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Identify Yourself



  • Which brings me to my anger about the ethereal "anime style."
    All I need to do is post this image, which I'm pretty sure someone pulled off of 4chan.
    Those images are selected specifically for their dissimilarity, and most of them still display the "anime" style (and one of them doesn't have people in it, so it doesn't really count). If you pick five random anime off TV right now, they'll all look a lot more like each other than those do. There is a specific set of stylizations that's very common in anime, just as there is a specific set of stylizations that are common in American feature film animation ("Disney style", for instance). Not all anime display those stylizations, but most do to some degree. There's nothing wrong with that, but pretending it isn't true is silly.
  • [Look Up]
    I would assert that the "Disney style" and the "Anime style" are part of a larger psychological symptom. If you notice, one thing that is common to almost all comics is the emphasis laid upon the face and the eyes in general. Now certain kinds of comics, especially serious ones (i.e. Pluto), or at least, ones that take themselves very seriously (i.e. Sin City, hilariously misogynist, but totally serious.) may exhibit more realistic art styles. However, comic art is generally designed for speed, and the easiest and fastest way to convey emotion is to emphasis the parts of the body that generally convey emotion, like the face, and more specifically the eyes. I will concede that a lot of anime shares a set of pretty distinct traits handed down by Tezuka and the Showa 24 group like the face fault, the budging vein, eyes that can be seen through hair. I guess that my attitude is more in reaction to the "HAR HAR HAR, ALL THAT ANIMU IS THE SAME LOOK AT THOSE BIG EYES AND SWEATDROPS!!!" mentality.
  • edited May 2010
    However, comic art is generally designed for speed, and the easiest and fastest way to convey emotion is to emphasis the parts of the body that generally convey emotion, like the face, and more specifically the eyes.
    You're kind of right, but you're also kind of wrong. Japanese drawings focus on the eyes for expression while American drawings tend to focus on the mouth. It's a cultural thing. Just compare a western-style emoticon like :) with an eastern-style one like ^_^ and you can see what I mean.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • ...Just as a warning, one of my personal pet peeves are people who call comics from everywhere else besides Japan "comics" and comics from Japan "manga."...
    What amuses me is that almost invariably, these people don't realise how much of what they define as "Anime" comes out of Korea, rather than Japan.
  • edited May 2010
    I would assert that the "Disney style" and the "Anime style" are part of a larger psychological symptom. If you notice, one thing that is common to almost all comics is the emphasis laid upon the face and the eyes in general.
    That's definitely true, but while big eyes are the most obvious trait of "the anime style", and something that Disney definitely shares, it's more specific than just that -- it's a particular style of big eyes, a particular nose, a particular mouth, a particular face shape. There is, of course, a sort of series of knobs that crank the stylization up and down, and every artist has their own take on it, but the similarities are definitely there in a huge proportion of manga and anime. Like I said before, there's nothing at all wrong with a "national style" -- it's just silly to deny that it exists.
    I will concede that a lot of anime shares a set of pretty distinct traits handed down by Tezuka and the Showa 24 group like the face fault, the budging vein, eyes that can be seen through hair.
    This is more of a "visual language" thing than a character-design style. American comic strips and cartoons have their own versions of these -- wavy stink lines, birds/stars for a dazed character, etc. "Adventure" comics not so much -- American comics come from a much more "illustrative" tradition than manga. Personally, I feel that Japan actually got this one right. But I"m starting to realize that this is going in a direction not befitting the "Identify Yourself" thread. :)
    I guess that my attitude is more in reaction to the "HAR HAR HAR, ALL THAT ANIMU IS THE SAME LOOK AT THOSE BIG EYES AND SWEATDROPS!!!" mentality.
    I totally get that -- it's a very ignorant, annoying attitude, and I think it's usually the cause when someone overreaches with the "there's no anime style!" argument.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Hey Jon, whereabouts in Albany are you located? I live up in Arbor Hill, on Thornton. Maybe we can grab a drink some time, and introduce you to Burning Wheel.
  • I live slightly outside Albany in Slingerlands. I'm downtown almost everyday though either for school or my summer job. I'd love to grab a drink and try out Burning Wheel.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I'm Lukas and i live in good old North Jersey. I went to NJIT where i held pretty much every position in the anime club there till i left. I love watching anything having to do with sci-fi and giant robots. I love playing video games. My current main squeeze is Starcraft 2.

    I'm a AS2/AS3/Flex developer, with a little OBJ-C on the side. Possibly searching for new employment.

    Hopefully i'll get to meet up with some of you, i love to meet new people and make new friends.
  • Hello, I'm Raul.

    I've been a dork pretty much all my life, unfortunately I'm the useless dork who's knowledge lies in comics, anime, and video games rather than techy stuff. I live in New York, Lynbrook Long Island, but I'd rather call Valley Stream my home town since I lived there for more of my life, though I can't say I'm proud of either towns to be honest.

    Even though I'm not a techy geek, I do enjoy hearing the tech shows the most since I get to learn something new and interesting every time. Currently I'm employed at a Borders bookstore. Just another retail grunt but I'll be looking for something else very soon.

    I like to hang out in the city since there isn't much to do in L.I, so if there's anything going on that the people of Geek Nights are getting together for, I'd love to be a part of it!
  • until i decide death for them.
    You am play gods!
  • Umm, I'm Helljumper. I dream of working in the video game industry and going into 2nd year of art college. A friend told me you are all grammar nazis, I have a hearing Impairment so my English may not be up too your high standards. So please don't crucify me.

    I'm a huge Halo fan and I love video games. I think of myself as an artistic person and overall Geek. I like Anime but not as big of fan as I use to be.

