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Identify Yourself



  • ......
    edited June 2010
    D'awwwwwwwwwwwww, wook at the big boi
    If you wanted that kind of talk, just ask.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Grow up...
    Lawd in heaven! The irony is painful.

  • For fuck's sake, you ignite as easily as the other faggot. Grow up, it's just a word that you're assigning the wrong definition to. Had you not been as stupid as ignorant and childish as you have been then the chances of me ever again having used the word 'faggot' would be nill. Thank you, for assisting.
    To claim that I am ignorant (and stupid and childish) for interpreting a word with it's most commonly used definition seems like an awfully weak argument.
    As much as I would love to let this to die, I'm wildly curious: What is the definition that you are using? Were you calling him a bundle of sticks?

    ps. I haven't "ignited", I'm just flexing some logic muscles here. Note that you are the only one who seems to be flying off the handle.
    pps. Please do keep using the that word, because, while I'm a n00b here and perhaps have no voice in such things, I would like you to be banned.
    I hope you get banned. I'm fairly certain your caustic assholery is responsible for keeping this community as small as it is.
    Speaking for myself, his posts around the board certainly left a bad taste in my mouth. But thank you everyone for your support. I'll do my best to not let Univers overshadow what seems to be a great group of people!
  • Speaking for myself, his posts around the board certainly left a bad taste in my mouth. But thank you everyone for your support. I'll do my best to not let Univers overshadow what seems to be a great group of people!
    This comes up every now and again. That's why we say to ignore it. While I would love to see him banned - or better yet, provide meaningful content - banning someone solely for being an immature douche leaves an equally bad taste in my mouth.
  • ......
    edited June 2010
    To claim that I am ignorant (and stupid and childish) for interpreting a word with it's most commonly used definition seems like an awfully weak argument.
    Problem, I had already pointed out you were doing it wrong. It's then only fair to say you're acting ignorant and childish if you cover up your eyes and scream "CAN'T HEAR YOU, LALALALALALALALALLA."
    What is the definition that you are using? Were you calling him a bundle of sticks?
    As I said before, yes. I used simple, basic and clear English. 'Tinder'. It's a joke, like Yupa.
    ps. I haven't "ignited", I'm just flexing some logic muscles here.
    Sure, now you're trying to make logic, but that argument doesn't apply to your previous post of you crying about the use of words. Can't just go re-arranging comment order like that.
    Note that you are the only one who seems to be flying off the handle.
    I can't fly, I just do pirouettes. And handles are for 3 year olds, I only use broom sticks. As for that thing, it's still in the hallway, so I'm not yet near doing my pirouettes of that broom stick. I'd have to beat someone senseless with it first.
    pps. Please do keep using the that word, because, while I'm a n00b here and perhaps have no voice in such things, I would like you to be banned.
    You're new, a newbie, not a n00b. You're not acting retarded enough for that.
    Speaking for myself, his posts around the board certainly left a bad taste in my mouth.
    Oh dear, you suffer from synaesthesia? I'm sorry, but I'm not going to stop using letters-arranged-in-order for communication.
    I'll do my best to not let Univers overshadow what seems to be a great group of people!
    It would require fucking magic to overshadow Scrym's ego.

    provide meaningful content
    I do such equally as being an asshole. Though I can understand you denying it's meaningful because you don't care.
    Post edited by ... on
  • Absolutely agreed. And I haven't been here long enough to witness whether Univers makes constructive contributions - so hopefully he does.
    But if someone is on a board just to be a jerk, with no other redeeming qualities? Brings down the whole place. IMO. I'm going to stop being preachy now and go back to the fun part of this board :)
  • I do such equally as being an asshole. Though I can understand you denying it's meaningful because you don't care.
    So your net content output is 0. You might as well not be here. And no, I don't care. I don't care why you decide to be an asshole; I only care that you do and that it detracts from any given conversation and serves to drive people away.

    If you posted 25% asshole and 75% meaningful content, that would be a different story.
  • Kids, take it to another thread.

    Univers, you're not helping your case here, and in general you are probably the most problematic member of our fair forum by far.
  • I don't know that Geo would taste good with brown sauce.
    Meh, it's not exactly the best kind for someone like me. I suggest using a white wine sauce instead.
  • I'll weigh in. Don't call eachother "faggots" or "niggers" in this forum.
    WTF?! Why is this even necessary to declare?
    Nine, I am disappoint. Only people f*gs and their hags can get away with that word and not offend, and even then it depends on the company and the context.
  • Nine, I am disappoint.
    Disappointment implies expectations. You expected anything but basic ****cockery from Nine?
  • I have never heard a cigarette say a word.
  • I have never heard a cigarette say a word.
    I still don't understand what you're talking about...
  • edited June 2010
    I have never heard a cigarette say a word.
    I still don't understand what you're talking about...
    I think it's about your appearance.

    EDIT: Luke's interpretation makes more sense when I look at the last page.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • In English, a fag is a cigarette.
  • edited June 2010

    Post edited by Walker on
  • Hey Gunter, does Hobo King have an English cousin or something?
  • Hey Gunter, does Hobo King have an English cousin or something?
    No doubt he is his own British cousin.
  • Hey Gunter, does Hobo King have an English cousin or something?
    Yes. The Gypsy General.
  • Hey Gunter, does Hobo King have an English cousin or something?
    Yes. The Gypsy General.
  • I like The Vizier of Vagrancy.
  • Or possible The Pikey Prince.
  • Or possible The Pikey Prince.
    Oh don't even get either me or Churbs started on that XD
  • There some kind of inside baseball going on with The Pikey Prince or are you guys from Albion?
  • edited June 2010
    I don't get the Albion thing. It sounds ok when Rym uses it, but that's because it fits in with him being a complete ponce. When people on the forum use it, it just sounds out of place. Can anyone here not tell the difference between English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Can anyone here not tell the difference between English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish
    So should we call it the UK? How about Britain? Great Britain? England? They're all basically equivalent to states in the US anyway. ;^)
  • edited June 2010
    You call the country by it's name.

    Could you at least make a veiled attempt at not being so pompous?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • You call the country by it's name.
    "Europe" for everything it is.
  • Europe is a country now? When did that happen?
  • Europe is a country now? When did that happen?
    You're Irish, right?
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