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Pokemon is going VOIP!



  • I just exchanged a Pikachu for a Chimbar in the International Trading thingy. It was cool, because I actually wanted a graveler but I just wanted to try, left the place and 15 min later I got my shiny Chimbar. I really do not want to restart my game seeing that most of my pokemans are of level 30 and up. By the way I really enjoy polishing my badges :D
  • Badge polishing, if you spend enough time you can get four sparkles per badge!

    Is that a Shiny Chimchar or a shiny Chimcar.

    If anyone needs a starter just let me know, I've got a ditto and I can breed just about anything with a little bit of notice. My Emerald game has one of everything in it and I am slowly (18 a day) moving them over to Pearl.
  • Diamond vs. Pearl.

    Which should I buy?
  • Diamond vs. Pearl.

    Which should I buy?
    Whichever one you think has a cooler Pokemon on the cover.
  • edited May 2007
    Diamond vs. Pearl.

    Which should I buy?
    Whichever one you think has a cooler Pokemon on the cover.

    Diamond gets you a Steel/Dragon and Pearl gets you a Water/Dragon Pokemon. By using the GTS you can get any Pokemon you have "seen" in a trade.

    What would make the GTs even better is if you could search based on what other people want. I've got some Pokemons that I would like to trade away but I have no idea if anyone is looking for them! Worse still, someone may want what I have and I might want what they have but we're both trading for something else!
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • *sigh*


  • [British]
  • Chip : Cartridge :: Wheel : Car
  • edited May 2007
    I just put my friend code in the thread, and I added everyone there to my pal pad. Here is the new wi-fi policy. If you are playing Pokemon somewhere with Wi-Fi and you go to a Pokecenter, go downstairs to the Wi-Fi room and just check to see if anyone is there. It doesn't take that much time or effort to stop in and see. I guarantee if everyone does this, we will meet with Pokemon on Wi-Fi a great deal.

    If every time you go to a Pokecenter is too much, just check in every time after you start playing and right before you turn the game off.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • I just put my friend code in the thread, and I added everyone there to my pal pad. Here is the new wi-fi policy. If you are playing Pokemon somewhere with Wi-Fi and you go to a Pokecenter, go downstairs to the Wi-Fi room and just check to see if anyone is there. It doesn't take that much time or effort to stop in and see. I guarantee if everyone does this, we will meet with Pokemon on Wi-Fi a great deal.

    If every time you go to a Pokecenter is too much, just check in every time after you start playing and right before you turn the game off.
    I tend to go down stairs for the WFC most nights between 8:00PM EST and 9:00PM EST.
  • So, when is Rym going to add his friend code to the DS thread?
  • I just captured the legendary ghost/dragon Pokemon. What a pain! I did not have a masterball so it took me three attempts to get him in a timer ball. The first two times he ran out of moves and struggled himself to death.

    The funny thing is that he was super easy to beat because my flying/normal Pokemon is immune to 2 of his 3 combat attacks!
  • I'm going to leave my DS in wi-fi mode for the next half hour or so while I do some stuff around the house.
  • Argh, quadruple post! XD

    Anyway, I just got Leaf Green today, so I haven't played my Pearl all day. What do I have to do to be able to transfer pokemans?
  • Anyway, I just got Leaf Green today, so I haven't played my Pearl all day. What do I have to do to be able to transfer pokemans?
    Beat the Elite Four and see 150 pokemon.
  • Diamond vs. Pearl.

    Which should I buy?
    Whichever one you think has a cooler Pokemon on the cover.
    Good strategy. In that case, I'll go with Diamond. ^w^
  • you, know, its sad. I played the HELL out of the original games, way back. Didn't collect all 150, but I played a LOT. Now? I can't sit down and play Diamond for more than 10 minutes. Which sucks since i can now play the game online, so there is actually a point, beyond the single player game, to have a large pokemon collection, and train said pokemon with great vigor.
  • Yeah, after reading this thread, you've made me go and find my old clear purple gameboy color and my old Pokemon Silver. I went ahead and started new on it about a week ago, and I'm now at 7 badges. I really hate you all and love you at the same time. Ah well, back to the Pokemans.
  • Yeah, after reading this thread, you've made me go and find my old clear purple gameboy color and my old Pokemon Silver. I went ahead and started new on it about a week ago, and I'm now at 7 badges. I really hate you all and love you at the same time. Ah well, back to the Pokemans.
    You better. It's a great game. Now go get Diamond/Pearl.
  • I am online right now. Does anyone want to play?
  • You are online at 2:00AM EST???
  • Yeah, I would so have diamond/pearl, except that I'm low on the fundage. I can't even afford the DS, and surely not the DS Lite and Diamond/Pearl. I guess I'll just play silver for awhile.
  • edited May 2007
    Do you have a GBA, or SP??? If so, the Pogeymans games for those can be had for the cheapness. And if you don't have one, I can look around and see if I still have a GBA here somewhere. Hell, if you already have an advance, I might be willing to pick up a GBA Pogeymans for ya on payday(this coming Friday). You can get me back later.
    Post edited by WallyBman on
  • Do you have a GBA, or SP??? If so, the Pogeymans games for those can be had for the cheapness. And if you don't have one, I can look around and see if I still have a GBA here somewhere. Hell, if you already have an advance, I might be willing to pick up a GBA Pogeymans for ya on payday(this coming Friday). You can get me back later.
    I have seen cheap used copies of Ruby/Sapphire for between $10 and $20. However, I have never seen Emerald for under $30. At that price, D&P; look like a bargain.
  • You are online at 2:00AM EST???
    Arrggh! This bugs me! It's EDT when we're in daylight savings time, people.

    You may now return to your regularly scheduled Pokemans.
  • I just thought it was funny (in a sad way, not funny ha-ha) that Steve was so incredulous that there are people in other time zones.
  • edited May 2007
    I just thought it was funny (in a sad way, not funny ha-ha) that Steve was so incredulous that there are people in other time zones.
    Other time zones? What are you talking about? I thought all of you were just figments of my imagination?

    This could be cleared up if we knew what timezone everyone was in.

    I have added time zone info to my post on the DS wi-fi code thread.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Psh, I was on at 2 a.m last night. Haha
  • I was browsing Pokemons on the Intarwebs today. I was looking for the perfect Pokemon. I knew that with hundreds to choose from, there had to be a Pokemon that was everything I wanted and more. Well, I found it. I won't say anymore, but it's going to be quite a bitch for me to actually get this Pokemon. However, this is such a perfect Pokemon, I am willing to go through the trouble to catch it. You better all be very afraid. As soon as I get this Pokemon, I will be basically unbeatable.
  • ORLY?

    Is it one of the new ones?

    I thought the new Dragon/Ghost Pokemon would be the shizzizle but he was easy to beat with a normal/flying pokemon 30 levels lower then him.

    Bronzong is a pretty nasty Pokemon. His Steel/Psychic type is a bitch because he also has a resistance to heat. He is not much on the attack side but he is a tank in regards to defense.

    So, is your killer Pokemon a regular Pokemon or a legendary?
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