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Identify Yourself



  • I like you. You will fit in real well. You need to post your sewing and crochet projects in this thread.

    Welcome! ^____^
  • I will definitely do so. ^_^ I'm in the middle of a couple of projects right now, but I'm hoping to finish off at least two by this weekend.
  • I will definitely do so. ^_^ I'm in the middle of a couple of projects right now, but I'm hoping to finish off at least two by this weekend.
    Yay another crafter in the forums!
  • I’m Laura. I’m 25 and live in Astoria. I work in digital marketing at a science fiction and fantasy publisher in Manhattan and as you might suspect, I read a lot in those genres. Beyond reading I enjoy anime, manga, sewing, and crocheting. I also play the ukulele…badly, but hey, practice makes perfect right? (Although at this point, I’ll be satisfied if I hit “barely tolerable”)
    OMG, you live in Astoria? We should totally hang out! Are you one of the nerdNYC boardgame people?
  • @Emily - I thought the whole skirt/boot thing was impractical b/c the boots are designed to keep you warm, while the skirt leaves you out in the breeze. I don't have any experience wearing a skirt though (or utilikilt), so I'll defer to someone who has. Glad to hear there is appropriate whether for such an outfit, as I feel it should be worn more!

    @Laura - I also get the feeling you will fit in reat here. More importantly, if you aren't one of the NerdNYC board game people you should be. It's a great time!
  • @gomidog I would love to hang out sometime. I really haven't done much in Astoria yet even though I've been here for two months now. Maybe after the the thanksgiving holiday at somepoint?

    @gundabad + @gomidog I am not one of the NerdNYC board game people. but I am a Nerd and this is NYC and board games are definately fun so you're right, I probably should be. :p
  • edited November 2010
    I really haven't done much in Astoria yet even though I've been here for two months now.
    Out of curiosity, where did you originally move from?

    As far as board game nights go, there is one every month on a Friday night, and they are always at Think Coffee in downtown Manhattan next to NYU. Next one is Dec 10th, but all the future dates and more details are in a post at There is also a quarterly event called Recess that is an all-day event of playing games in some rented out studio space. Both are great times, and the next Recess date should be announced very, very soon.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I'm Josh Mermelstein, a high school senior from central New Jersey, USA. I can juggle five balls (and am currently working on 6), ride a unicycle, whistle any song (with a tune, that is), solve a Rubik's cube, and build Conway models out of pencils.

    I'm planning on going to college next year, but am not totally sure what I want to study. All I know so far is that I ant to be in the math/science half of the spectrum.
  • I can juggle five balls (and am currently working on 6)
    Another juggler to the forums! Welcome.

    FYI, we have a professional juggler that is a fairly active member here. He is all kinds of awesome.
  • FYI, we have a professional juggler that is a fairly active member here.He is all kinds of awesome.
    This forum has a higher density of awesome-people-who-do-awesome-things than any I've ever seen, I think.
  • FYI, we have a professional juggler that is a fairly active member here.He is all kinds of awesome.
    This forum has a higher density of awesome-people-who-do-awesome-things than any I've ever seen, I think.
    One of the many reasons why I stick around.

    Also, at first, it was the forums and its many awesome people that inspired me to do more. I still am capable of doing more, but I'm at least off to a good start.
  • I'm planning on going to college next year, but am not totally sure what I want to study. All I know so far is that I ant to be in the math/science half of the spectrum.
    Sounds like it's getting very close to crunch time for you, being almost halfway through your senior year. If you need advice, let me know. I've been through NJ state school for engineering, and am very active in the recruitment process for my employer, so I can speak to the reputations of all the local engineering schools.
  • Hello, everybody! I'm Sebastian, a geek from Bavaria, Germany. I'm 19 and I will take my A levels next year.
    My geekeries are Anime/Manga, video games, philosophy, mythology, literature and history. Besides I started to
    learn how to play the blues harp. Currently I'm playing Minecraft, reading Brave New World and How to think like a Computer Scientist.
    Why I joined this forum? You are awesome, I want to be awesome, too.
  • Hello, everybody! I'm Sebastian, a geek from Bavaria, Germany. I'm 19 and I will take my A levels next year.
    My geekeries are Anime/Manga, video games, philosophy, mythology, literature and history. Besides I started to
    learn how to play the blues harp. Currently I'm playing Minecraft, reading Brave New World and How to think like a Computer Scientist.
    Why I joined this forum? You are awesome, I want to be awesome, too.
    Shhh! Don't give them even BIGGER egos. Telling them how awesome they are will not help them, or you.

    But seriously, welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll have a good time here.
  • Seriously, this forum is filled with awesome people. Good to have you guys aboard, lil nooblets.
  • Hello. I'm Daniel, 20, dislike beaches and firmly opposed to the wearing of bad hats. Banded from playing the flue in three countries. Originating from England unfortunately stuck in snow less Swansea, Wales, for university. Finally created an account after a year of hiding in the shadows. Got back into geekery after about five years thanks to a mixture of anime and listening to the show. Picked up RPG games thanks Scrym talking about Mouse Guard, still waiting on a show on that one, and began a steady spiral downwards from there.
    As noted by other peoples, the level of awesome is rather high in these parts. Now live in constant fear of dropping that level.
  • edited November 2010
    Originating from England unfortunately stuck in snow less Swansea, Wales, for university.
    Could be worse. You could be stuck in Aberystwyth. Nice place, but there are some right cunts there, and they damn near let any two-bit thug with a bit of sporting ability in these days.

    Also, since you're English, I can entirely understand your dislike of beaches.

    Welcome, and don't worry - Your fear of dropping that level means that you're one of the ones less likely to do so - however, relax. We're pretty chill here, despite all appearances to the contrary at times.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Just don't disagree with Scott or you'll get in a fight to the ends of the earth with him.
  • Well I can certainly understand why you Limeys don't like beaches, you don't have any damn good ones!
  • Such is the joy of easy travel to France and Spain.
  • Hey, I have a friend at Swansea for university, too! Nice to meet you, Ampersand Dan.
  • @Churba Thank you! Finally someone who understands. That and anyone who comes to Wales will understand that its woman cold, known to my friends as 'Dick cold', and far to many hills.

    @Jack124 its the sand, it gets places.

    @Diddgery Really? What do they study I might know them? (Joined all the nerd societies I could find.)
  • Thank you! Finally someone who understands. That and anyone who comes to Wales will understand that its woman cold, known to my friends as 'Dick cold', and far to many hills.
    Word son - I'm Australian, but I lived in Leeds for two years.
  • You poor poor man. It is a Godless land (I'm from Gloustershire) filled with strange things.
  • edited November 2010
    You poor poor man. It is a Godless land (I'm from Gloustershire) filled with strange things.
    You're absolutely correct, sir. And England is pretty fucking strange too.

    Also - Omnutia is a Yorkshireman, apparently, Luke Burrage(the Juggler) is from Kent, and ElJoe is Southern.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • ElJoe is Southern
    From London, and you better remember it.
  • edited November 2010
    From London, and you better remember it.
    I will in future. I couldn't remember if you were specifically from London, only that you lived there.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well I kinda fit the stereotype of the middle class Londoner.
  • Well I kinda fit the stereotype of the middle class Londoner.
    I honestly wouldn't know, other than that Middle class is the sweet spot, since lower class londoners are generally uneducated scum, and upper class londoners are generally arrogant, entitled, self-absorbed cunts.
  • But then surely middle class Londoners are uneducated, arrogant, entitled, self-absorbed cunt scum.
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