I just exchanged a Pikachu for a Chimbar in the International Trading thingy. It was cool, because I actually wanted a graveler but I just wanted to try, left the place and 15 min later I got my shiny Chimbar. I really do not want to restart my game seeing that most of my pokemans are of level 30 and up. By the way I really enjoy polishing my badges
Badge polishing, if you spend enough time you can get four sparkles per badge!
Is that a Shiny Chimchar or a shiny Chimcar.
If anyone needs a starter just let me know, I've got a ditto and I can breed just about anything with a little bit of notice. My Emerald game has one of everything in it and I am slowly (18 a day) moving them over to Pearl.
Whichever one you think has a cooler Pokemon on the cover.
Diamond gets you a Steel/Dragon and Pearl gets you a Water/Dragon Pokemon. By using the GTS you can get any Pokemon you have "seen" in a trade.
What would make the GTs even better is if you could search based on what other people want. I've got some Pokemons that I would like to trade away but I have no idea if anyone is looking for them! Worse still, someone may want what I have and I might want what they have but we're both trading for something else!
I just put my friend code in the thread, and I added everyone there to my pal pad. Here is the new wi-fi policy. If you are playing Pokemon somewhere with Wi-Fi and you go to a Pokecenter, go downstairs to the Wi-Fi room and just check to see if anyone is there. It doesn't take that much time or effort to stop in and see. I guarantee if everyone does this, we will meet with Pokemon on Wi-Fi a great deal.
If every time you go to a Pokecenter is too much, just check in every time after you start playing and right before you turn the game off.
I just put my friend code in the thread, and I added everyone there to my pal pad. Here is the new wi-fi policy. If you are playing Pokemon somewhere with Wi-Fi and you go to a Pokecenter, go downstairs to the Wi-Fi room and just check to see if anyone is there. It doesn't take that much time or effort to stop in and see. I guarantee if everyone does this, we will meet with Pokemon on Wi-Fi a great deal.
If every time you go to a Pokecenter is too much, just check in every time after you start playing and right before you turn the game off.
I tend to go down stairs for the WFC most nights between 8:00PM EST and 9:00PM EST.
I just captured the legendary ghost/dragon Pokemon. What a pain! I did not have a masterball so it took me three attempts to get him in a timer ball. The first two times he ran out of moves and struggled himself to death.
The funny thing is that he was super easy to beat because my flying/normal Pokemon is immune to 2 of his 3 combat attacks!
you, know, its sad. I played the HELL out of the original games, way back. Didn't collect all 150, but I played a LOT. Now? I can't sit down and play Diamond for more than 10 minutes. Which sucks since i can now play the game online, so there is actually a point, beyond the single player game, to have a large pokemon collection, and train said pokemon with great vigor.
Yeah, after reading this thread, you've made me go and find my old clear purple gameboy color and my old Pokemon Silver. I went ahead and started new on it about a week ago, and I'm now at 7 badges. I really hate you all and love you at the same time. Ah well, back to the Pokemans.
Yeah, after reading this thread, you've made me go and find my old clear purple gameboy color and my old Pokemon Silver. I went ahead and started new on it about a week ago, and I'm now at 7 badges. I really hate you all and love you at the same time. Ah well, back to the Pokemans.
You better. It's a great game. Now go get Diamond/Pearl.
Yeah, I would so have diamond/pearl, except that I'm low on the fundage. I can't even afford the DS, and surely not the DS Lite and Diamond/Pearl. I guess I'll just play silver for awhile.
Do you have a GBA, or SP??? If so, the Pogeymans games for those can be had for the cheapness. And if you don't have one, I can look around and see if I still have a GBA here somewhere. Hell, if you already have an advance, I might be willing to pick up a GBA Pogeymans for ya on payday(this coming Friday). You can get me back later.
Do you have a GBA, or SP??? If so, the Pogeymans games for those can be had for the cheapness. And if you don't have one, I can look around and see if I still have a GBA here somewhere. Hell, if you already have an advance, I might be willing to pick up a GBA Pogeymans for ya on payday(this coming Friday). You can get me back later.
I have seen cheap used copies of Ruby/Sapphire for between $10 and $20. However, I have never seen Emerald for under $30. At that price, D&P; look like a bargain.
I was browsing Pokemons on the Intarwebs today. I was looking for the perfect Pokemon. I knew that with hundreds to choose from, there had to be a Pokemon that was everything I wanted and more. Well, I found it. I won't say anymore, but it's going to be quite a bitch for me to actually get this Pokemon. However, this is such a perfect Pokemon, I am willing to go through the trouble to catch it. You better all be very afraid. As soon as I get this Pokemon, I will be basically unbeatable.
I thought the new Dragon/Ghost Pokemon would be the shizzizle but he was easy to beat with a normal/flying pokemon 30 levels lower then him.
Bronzong is a pretty nasty Pokemon. His Steel/Psychic type is a bitch because he also has a resistance to heat. He is not much on the attack side but he is a tank in regards to defense.
So, is your killer Pokemon a regular Pokemon or a legendary?
Is that a Shiny Chimchar or a shiny Chimcar.
If anyone needs a starter just let me know, I've got a ditto and I can breed just about anything with a little bit of notice. My Emerald game has one of everything in it and I am slowly (18 a day) moving them over to Pearl.
Which should I buy?
Diamond gets you a Steel/Dragon and Pearl gets you a Water/Dragon Pokemon. By using the GTS you can get any Pokemon you have "seen" in a trade.
What would make the GTs even better is if you could search based on what other people want. I've got some Pokemons that I would like to trade away but I have no idea if anyone is looking for them! Worse still, someone may want what I have and I might want what they have but we're both trading for something else!
If every time you go to a Pokecenter is too much, just check in every time after you start playing and right before you turn the game off.
The funny thing is that he was super easy to beat because my flying/normal Pokemon is immune to 2 of his 3 combat attacks!
Anyway, I just got Leaf Green today, so I haven't played my Pearl all day. What do I have to do to be able to transfer pokemans?
You may now return to your regularly scheduled Pokemans.
This could be cleared up if we knew what timezone everyone was in.
I have added time zone info to my post on the DS wi-fi code thread.
Is it one of the new ones?
I thought the new Dragon/Ghost Pokemon would be the shizzizle but he was easy to beat with a normal/flying pokemon 30 levels lower then him.
Bronzong is a pretty nasty Pokemon. His Steel/Psychic type is a bitch because he also has a resistance to heat. He is not much on the attack side but he is a tank in regards to defense.
So, is your killer Pokemon a regular Pokemon or a legendary?