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Identify Yourself



  • Appreciate the shout out on the show! there was much whooping with happiness in the house.
  • Hey all. Long time listener, first time caller. My name is Constantine von Hoffman and I'm the dad from The Family That Geeks Together which runs panels at ConnectiCon and Anime Boston. I'm a board game freak (cvonh @ BGG and I help run the annual Unity Games day) and I love Miyazake, Trigun, Tutu, Bebop, Sgt. Frog and Calamari Wrestler. I'm also a journalist who writes other stuff. I've read a lot of SF but seem to read more fantasy lately (Terry Pratchett, Joe Abercrombie, Dave Duncan). I also write a blog in which I make fun of
    I saw you guys at Anime Boston. You are awesome!
  • Hello...Is there anybody here :D
    I am Celia. I am new to this forum. I have found many interesting here :)
    Hope we will have more to share !!!
  • What's up, spambot?
  • How can you tell it's a spambot?
  • Generally positive greeting with no specific reference to any of the topics at hand. High likely-hood of spambot.
  • edited July 2010
    I listen to a lot of gaming podcasts, and learned about GN at PAX East.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • Where did you hear about the panels?
  • edited July 2010
    Where did you hear about the panels?
    Meg of the Brilliant Gameologists podcast went to the Beyond Dungeons and Dragons and said it was awesome. Then I saw a geeky topic in the list of podcasts.
    Post edited by okeefe on
  • ......
    edited July 2010
    How can you tell it's a spambot?
    Not to forget "I have found many interesting here :)". The entire comment is disassociated to the topic in general and the forum really. It's just wordswordswords put up because it can.

    And welcome Okeefe.
    Post edited by ... on
  • And welcome Okeefe.
    Can we get him to sing "She's my baby"?
  • Meg of the Brilliant Gameologists podcast went to the Beyond Dungeons and Dragons and said it was awesome. Then I saw a geeky topic in the list of podcasts.
    How is this possible? PAX East was in March 2010, but they haven't done a podcast since 2009.
  • How is this possible? PAX East was in March 2010, but they haven't done a podcast since 2009.
    PAX Prime maybe? Or Anime Boston? Or Otakon? Or ConnectiCon? Or that OTHER PAX Prime? (We've done that panel a billion times ^_~).
  • How is this possible? PAX East was in March 2010, but they haven't done a podcast since 2009.
    PAX Prime maybe? Or Anime Boston? Or Otakon? Or ConnectiCon? Or that OTHER PAX Prime? (We've done that panel a billion times ^_~).
    I specifically remember seeing people calling themselves gameologists at PAX East.
  • How is this possible? PAX East was in March 2010, but they haven't done a podcast since 2009.
    PAX Prime maybe? Or Anime Boston? Or Otakon? Or ConnectiCon? Or that OTHER PAX Prime? (We've done that panel a billion times ^_~).
    I specifically remember seeing people calling themselves gameologists at PAX East.
    Just because they've podfaded (although they dispute this), they still exist as people.
  • edited July 2010
    Just because they've podfaded (although they dispute this), they still exist as people.
    Did they tell you about us in person? If they podcasted about us, point me at it.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Yo. Time for my intro post thing. I'm Doctor Barber. You might be interested to know that I am both a doctor AND a barber, and am fully qualified to provide haircuts and surgery.

    Been listening to the show for a few years now. I'm a college freshman from New Jersey starting at RIT this September (yeah, the show influenced my decision to go there a bit). Went to tour the college and surrounding area a few months back and it looks like a pretty awesome place. Going there for Game Design and Comp Sci. I'd like to be a game designer. I guess I'll see where that goes in the next few years. I'm into the usual stuff, anime/manga/comics, fantasy/scifi, video/card/tabletop/board games, etc. Anyway, love the show and glad to be a part of the forum. Nice to meet you all and see you around.
  • I'm a college freshman from New Jersey starting at RIT this September
    Ok, so doctor barber is not for reals.
  • There was a guy at one of the schools I went to called Doctor Beer.
  • Just because they've podfaded (although they dispute this), they still exist as people.
    Did they tell you about us in person? If they podcasted about us, point me at it.
    In person, at PAX East, just after Action Castle.
  • In person, at PAX East, just after Action Castle.

    For future reference, if anybody out there notices us being mentioned anywhere, let us know. Especially let us know if we are mentioned somewhere that we wouldn't normally know about. For example if we're mentioned on Anime World Order, you don't really need to tell us that, we know. If we're mentioned on local news in Montana, then tell us right away.
  • @Doctor Barber
    Sweet! I will also be going to RIT in September for Game Design.
  • edited July 2010
    @Doctor Barber
    Sweet! I will also be going to RIT in September for Game Design.
    Oh wow! Nice to meet you man. Sent you a friend request on Facebook.
    Post edited by Doctor Barber on
  • You might be interested to know that I am both a doctor AND a barber, and am fully qualified to provide haircuts and surgery.
    Shave and an appendectomy, two bits?
  • You might be interested to know that I am both a doctor AND a barber, and am fully qualified to provide haircuts and surgery.
    Shave and an appendectomy, two bits?
    Sounds fair. I could throw in some Z-Ray vision if you'd like.
  • my joining this forum is long overdue...

    I'm Kristen Benedict, former co-president of the SUNY Purchase College anime club which is how GeekNights was brought to my attention in the first place. I majored in Cinema Studies. My favorite film genres are Science Fiction, French New Wave, and 1980s romantic comedies. I currently live in CT where I grew up and am waitressing and waiting for the film studios to be built in South Windsor so I can get a film job here rather than having to relocate. I hope...
  • Welcome. Your name is amusing. I see what you did there. ^_~
  • Welcome. Your name is amusing. I see what you did there. ^_~
  • my joining this forum is long overdue...

    I'm Kristen Benedict, former co-president of the SUNY Purchase College anime club which is how GeekNights was brought to my attention in the first place. I majored in Cinema Studies. My favorite film genres are Science Fiction, French New Wave, and 1980s romantic comedies. I currently live in CT where I grew up and am waitressing and waiting for the film studios to be built in South Windsor so I can get a film job here rather than having to relocate.Ihope...
    I think we're very much alike both in interests, geographical location, and aspirations. Speaking of which, when is the one in Stratford gonna get built.
  • my joining this forum is long overdue...

    I'm Kristen Benedict, former co-president of the SUNY Purchase College anime club which is how GeekNights was brought to my attention in the first place. I majored in Cinema Studies. My favorite film genres are Science Fiction, French New Wave, and 1980s romantic comedies. I currently live in CT where I grew up and am waitressing and waiting for the film studios to be built in South Windsor so I can get a film job here rather than having to relocate.Ihope...
    I think we're very much alike both in interests, geographical location, and aspirations. Speaking of which, when is the one in Stratford gonna get built?
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