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Identify Yourself



  • My name is Rafael Martinez and I grew up and live in Los Angeles. Currently I'm 22, dealing with the fact that I'm not gonna get out of school nearly as fast as I wanted, and just working my way through a couple games.
    Live near the beach in LA, no college degree, work in AI research(for AdaptiveAI/SmartAction), help run crashspace, a hackerspace in Culver City. Lots of hobbies, writing, drawing, p n p RPGs, comics, all poorly. I run a Pathfinder and a Shadowrun game, if anybody else is a cheap mainstream RPG date(and in LA, I guess. I've tried Skype and conference calling in, but there are problems).
    Yes! More Southern Californians! Welcome!
    Indeed, Welcome new folks!

    So, how many of us does that make? 6? 7?

    Watch out, East coast! We're rising in numbers! I'll try to keep them from revolting, a courtesy as a fellow east coast native.
  • This is a suitable audience for Churba's and my deathmatch.
  • So hey guys, what's up?

    I figured that I'd start stalking and occasionally commenting on the forums again so I'd say much more about myself than I said when I first got here.

    So where to start? I'm currently a 15 year old Punk Kid living in West Hartford, CT. I have been raised and influenced in a peculiar way so that I listen to good music and know how to type proficiently. I am rather shy and during my last stint of checking the forums constantly I was lacking in self confidence and would rarely say anything and if I did I would check it over an innumerable amount of times before deciding that it was good enough.
    I have been a fan of anime/manga since I was in middleschool, starting with the likes of (the original) Dragon Ball and such things as Naruto, One Piece and Bleach, though I have since grown out of them. My first convention ever was CTCon back in the summer of 09 where after the first day I volunteered and earned a badge for the next time I go (since I didn't go this previous year...).I've been listening to the podcast for probably less than a year and am interested in all the topics of conversation that has come across the mind of the almighty Scrym. I am an avid gamer when my parents haven't taken away my Xbox and being a punk kid I have no moneys to buy a good computer. Like, I can't even freakin' play counter strike. Rant rant rant.

    I go through phases of music (Ska, reggae, techno, jazz, metal), I believe that just because I don't enjoy something it doesn't mean others can't and I go out of my way to not be offensive.
    To tie it up I skateboard (irrelevancy for the win!) and I'm here to be/learn how to be social.
  • You are a punk kid. You should have stopped at techno and Jazz. :-P
  • Hey, all those genres are cool. I don't go out of my way to listen to Ska or Reggae, but Techno, Jazz, and Metal are like, my favorite genres.

    Welcome (back) to the forum! Way to not be a lurker.
  • I'm here to be/learn how to be social.
    What letter in "internet" don't you understand?
  • It's Nineless's time of the week again, he's just being grumpy. Welcome back, welcome guest.
  • Took you 15 minutes. You're getting slow cunt.
  • Yes Nineless, I occasionally conduct in tasks which require me to be away from the forum for up to (And sometimes beyond.) 15 minutes.

    Also, I look forward to enjoying my slow cunt.
  • What letter in "internet" don't you understand?
    It's Nineless's time of the week again, he's just being grumpy. Welcome back, welcome guest.
    Took you 15 minutes. You're getting slow cunt.
    Yes Nineless, I occasionally conduct in tasks which require me to be away from the forum for up to (And sometimes beyond.) 15 minutes.

    Also, I look forward to enjoying my slow cunt.
    The amount of Tsundere in this thread is off the charts!
  • Technically, this would be closer to a manzai sketch..

  • Yes Nineless, I occasionally conduct in tasks which require me to be away from the forum for up to (And sometimes beyond.) 15 minutes.
  • edited September 2010
    Hey, all those genres are cool. I don't go out of my way to listen to Ska or Reggae, but Techno, Jazz, and Metal are like, my favorite genres.
    I think he was making a joke because he was describing himself as a "punk" kid and then mentioned techno and jazz.
    This is a suitable audience for Churba's and my deathmatch.
    Ahaha, that's cute. You seem to be under the naive delusion that we are not going to set up cameras and stream it over the internet.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Technically, this would be closer to a manzai sketch..

