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Identify Yourself



  • ......
    edited June 2010
    You'll fit in fine here. Oh and um watch out for this guy named Univers (it's not his name, his name is Nine). He's a troll we keep around because he likes doing it just for fun.
    This is golden. Weren't you the faggot who cried bloody murder when people kept writing 'Yupa' when you changed your nickname? Also, kindly keep your lies to yourself, I'm no troll, I'm an asshole.
    Post edited by ... on
  • You'll fit in fine here. Oh and um watch out for this guy named Univers (it's not his name, his name is Nine). He's a troll we keep around because he likes doing it just for fun.
    This is golden. Weren't you the faggot who cried bloody murder when people kept writing 'Yupa' when you changed your nickname? Also, kindly keep your lies to yourself, I'm no troll, I'm an asshole.
  • image
    It's too early to say that about Yupa.
  • edited June 2010
    I'm no troll, I'm an asshole.
    You're kind of both. A trollhole, if you will.

    I kinda like the sound of that. Trollhole.

    EDIT: Asstroll works too.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • You're kind of both.
    That's not what 'troll' means, thank you very much.
  • That's not what 'troll' means, thank you very much.
    So you never bait someone just to get a rise out of them? Come on now, I don't buy that. Besides, "asstroll" just rolls right off the tongue.
  • So you never bait someone just to get a rise out of them?
    No, I just insult them.
  • "asstroll"
    So instead of living under bridges, this specific variety of troll lives in my taint? He could harvesting fresh dingle berry's and breath deep the noxious glory of methane gas.
  • Weren't you the faggot who cried bloody murder when people kept writing 'Yupa' when you changed your nickname? Also, kindly keep your lies to yourself, I'm no troll, I'm an asshole.
    Just to be clear, it's cool to drop the word "faggot" on this board and no one bats an eye? How about "Nigger"? Just curious how much XBL style bigot bullshit I can expect here?
  • edited June 2010
    Just to be clear, it's cool to drop the word "faggot" on this board and no one bats an eye? How about "Nigger"? Just curious how much XBL style bigot bullshit I can expect here?
    To give you a response before Nine turns on you - It's the same as in the rest of the world. You can say it, but it most likely won't make you any sort of popular or fondly thought of, and if you drop it in the wrong context, you might cop it. At least as much as I've observed, it's not an official rule, or anything like that - it just seems to be the way things are in most places offline. Say what you like, but be prepared to defend it or back it up if nessassary, or be punished if you cross the wrong line.

    As for Nine, well...What what he'll do at any particular moment is kinda predictable, though it varies in severity. Sometimes he's merely somewhat harsh, other times, He's posting videos of large lizards eating baby rabbits in the "Cute animals" thread. Nine is just Nine - essentially, hyperagressive and our own special brand of troll - You either get used to it and it's just water off a duck's back, or you get the shits and either get up in his face about it, though unless he goes a bit too far, the former is the norm. No-one bats an eye, because mostly, they're ignoring him.

