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  • @Doctor Barber
    Sweet! I will also be going to RIT in September for Game Design.
    Oh wow! Nice to meet you man. Sent you a friend request on Facebook.
    Oh hey, I'm going for IT this fall too! :D
  • Wow, what is this now, 4 incoming RIT GeekNights people? We'll have to have dinner together or something. If you need something, all my contact info is on IDShare.
  • I'm thinking we all have our first ever true RIT meal at Gracie's together.

    ...On second thought, maybe not.
  • I think Rym and Scott should get commission from RIT for the number of people they get to attend there.
  • edited July 2010
    I think Rym and Scott should get commission from RIT for the number of people they get to attend there.
    I actually think people going to RIT because we went there might not be the greatest idea. You should make your life decisions based on yourself, not based on someone else.

    I saw many people go to RIT simply because a significant other from high school was also going there. All of those people failed or dropped out or transferred, or whatever. If you're going to RIT simply because we went there, I don't see that as being that much different.

    Also, yes we should get a commission, and so should the RIT anime club.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I actually think people going to RIT because we went there might not be the greatest idea. You should make your life decisions based on yourself, not based on someone else.
    Well, duh.
    I'm thinking we all have our first ever true RIT meal at Gracie's together.
    Ah, no. You guys will have plenty of that without my help. I will, however, drive you guys to Jay's or King & I or something one night if you so desire.
  • Ah, no. You guys will have plenty of that without my help. I will, however, drive you guys to Jay's or King & I or something one night if you so desire.
    Fuck yeah King & I.
  • I actually think people going to RIT because we went there might not be the greatest idea. You should make your life decisions based on yourself, not based on someone else.
    QFT. I'm making a point of considering schools irrespective of friends that may be attending colleges in the same area.
  • QFT. I'm making a point of considering schools irrespective of friends that may be attending colleges in the same area.
    Just be careful not to make the mistake of skipping the perfect school BECAUSE your friend, or someone else, is going. OMG, life is hard.
  • I decided to go to RIT about...4-5 years ago. Geeknights did not create that decision, simply reinforced it. Actually, I started listening to Geeknights because you went to RIT, so I felt I could trust you. A friend told me that you guys went to RIT and the Anime Club there, and that wound up getting me interested in the podcast, because I was already interested in both of these things.
  • Similarly to Axel, I heard about RIT from you guys years and years ago, and it sounded like a pretty cool place. Did some research, realized that what I wanted to do was IT. Did more research, realized that RIT is a good place to go for that. Further research, decided to go. All information I gained about RIT from the moment I started doing research indicated that it'd be a good school for me.
  • Hi!

    I'm from Germany, 25 years old and I'm studying computer science.

    I've listened to most of GeekNights now, and like the Podcast a lot. I hope I don't quit listening once I'm on the forums, like I did with some other podcast. GeekNights brought me back to watching anime after about four or five years of not caring about anime, and now consuming anime is back to being my number one hobby, followed by playing video games and doing generally geeky stuff with computers and Internets.

    I'm not too much into board gaming and role-playing right now, but I don't think I wouldn't like it. It's just that most of my friends aren't into it and I haven't made any effort to find a group to play with yet.

    Anyway, I joined the forums because I hope I can communicate with some cool people here and become more active in online discussions again.
  • I'm from Germany, 25 years old and I'm studying computer science.
    I'm not too much into board gaming and role-playing right now, but I don't think I wouldn't like it. It's just that most of my friends aren't into it and I haven't made any effort to find a group to play with yet.
    You live in Germany, and your a computer scientist. You're basically in board gaming heaven.
  • I joined and posted a few times about 2 years ago. Don't think I ever posted in this thread. Gonna try again to jump in and participate.

    As an introduction, I'm 20 years old, I live in Texas. I've spent the last 4-5 years attempting to do awesome geek things, but failing miserably. Firstly, for personal reasons, I missed out on Senior, Junior, and half of Sophomore year of High School, after having finally cultivated an awesome gaming group from the barren wastes that was my general geographic area. I got to play all of a few D&D games before having to leave.

    I "graduated" high school, went to college, started a social psychology degree, finally reuniting with some of my more awesome friends from high school. I loved living alone, cultivated yet another gaming group on decidedly infertile soil, and once again had to withdraw after only a few games, dropping out of college because of family issues.

    I got the chance to go to college again, but instead said "Fuck it! I shall follow my true passion this time!" and enrolled in a French culinary school near where I live.