    Personally I prefer to think you two secretly go on dates every week and this is all an act to cover it up.

    Request to the Fora: Omnutia/Nineless slashfic, plz.
  • I wouldn't have thought myself notable enough for slash fiction but that's fine by me. If someone can write it and stop it getting too classy.
  • edited October 2010
    Technically, this would be closer to a manzai sketch..

    Personally I prefer to think you two secretly go on dates every week and this is all an act to cover it up.

    Request to the Fora: Omnutia/Nineless slashfic, plz.
    *Viga's head explodes*

    Plus, it would be furry because Nine is a cat. D:
    Post edited by Viga on
  • I said classy, dammit. Fujoshi dragging everything into the mud as usual.
  • I said classy, dammit. Fujoshi dragging everything into the mud as usual.
    Gross viga and her gross obsessions :P
  • Plus, it would be furry because Nine is a cat. D:
    He insists otherwise. Maybe we should meet him halfway and make him a catboy?
  • ......
    edited October 2010
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Post edited by ... on
  • That's because you're not. It just happens that you obsess over someone actually notable enough to garner the attention that leads to slash fiction being written about him. Like Scrym.
    Damn son, that's cold. Besides, I'm the only one obsessing here, with the possible exception of Viga.
  • ......
    edited October 2010
    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Post edited by ... on
  • You've yet to stalk anyone Grey.
    How would you know? :3
  • This is a suitable audience for Churba's and my deathmatch.
    Blood for the blood god, Skulls for the Skull throne, and Beverages for the winner.

    Also, More People for the FRCWest PAX Road Trip.
  • Welcome to anyone newer than me
  • @Sonic, I don't see how being a Punk Kid could stop me at doing anything...

    Also, Nines. I missed you baaaaby. Where did you go?
  • I'm Shane King, born August 1986. Originally from South Carolina, I moved to my current location NYC to finish college and be nearer to the woman I've shared life with now for a little over six years. At Otakon, summer 2004, I embarrassed myself into a relationship with her. In other words, I'm clumsy, but more importantly I think I'm trying to say that I'm an Anime man. She is too but I'll let her speak for herself... not a man, but an Anime -- person.

    I graduated Hunter College in linguistics and Lit Crit and now work as an editorial person and eBook assistant for an independent publisher. I read widely and while I haven't been able to read on the geek side of the tracks in a while because of my job demands, I love a good round of sci-fi, fantasy, manga, graphic novels etc. I look forward mostly to discussing general issues here including homelife, arts and lit, science and tech, video games and anime.

    Look forward to getting to know you all.
  • I'm Shane King, born August 1986. Originally from South Carolina, I moved to my current location NYC to finish college and be nearer to the woman I've shared life with now for a little over six years. At Otakon, summer 2004, I embarrassed myself into a relationship with her. In other words, I'm clumsy, but more importantly I think I'm trying to say that I'm an Anime man. She is too but I'll let her speak for herself... not a man, but an Anime -- person.

    I graduated Hunter College in linguistics and Lit Crit and now work as an editorial person and eBook assistant for an independent publisher. I read widely and while I haven't been able to read on the geek side of the tracks in a while because of my job demands, I love a good round of sci-fi, fantasy, manga, graphic novels etc. I look forward mostly to discussing general issues here including homelife, arts and lit, science and tech, video games and anime.

    Look forward to getting to know you all.
    We hope to get to know you as well! Welcome to the forum!
  • I'm Shane King, born August 1986. Originally from South Carolina, I moved to my current location NYC to finish college and be nearer to the woman I've shared life with now for a little over six years.
    Welcome! Good to see others from the greater NYC area. When did you move up from SC?

  • Welcome! Good to see others from the greater NYC area. When did you move up from SC?
    Yeah, I've noticed quite a few folks on here from the NYC area. Potential meet-ups perhaps?

    After strapping my belongings to the top of a rental van, I moved up in '06 to Jackson Heights, Queens. In '09 I moved into Manhattan Upper-east 62nd where I am now.
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