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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Well, Minako also has blonde hair. Yaten has white hair. Chibi-Usa has pink hair.
    Haven't gotten that far yet. I'm only on episode 14. The one I did forget was Motoki.

  • edited January 2013
    That fat, rapey guy wasn't too reasonable.
    True. There is the problem that all the "bad guys" are intentionally crazy. (Of course, if they weren't crazy, they wouldn't be being forced to fight to the death).
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited January 2013
    That fat, rapey guy wasn't too reasonable.
    True. There is the problem that all the "bad guys" are intentionally crazy. (Of course, if they weren't crazy, they wouldn't be being forced to fight to the death).
    It's true - the "good guys", or at least, our protagonists, are bad people or have done bad things because that's one of the central bits of the show - only bad people get sent to the island. To compensate, they make all the antagonists into some seriously shitty people, so that your bad person protagonists are still relatively good by comparison. It's a bit lazy.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • In shows that use "realistic" hair colors, being blonde often indicates being foreign and/or being rich.
    Or of course, the classic Clearly-Japanese-but-with-blonde-hair thing being used as a big flashing sign saying "DELINQUENT!"
    And now I want to see a Sailor Moon parody that has the Scouts being bosozoku duking it out with rival gangs.
  • In shows that use "realistic" hair colors, being blonde often indicates being foreign and/or being rich.
    Or of course, the classic Clearly-Japanese-but-with-blonde-hair thing being used as a big flashing sign saying "DELINQUENT!"
    And now I want to see a Sailor Moon parody that has the Scouts being bosozoku duking it out with rival gangs.
    Much like a version of Takeshi's castle with Helen Mirren and Judi Dench as the queens of the castle, I'd watch the hell out of that.
  • edited January 2013
    I will elaborate; I first watched the opening itself on youtube and I thought "Well, I guess I can just turn off my brain while I eat". So I went and I watched the whole episode on Chrunchyroll. The opening does not appear until after what it felt the first 5-7 minutes of the first episode,
    10 minutes. The opener doesn't start until 10 minutes in. You're sitting there for 10 fucking minutes before the opener suddenly is pretty colours and fluffy J-pop.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited January 2013
    I've just been in a mood for explosion-y shows lately.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Why thank you for that recommendation.
  • What's Munto?
  • Apparently it's Michael Bay's new cartoon.
  • I will elaborate; I first watched the opening itself on youtube and I thought "Well, I guess I can just turn off my brain while I eat". So I went and I watched the whole episode on Chrunchyroll. The opening does not appear until after what it felt the first 5-7 minutes of the first episode,
    10 minutes. The opener doesn't start until 10 minutes in. You're sitting there for 10 fucking minutes before the opener suddenly is pretty colours and fluffy J-pop.
    Dude, I could not stop watching. By that moment I completely forgot about the opening and then the opening happens and my brain went WTF! I continue watching it and I so far I am glad that I did.
  • edited January 2013
    Dude, I could not stop watching. By that moment I completely forgot about the opening and then the opening happens and my brain went WTF! I continue watching it and I so far I am glad that I did.
    Word, it's pretty good for a romantic comedy show, even though they have only 1 joke. Some of the directorial touches in the episodes thus far are also nice.
    What's Munto?
    KyoAni's anime original from 2009. There's a reason why they mostly stick to adapting other works to the animated format. We can with certainty say though, that they've learned from their work on Munto when we look at Tamako Market.
    Why thank you for that recommendation.
    Be warned, I did not recommend a single thing. I just posted a funny, slightly related image from the internet.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • **Looks up Munto** After seeing just one image, I am scared.

    Seriously, guys, I have been super busy, but boy am I obsessed with that show. It drags stuff out a bit, but it scratches that urge for ISS. Not "International Space Station," "Inspiring Space Shit." Seriously, we need more shows like this, get people all fired up about the space program. It's nice and realistic near future science fiction, plus I found out that the Mars Rocket series is actually an in-progress project.

    NASAxJAXA is my current OTP.

    Also, I want an Auntie Sharon to teach me astronomy.
  • I'm waiting for Tom Hanks to make a live action adaptation of that show. That has his name all over it.

    Joking aside...everything Emily said is true. It and Kids on the Slope are my two favorite shows from last year. So inspiring and fun to watch. If I wasn't such a wuss, I'm sure it would inspire me to become an astronaut.
  • I will admit, I tried Kotoura-san solely on a whim with no prior information going into it. The first ten minutes had me hooked and sobbing uncontrollably. Now my husband and I can't stop watching.
  • I just kind of marathoned Kids on the Slope.
    It was an awesome ride and I really didn't want it to end, it kind of made remember of how much fun I had in band while I was in high school.
    Good times guys, good times!

  • See, that clip out of context won't do anything for anyone who hasn't seen the rest of the show. It is certainly the best part of the show, but it won't be effective. If you haven't seen the show, I would advise against anyone watching that clip. The extreme enjoyment and excitement you get out of that part is dependent on having seen the rest of the show.
  • I completely disagree. Having never seen that show, I got all this crazy energy watching that clip. All the emotion I can only assume that the creators were going for with that scene was perfectly conceived. Magnificent.
  • Watched all of Inferno Cop last night, after hearing Daryl Surat mention it. 6 episodes so far, each about 3 minutes long. So dumb and explode-y that it's awesome. We need more Inferno Cop. Mister Justice really deserves his own spin-off.

    Re-watching Penguindrum, which I'm finding it easier to follow the second time through (no surprise).

    Watching Crunchryoll simulcast of AKB0048 second season. So far I am disappointed with the mecha-battle/pop-star-competition ratio, which is weighted too heavily against the mecha. Also, the mythology has floated to the background. But I'm hoping they're just building up to better things.

    Continuing to watch Polar Bear Cafe. Recent dearth of puns, which may be relieved in next week's episode. It's probably good that they're going to wrap up around episode 50; they seem to be running out of steam.
  • Damn...I haven't had an anime I truly loved (as in favourites of all time), since..but yeah, I believe Rym and Scott had a clip of Nichijou as a thing of the day some time back and I only just got around to finishing the entire series. And its Azumanga Daioh cranked up to eleven, with great use of absurdity and the animation, oh my god. As an animation student I could literally see and feel the love and effort put into the show and character movements. I would pause and rewatch few second clips of animation because they were done so well, all the while taking notes and sketching the characters. I love it!

    If anyone has yet to see it, this clip probably encapsulates everything I love about the show
  • I completely disagree. Having never seen that show, I got all this crazy energy watching that clip. All the emotion I can only assume that the creators were going for with that scene was perfectly conceived. Magnificent.
    I stand corrected then. I hope you watch the show, because it is spectacular.

  • I loved Nichijou, and want more of it. I still have not seen Azumanga Daioh, so I have read the whole damn murder weapon-sized book of it instead. I prefer Yotsuba to Azumanga.
  • Well you twisted my arm, I'm watching that.
  • I just finished watching Princess Jellyfish and I want more. Also the theme is catchy as fuck.
  • I loved that show!, and more people should watch "Emperor of the North Pole". It is the only reference that most people won't get from that opening.
  • edited February 2013
    Princess Jellyfish is amazing. It's an impressively effective way to explain to people that cartoons aren't all from either the Bugs Bunny school of slapstick or the Hannah Barbara school of crappy sitcoms.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Why is Hannah Barbara "crappy"?
  • Why is Hannah Barbara "crappy"?
    It's not.
  • Yeah! OK, then. I thought something was wrong with me. ;)
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