's science, music and music history and whatever I'm enjoying at the moment. I lived in Japan for a year with the circus last year and I found some great anime. I enjoyed Japanese culture and integrated well. I don't play any video games. We had the first pong game on my block some time in the late 70's. My brother had a huge OMNI collection and a reel to reel player. We played Planet of the Apes in the backyard. I was raised on Star Trek TOS as well as the original Twilight Zone.
    Are you the answer to live, the universe and everything?
    Post edited by amira e on
  • edited June 2010
    This is still the intro thread right?

    I'm Ryven - short 'i', like Rym. Also like Rym, it's not my legal name but whatever. I'm a pharmaceutical chemist in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA. For hobbies, I will happily talk for hours about RPGs (mostly D&D, but some indie stuff too like Dogs in the Vineyard), religion, world history, pop science, astrology (yes, you read that right) and the paranormal in general, pre 64-bit console games, sitcoms and anime though I know far more about the former things than the latter. My brother's a sys admin and owns a web hosting/design business so I can follow techie talk, but don't expect me to contribute. I occasionally guest host on the Power Source podcast and do some writing for Quinn Murphy's At-Will blog and Yoroshiku.
    Post edited by Ryven Cedrylle on
  • I'm a pharmaceutical chemist in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA
    Nice, that's somewhere around Durham right? I'm just south of Charlotte myself. How long have you lived in the Carolinas?
  • I'm a pharmaceutical chemist in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA.
    Awesome! I'm - pardon me for the ludicrousness to you of this statement - a bit of an amateur enthusiast myself. Not in the "I take a shitload of illicit drugs" way, in the "I wrote a 15 page paper not including bibliography and footnotes for my own interest, sold it to a friend who is studying pharmacology at university and it got very good marks" kind of way.
  • Nice, that's somewhere around Durham right? I'm just south of Charlotte myself. How long have you lived in the Carolinas?
    Yep - Durham it is. Been down here since '07 when the economy of my hometown - Toledo, OH - collapsed.
  • Yep - Durham it is. Been down here since '07 when the economy of my hometown - Toledo, OH - collapsed.
    Is it just me, or is there a crapload of Ohioans in North Carolina? I was born in Akron and moved down when I was a little kid.
  • Jeez, I never know what to write in intro threads. I've somehow found a way to get stage fright with absolutely nobody watching. O_o;

    I'm Devin Goodman, writer and artist of a number of comics that I rarely update and nobody reads. I'm also prone to self-flagellating hyperbole. I think maybe one or two people read my comics back in 2005. I live in and around Denver, Colorado, where it's almost as hot as Arizona, almost as cold as Montana, often in the same day. Until last year I worked in a lumber yard learning the importance of cold weather gear and that no price is too high for rain gear that actually keeps the rain out. (Seriously, Carhartt is worth it.) I'm currently looking for a job that involves a roof over my head.
  • I'll have a look at your comics, aye - I'm some what of an enthusiast, and I'm known to stick about in the long gaps between updates.
  • I don't think you're prepared for how bad of a writer I am. >_>;;
  • I don't think you're prepared for how bad of a writer I am. >_>;;
    You think that, but we're interested. Provide us with information! It's always interesting to read someone's work that you talk to on forums. We have some high quality artists here, so don't be shy.
  • Oh, right. I forgot that people wouldn't magically know that my website is in my profile. Well, I'm an idiot. ^_^
    My comics and my old, dilapidated portfolio site are at
  • I don't think you're prepared for how bad of a writer I am. >_>;;
    I read CTRL+ALT+DEL and Chugworth Academy, Believe me, you don't know what level of bad writing I'll put up with.
  • I suppose you reading Twilight counts more as morbid curiosity.
  • I suppose you reading Twilight counts more as morbid curiosity.
    Well, If I'm going to critize it, I'd rather know what I'm talking about than being another "Sparkly vampires! THIS IS SHIT!" shouting jackass. And hey, Believe me, there is more horrible shit in there than you would even think is possible, from what most people carry on about, because they haven't read it. Sparkly invincible vampires, so what. Let's talk about how the two characters held up as romantic ideals, truly, perfect men, discussing if they should abort another character's baby or not, without speaking to her or consulting her at all, and then deciding they will, and if she objects, they would just drug her into unconsciousness and abort the baby anyway. And this is treated as being a good and noble decision, and a romantic thing, because they're doing something for what they see as her benefit.

  • I suppose you reading Twilight counts more as morbid curiosity.
    He only read that to justify his hatred. Though it can be argued that such a noble thing is utterly insane.
  • Hi, I'm new also.

    I'm Kenna, from Portland, OR. I joke around with my friends that if they have a game, I'll play it. I like board games, ccgs, rpgs, video games, even *gasp* outdoor sporty games! I've collected comics for about 20 years. I tried to quit recently, but I fell off the wagon after only a few months.

    I consume a lot of media on gaming. So I have a website that I post all the rad shit I find rather than spamming my friends with it all the time (there were complaints). I haven't written there in months, but life gets crazy, as I'm sure you know. And now with the sun coming out and all...

    I first found out about Rym & Scott through PAX and loved their panels, so then I wandered my way over to their podcasts. So now I'm here!
  • Welcome to the fora TheNP. Things on these fora work unlike others. We will go off-topic and we will take semi-random statements and berate them.

    People also fucking curse.
  • I'm Kenna, from Portland, OR.
    Your city is awesome, and I'm gonna move there. Welcome to the forum.
  • Welcome to the fora TheNP. Things on these fora work unlike others. Wewillgo off-topic and wewilltake semi-random statements and berate them.

    People also fucking curse.
    That sounds like every other board I've ever been on :) And I'm not a shrinking violet about such things, but I do my best to respect people on the internet like I do IRL. Anonymity is no excuse.
  • Your city is awesome, and I'm gonna move there. Welcome to the forum.
    Portland is awesome. We have a really great geek community here! Let me know if you need any info!
  • Portland is awesome. We have a really great geek community here! Let me know if you need any info!
    When it comes time to actually make the move, I think I'll take you up on that. My girlfriend and I took a trip up there last year to scout it out, and we loved it. I understand it's becoming a bit of a mecca for comics professionals, which is pretty awesome for a sorta-professional comic artist like me.
  • It's true, our comic professions runneth over. Hell, even Wil Wheaton wants to move here! :)
  • I'm Zeus, an underemployed 24-year old in pursuit of an Education degree. I listen to all the shows and as that should indicate am a sort of geek/nerd/otaku/walking genericon. I live in the semi-blighted north of NE Ohio and my current addiction is Red Dead Redemption. More to follow as events w
    You'll fit in fine here. Oh and um watch out for this guy named Univers (it's not his name, his name is Nine). He's a troll we keep around because he likes doing it just for fun.
  • The names Devin, 21 year old living in Oklahoma. Just started the college dream due to having to move a lot the first few years after graduation. I listen to all the shows, even though i dont understand half the stuff in the tech podcast. I'm a standard geek/nerd/otaku and being in a small town wasn't exactly the funnest place to be one until i found this thing called the internet. That is all I've got, hope to have some fun conversations with you all!
  • I'm Zeus, an underemployed 24-year old in pursuit of an Education degree. I listen to all the shows and as that should indicate am a sort of geek/nerd/otaku/walking genericon. I live in the semi-blighted north of NE Ohio and my current addiction is Red Dead Redemption. More to follow as events warrant.
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