    And, despite having missed out on most of high school and all of college, I've tried to make the most of it with what I had at my disposal - no money, no car, no friends, but a computer and the tenacity to use it. In that time, I've watched Eva, Cowboy Bebop, Bokurano, Trigun, Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, Avatar and a thousand others worth little mention. I've looked beyond Dungeons and Dragons and seen glorious fields of wonder and majesty, pondering if it had always been there, hiding behind that shanty. I know the difference between a game with roleplaying tacked on and an honest roleplaying-game now. I've attempted to grasp what little I could of logic and mathematics with my, admittedly limited, intelligence. I know enough to tell you the optimal solution to the prisoner's dilemma and what the sunk cost fallacy is, but not much more. I've acquired, through one means or another, Settlers of Catan, Carcassonne, and Dominion. The first, I managed to solve without ever actually playing the game. I learned to appreciate Football and Hockey, and I've learned not to shun physical exertion, and am happily fit because of it. I've pirated Half Life 2, Left 4 Dead, and Starcraft 2, among many others, only because I have no money and lots of free time. I suck at Starcraft 2, but I'm trying to get better. I shower regularly.

    Who do I have to thank for any and all of this? Rym and Scott. Geeknights taught me everything I needed to know from how to not suck at speaking to how to not suck at thinking to how to not suck at underwear (boxers ftw). Because of you guys, I've come out a stronger person from a situation where I only thought I could get weaker, and gave me the skills and advice I would have otherwise missed out on. I just want to give a thank you and hope to god I can get to a PAX and meet you guys in person at some point. I've wanted to see some of your panels for ages, but the only one I could find on youtube was "Beyond Dungeons and Dragons" from 2008, and it was rather incomplete.

    Also, I'm an atheist. Separate thank you for that.
  • I shower regularly.
    Lol'd. Welcome.
  • I got the chance to go to college again, but instead said "Fuck it! I shall follow my true passion this time!" and enrolled in a French culinary school near where I live.
    Well, you've got my respect. G'day.
  • Welcome a-board.

    I will contest your last paragraph: don't go praising people when they've done nothing. The things you praise them for you can find in a thousand other places and aren't noteworthy next to you introducing yourself as awesome.
  • Welcome to the Hazardous Materials Lab, I see you've met Nineless. If you want to go and get suited up, we'll be waiting for you down in the chamber.
  • Welcome to the Hazardous Materials Lab, I see you've met Nineless. If you want to go and get suited up, we'll be waiting for you down in the chamber.
    Hey, lemmie buy you a beer sometime.
  • edited August 2010
    I’m Sandra Serrano. I vaguely know some of you offline, I’m 22 years old, I work repairing watches while I go to school and I love most geeky things! Oh, also Cremlian is hairy and smells funny--like ha-ha funny, not ew funny.
    Post edited by Pangolin on
  • So he smells like fruit?
  • Ah, thank you, Pangolin; I was wondering what that odor was. On days when the wind blows just so, the whole city - yes, even so far away - smells kinda... clowny.

    Also, much-belated thanks to people who welcomed me a while back when I posted to this thread and then forgot about it. What up, Ro?
  • edited August 2010
    What up, Ro?
    Sup, playa!

    I had to actually go back to your original post in this thread to see what I said.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Salutations everybody!

    My name is Ryan Ludlow although most of my friends call me Luddy. I'm an undergraduate student majoring in political science and economics with a minor in philosophy. I used to be in the EE track but found it wasn't for me. I've been creepin' around on the forums for about a year and figured I should start contributing to the community that i've anonymously come to enjoy.

    I stay pretty busy with school, but in my spare time I enjoy playing WoW, Halo PC, and assorted rpgs on my Sega Master System. I recently borrowed my buddy's Xbox 360 and got hooked on Assassin's creed, so console gaming will probably start to consume a larger portion of my video game time. I play DnD occasionally but have recently been Playing Danger quest. I just ordered a copy of Dread and look forward to working it into my gaming time.

    I think that covers a decent amount about me. I look forward to being a part of this community!
  • I recently borrowed my buddy's Xbox 360 and got hooked on Assassin's creed,
    If you liked Assassin's Creed then AC2 will totally eat your console gaming time. Welcome to the forum!
  • Yeah, I played AC a while ago. Fun game. AC2 completely blows it out of the water, though, so enjoy it.
  • Yeah, I played AC a while ago. Fun game. AC2 completely blows it out of the water, though, so enjoy it.
    I've yet to play it...sadly. I have AC, and I was going through it..but then Red Dead Redemption showed up.
  • I've yet to play it...sadly. I have AC, and I was going through it..but then Red Dead Redemption showed up.
    I feel your pain - I was working my way through AC when AC2 dropped, so I picked up AC2. Then RDR hit, which interrupted my AC2. My backlog hates me right now.
  • My name is Rafael Martinez and I grew up and live in Los Angeles. Currently I'm 22, dealing with the fact that I'm not gonna get out of school nearly as fast as I wanted, and just working my way through a couple games.

    I once let a rouge talk my dragonborn paladin into acting as a battering ram to attack a room full of baddies, and it went better than expected, I just managed to torch a room full of priceless paintings.

    I wish that I was better about networking and find some people in my area of the city that will play board games and role playing games with me.
  • live in Los Angeles
    Woo! We got another one! Welcome :)
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