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  • It's a possibility. See you lot Friday, maybe.
  • I can probably make it.
  • Would anyone be interested in a revival of this time-honored tradition this coming Friday?
    Maybe. What time?
  • I might try to show up this time around!
  • Would anyone be interested in a revival of this time-honored tradition this coming Friday?
    Maybe. What time?
    In all likelihood, it will be happening at all possible times simultaneously. You see, GeekChats are a poorly understood quantum mechanical effect that occur far earlier and continue far later than we can predict with modern science, show up whenever, chances are it will be happening at that time. (Although I would appreciate it if everyone held off till about 7:00 PM Eastern, that's when I get to a computer I can chat on.)
  • In all likelihood, it will be happening at all possible times simultaneously. You see, GeekChats are a poorly understood quantum mechanical effect that occur far earlier and continue far later than we can predict with modern science, show up whenever, chances are it will be happening at that time. (Although I would appreciate it if everyone held off till about 7:00 PM Eastern, that's when I get to a computer I can chat on.)
    So, basically, you're saying that Geekchat always was, always is, and always shall be?
  • So, basically, you're saying that Geekchat always was, always is, and always shall be?
    It is eternal, undying, neverending, etcetera. There are merely brief interludes in which it splinters into sub-chats.
  • I'm in like flynn.
  • I'll be there like Shareware.
  • I'm on the attack like crack?
  • I'll probably show up, whenever it gets started. I can test out my new and improved headset.
  • edited March 2010
    I'll probably show up, whenever it gets started. I can test out my new and improved headset.
    If it doesn't make you sound like a 45 year old, 300 pound biker that's been smoking cuban cigars since he was seven, it's still not the best headset we've encountered.

    As a side note, have we thought about doing some sort of Gaming version of Geekchats? Getting some organised steam or Xbox live going on?

    Double edit - Since ID share only lets me have one Gamertag, and I'm using a different one to my primary for a month or so, I'm currently using ChurbaInc as my gamertag, add me if you want, I'm mostly playing ODST, MW2, and L4D.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm going to keep skype open for the next two days, so I can try and catch a rare GeekChat when it comes out of quantum entanglement.
  • Well I can't make Friday, but Saturday is a sure!
  • I guess I'm still stuck with the biker mic, because my headset just borked out on me because I can't hear anything over the earphones. Yet for some strange reason, my the mic still works... Regardless, the headset is gone and my old one is the only thing I've got.
  • I will be spending weekend here while my roommate goes to visit his parents. I'm all in for Geekchat, Friday or Saturday, are both fine, but I prefer Saturday a little more because I have a reason to wake up (somewhat) early Saturday morning.
  • I guess I'm still stuck with the biker mic, because my headset just borked out on me because I can't hear anything over the earphones. Yet for some strange reason, my the mic still works... Regardless, the headset is gone and my old one is the only thing I've got.
    Hmm...It doesn't have separate headphone/mic plugs? Any built-in software to manually stop the headphones from running but keep the mic running? Or do you need headphones so you don't bother your family?
  • I guess I'm still stuck with the biker mic, because my headset just borked out on me because I can't hear anything over the earphones. Yet for some strange reason, my the mic still works... Regardless, the headset is gone and my old one is the only thing I've got.
    Hmm...It doesn't have separate headphone/mic plugs? Any built-in software to manually stop the headphones from running but keep the mic running? Or do you need headphones so you don't bother your family?
    To answer your question, the latter is the problem. I'm restating this, but I shall use my shitty built-in, biker mic along with an external pair of headphones.
  • I guess I'm still stuck with the biker mic, because my headset just borked out on me because I can't hear anything over the earphones. Yet for some strange reason, my the mic still works... Regardless, the headset is gone and my old one is the only thing I've got.
    Hmm...It doesn't have separate headphone/mic plugs? Any built-in software to manually stop the headphones from running but keep the mic running? Or do you need headphones so you don't bother your family?
    To answer your question, the latter is the problem. I'm restating this, but I shall use my shitty built-in, biker mic along with an external pair of headphones.
    Alright then. Should make this interesting...
  • edited March 2010
    I'm not going to make it, I've got to get up early tomorrow for Maker Faire. Unless someone wants to start early.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • So...are we still doing this thang at 7:00 PM (EST)?
  • This Geekchat, expect the following

    -Epic Rap battles that may or may not occur
    -Terrible jokes
    -Accidental intelligent discussion
    -Crazy stories
    -Russian Women
  • I'll be about later. Please post in this thread when it begins.
  • This Geekchat, expect the following

    -Epic Rap battles that may or may not occur
    -Terrible jokes
    -Accidental intelligent discussion
    -Crazy stories
    -Russian Women
    I'm scared. :P
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    This Geekchat, expect the following

    -Epic Rap battles that may or may not occur
    -Terrible jokes
    -Accidental intelligent discussion
    -Crazy stories
    -Russian Women
    I'm scared. :P
    Yep, that's what all Geekchats boil down to...sadly :P
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Yea. So just to remember anyone who is organising this thing this time. I'm willing to do some chatting and I'm ready to bring up topics of videogames, role-playing-games and talking in conventions. Also I'm ready to talk about music I have never heard, movies I have never seen and books I have never read. And explain why unicorns are manliest thing ever.
  • Chat is ongoing, message me @greyhuge if you want to be added I haven't added you yet.

  • We carry on.
    Come in the Brimstone is fine.
  • Yeah, sorry, no go tonight. My old man bones need sleep. Maybe I'll catch y'all another time.
  • After a hair under Seven hours, the Wave function has finally collapsed. Goodnight, internet.
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