    I look forward to getting to know you all.
  • ... I have a hearing Impairment so my English may not be up too your high standards. So please don't crucify me.
    It's alright, if you keep up this level of spelling/grammer/punctuation you should be fine. What we're really trying to avoid is this "lol i relly liks the animu" or something like that.

    Welcome the forum!
  • edited May 2010
    A friend told me you are all grammar nazis, I have a hearing Impairment so my English may not be up too your high standards.
    A Deaf friend of mine has perfect written English and a massive vocabulary. The key is to simply read more, as a substitute for when you're unable to hear. Do you use a sign language, or can you hear well enough to communicate? Also, we prefer the term "grammar enthusiast." ^_~
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • edited May 2010
    A friend told me you are all grammar nazis, I have a hearing Impairment so my English may not be up too your high standards.
    A Deaf friend of mine has perfect written English and a massive vocabulary. The key is to simply read more, as a substitute for when you're unable to hear. Do you use a sign language, or can you hear well enough to communicate? Also, we prefer the term "grammarenthusiast." ^_~
    I should clarify that I'm Hard-of-hearing.
    I know some ASL, but never really picked it up that much. Your deaf friend is quite an exception then, most other deaf people I know have quite terrible grammar.
    Post edited by Helljumper on
  • several semi-sequitur speculations:

    1. i have a great distaste for the overuse of capitalization. it's a powerful stuff -- why DENIGRATE it?
    b. aniMOO.
    iii. that's all really.
  • I dream of working in the video game industry and going into 2nd year of art college.
    So, then, 3D art if I am not mistaken. Answer me this, though: Maya or Max? (Or...on the slim chance...XSI?)
  • Answer me this, though: Maya or Max? (Or...on the slim chance...XSI?)
    Come on, Lightwave!
  • I've been a lurking member here for over a year yet I never posted in this discussion. Guess late is better than never.

    I'm Robyn Chaos, I'm a 27 year old truck driver, yet I do not fit the trucker stereotype. I'm a dedicated PC gamer though I also have a DS(Pokemon Machine) and a PSP(hacked emulator machine). Since listening to Geeknights for nearly 2 years I have started to watch a lot of older animes that are recommended. I guess I should also say that I am a furry, but I am not the dress up and yiff type and honestly those suits really creep me out, I am into good furry artists. As far as music I am really into Drum and Bass, Chiptunes, Happy Hardcore and Speedcore.

    I can't of anything else to say right now except that I plan to post more often rather than lurk.
  • edited May 2010
    I guess I should also say that I am a furry, but I am not the dress up and yiff type and honestly those suits really creep me out, I am into good furry artists. As far as music I am really into Drum and Bass, Chiptunes, Happy Hardcore and Speedcore.
    If you don't want to have sex with people in fur suits, you aren't a furry anymore than someone who is a fan of Looney Tunes or any other anthropomorphic art.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I guess I should also say that I am a furry, but I am not the dress up and yiff type and honestly those suits really creep me out, I am into good furry artists. As far as music I am really into Drum and Bass, Chiptunes, Happy Hardcore and Speedcore.
    If you don't want to have sex with people in fur suits, you aren't a furry anymore than someone who is a fan of Looney Tunes or any other anthropomorphic art.
    You're the first person to tell me that. Most people call me a furry so I just accepted it.
  • I am into good furry artists.
    Who are some good furry artists?
  • edited May 2010
    Nah, I dig a lot of anthro comics and I sometimes draw anthropomorphic animal characters and stuff. I really think that saying everyone who likes some examples of that type of art and animation is a furry fetishist is like comparing all anime fans to that creepy otaku at anime conventions who like watches nasty hentai all the time and talks about it. And, after all, endowing animals with human characteristics and humans with animal ones has been around for about as long as storytelling itself has.
    Good anthro artists I like are Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo) and Juanjo Guarnido (Blacksad)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I like artists such as squeedgemonster and kyounoikenie. I like anthro art that is visually interesting. Kyounoikenie also draws some pretty weird and cool pokemon fan art, but I'll warn you, he does draw pornographic art too.
  • edited May 2010
    ...That was an eevee dong. Okay, hmm. Dunno about that business.
    I have a friend who is really into pokemon, and I'll have to show you her stuff sometime. It is very cute.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Cool. Yeah most of the stuff you'll find here from him is porn. You pretty much have to find him on Pixiv like I did to find his good(in my opinion) art.
  • Hi;

    My name is Amira and I'm a chef touring with a big circus. I'm on leave from work now so I'm in Israel visiting my mom. I was born on April 30th 1968. I found this pod cast randomly on iTunes and I'm kind of addicted to it. I like philosophy, layman's science, music and music history and whatever I'm enjoying at the moment. I lived in Japan for a year with the circus last year and I found some great anime. I enjoyed Japanese culture and integrated well. I don't play any video games. We had the first pong game on my block some time in the late 70's. My brother had a huge OMNI collection and a reel to reel player. We played Planet of the Apes in the backyard. I was raised on Star Trek TOS as well as the original Twilight Zone.

    Thanks for the great pod cast.

  • My name is Amira and I'm a chef touring with a big circus
    I think you'll fit in here swimmingly. ^_~
  • My name is Amira and I'm acheftouring with abig circus
    I think you'll fit in here swimmingly. ^_~
    lots of hungry clowns around here..?
  • lots of hungry clowns around here..?
    You could certainly call us clowns - assclowns at the very least - and we love us some food. So, yes. Hungry clowns.
  • We are The League of Voracious Assclowns.
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