    It's kinda like the Westborough Baptist Church, really. Offensive and often annoying, but really, other than being aware of their presence sometimes, largely ignored on the grounds of being mostly harmless.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited June 2010
    Just to be clear, it's cool to drop the word "faggot" on this board and no one bats an eye? How about "Nigger"? Just curious how much XBL style bigot bullshit I can expect here?
    No one bats an eye when Nine(Univers) says it. Because unsavory behavior is just the sort of thing we expect from him. There's really no use in trying to condemn him for it. He is already so full of our condemnation that he is effectively condemn-immune.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • ......
    edited June 2010
    Just to be clear, it's cool to drop the word "faggot" on this board and no one bats an eye? How about "Nigger"? Just curious how much XBL style bigot bullshit I can expect here?
    What's wrong with calling someone what they are? It's trivial to burn Yupa, as is to be expected from tinder, and on top of that it also works as an insult. As for 'coolness', it's never 'cool' to use words, sure, funny sometimes when you're talking about defenestrating some pot, but never cool, and as such there's no XBox Live nonsense here. They're just fucking words used to communicate, and I'm an asshole as I already said.
    Post edited by ... on
  • What's wrong with calling someone what they are?
    The last time I checked, Geo is neither a biker nor a bundle of sticks. He is also not a variety of moth larva. He may or may not be gay - not that it really matters - but clearly, you wouldn't think that being gay is somehow a bad thing. That's what redneck Americans think.
  • The last time I checked, Geo is neither a biker nor a bundle of sticks. He is also not a variety of moth larva. He may or may not be gay - not that it really matters - but clearly, you wouldn't think that being gay is somehow a bad thing. That's what redneck Americans think.
    You forgot "English Meatball".
  • The last time I checked, Geo is neither a biker nor a bundle of sticks.
    Then you sir, know nothing.
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2010
    The last time I checked, Geo is neither a biker nor a bundle of sticks.
    Then you sir, know nothing.
    Says he who has not actually met me, whereas Whale has. So shush.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • You forgot "English Meatball".
    I don't know that Geo would taste good with brown sauce.
  • I don't know that Geo would taste good with brown sauce.
    You better believe it.
  • I don't know that Geo would taste good with brown sauce.
    You better believe it.
    "No one should be THIS delicious!"
  • "No one should be THIS delicious!"
    He's a bit of a dish on his own, but the brown sauce just really brings it all together.
  • I'll weigh in. Don't call eachother "faggots" or "niggers" in this forum.
  • Can we use any insult found in late 80's/early 90's anime?
  • I'll weigh in. Don't call eachother "faggots" or "niggers" in this forum.
    Thank you for that.

    I was pretty excited to start participating here, but that pretty much made me not want to ever come back again. Tolerating that kind of shit just because someone is a pain in the ass isn't my cup of tea.

    Also, if Univers is a connoisseur of assholery, show us some skill! Be more creative! Don't go for the cheap and easy insults. It demeans us all.
  • Also, if Univers is a connoisseur of assholery, show us some skill! Be more creative! Don't go for the cheap and easy insults. It demeans us all.
    I like this one. She Gets it.
  • Also, if Univers is a connoisseur of assholery, show us some skill! Be more creative! Don't go for the cheap and easy insults. It demeans us all.
    I like this one. She Gets it.
    Yes she does. I think my opinions of her fitting in just fine here just got strengthened a whole bunch. She just burned Nine.
  • edited June 2010
    Yes she does. I think my opinions of her fitting in just fine here just got strengthened a whole bunch. She just burned Nine.
    Well, I wouldn't say Burned, But she wasn't cowed by him, which as unfortunate as this is, is a test that seems to be something all Newbies go through, and come out stronger. She's a forumite, now.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yes she does. I think my opinions of her fitting in just fine here just got strengthened a whole bunch. She just burned Nine.
    Well, I wouldn't say Burned, But she wasn't cowed by him, which as unfortunate as this is, is a test that seems to be something all Newbies go through, and come out stronger.
    Cowed? I don't understand what that means.
  • Cowed? I don't understand what that means.
    She Wasn't intimidated or discouraged to the point of submission, essentially.
  • Says he who has not actually met me, whereas Whale has. So shush.
    I make a comment about you from my point of view in response to you. I'm pretty damned sure you're wrong in this case.
    if Univers is a connoisseur of assholery
    This statement is false, what the fuck made you think that? I said I'm an asshole, nothing more, period.
    Be more creative! Don't go for the cheap and easy insults. It demeans us all.
    Cheap and easy? You'll have to talk to Yupa about that, he makes it easy. It is also not my problem that you don't get the insult.
    I was pretty excited to start participating here, but that pretty much made me not want to ever come back again. Tolerating that kind of shit just because someone is a pain in the ass isn't my cup of tea.
    For fuck's sake, you ignite as easily as the other faggot. Grow up, it's just a word that you're assigning the wrong definition to. Had you not been as stupid as ignorant and childish as you have been then the chances of me ever again having used the word 'faggot' would be nill. Thank you, for assisting.
  • I hope you get banned. I'm fairly certain your caustic assholery is responsible for keeping this community as small as it is.

    But really, no, you're not original. You're the angry 14 (or 19) year old kid who likes to abuse people and then pretend there was more meaning to it than that, and assert that everyone else is stupid for not getting it. Congratulations, you're every insecure, angst-ridden youth ever. Now go away.
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