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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • There is just as much action in an average shonen fighting anime as there was in All the Presidents Men. There is certianly conflict, but not actual movement.
  • I really enjoyed Yu Yu Hakusho as a kid, and having seen FOTNS now, I can see that some design inspirations were definitely taken from it (although toned down to an extreme). However, Yu Yu Hakusho nowadays doesn't hold up as much for me, even though I still sorta like it.
  • I actually really like Yu Yu Hakusho. That is until the Tournament starts. I have the same basic problem with it that I have with One Piece and Naruto. I like the characters and the main plot, but then there are fights that drag on and on. If they just erased those fights, it would be all good. Naruto is awesome and hilarious ninja school for four episodes, then it's fighting.

    Fist of the North Star doesn't have these problems because every fight is over pretty much instantly. Only the really really big fights take more time than that, and there are very few of them. There are less than 5 such big fights in over 150 episodes. Initial D also never has a race spanning more than two episodes. Both shows keep the actual story in focus, and keep it moving, because they can't run and hide from it for multiple episodes by having an extremely long battle.

    Really, the Narutos, Hakushos, and One Pieces of the world just need edited versions that cut all fights to First of the North Star length. Then they would be amazing shows.
  • Really, the Narutos, Hakushos, and One Pieces of the world just need edited versions that cut all fights to First of the North Star length. Then they would be amazing shows.
    Naruto could do with not existing altogether if you ask me. One Piece I'll fight you to the death to defend (as it's basicly the last bastion of good Jump anything anymore) but you can have and cut Naruto into tiny little bits for all I care.
  • Yeah, if you knew at all what happened to Naruto nowadays, you wouldn't like it anymore. See, it just started sucking. Like, a lot. The number of blatantly dropped plots and stupid characters is ridiculous.
    I agree that a few fights in One Piece drag on too much, and it's unfortunate. But at least it's plot makes sense, and everything has a purpose.
  • Really, the Narutos, Hakushos, and One Pieces of the world just need edited versions that cut all fights to First of the North Star length. Then they would be amazing shows.
    I concur on that statement. Honestly, when I hear my friends talk about the recent plot developments in Naruto, I am really interested and it sounds good. But after wasting 53 episodes worth of anime watching on Souleater, which is, in my opinion, one of the worst plot developments in history, I become visibly depressed when I see the 600 episodes of Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden combined.

    Unfortunately, such shows will not be what we dream to be within the visible future.
  • I want a show that is ALL Gai-sensai, ALL the time. Also, his fighting style is a branch of Hokuto Shinken, so Dynamic Entry makes your head explode.

    Gai-sensei and Jiraiya were the only parts of Naruto I ever cared about.
  • Bakuman gets a 2nd season. Good call. Definitely a whole lot better than a ton of shit that's gotten a 2nd season.
  • edited December 2010
    I am so manly that I can freely say that "Princess Jellyfish" is a pretty damn good show.
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • I want a show that is ALL Gai-sensai, ALL the time. Also, his fighting style is a branch of Hokuto Shinken, so Dynamic Entry makes your head explode.

    Gai-sensei and Jiraiya were the only parts of Naruto I ever cared about.
    There was a spin off of Naruto that was all Rock lee.
  • I want a show that is ALL Gai-sensai, ALL the time. Also, his fighting style is a branch of Hokuto Shinken, so Dynamic Entry makes your head explode.

    Gai-sensei and Jiraiya were the only parts of Naruto I ever cared about.
    There was a spin off of Naruto that was all Rock lee.
    I must see at least one episode of this. What is its name?
    Shin Getter Robo Armageddon has more Manly Spirit than anything before or since. It's blood is so hot it turns gases to plasma.
    Black Getter Robo is so fucking cool.
    Any other suggestions for shows that solve problems with Manly Spirit® (besides TTGL, Getter Robos)?
    Giant Robo, as has been mentioned before, is EXCEPTIONALLY good. Admittedly, it isn't as strong in the manly spirit department, but it makes up for a plot that is absurd, insane, and awesome.

    In other news, I watched the first season To Aru Majutsu no Index, because I wanted to see why the internet seemed obsessed with it. It's a fairly standard B shonen show. It takes place in a city where most everyone has some form of supernatural power, and the city itself is dedicated to studying said supernatural powers. In the outside world, magic also exists (and is all tangled up with religion). The main character has the "power" that he can negate the powers of anybody else, but only through physical contact. The main character is (for once) relatively perceptive, so he doesn't act incredibly stupid, just averagely suicidal in order to save girls he met earlier the same day, as he has a "saving people thing." However, it does have some aggravating moe/harem undertones, but not so much that the show is unwatchable.
    Ergo, I give it a b.
    Watch it if you like shows with non-godlike powers in a modern setting.
    Has anyone else watched it?
  • edited December 2010
    ^ I have. Can't remember exactly how much of it I watched, but I was over the half-point mark and intended to watch the rest of it. Which I ended up not doing =P (Was waiting for legit BD releases, and they take forever, and didn't seem to go down in price as new volumes released XD)

    I agree with the B rating, but not with:
    It's a fairly standard B shonen show.
    As far as shounen shows goes, it's very differently and definitely in the top tire. And I actually enjoyed all the cutesy-ness. If you know any more shows like it do tell. Want more light stupid action shows with some actual quality and that doesn't take themselves too seriously. The closest thing to it that I can think of is World Destruction, which I really enjoyed watching. Very underrated show. IMO much better than To Aru Majutsu no Index.

    By the way, when you say a show is moe (assuming it's the Japanese akiba-slang term, and not the name) it means that it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling which you enjoy having.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • The moe gets turned up to eleven fairly quickly in the second season.
  • Ah. I was thinking of what Scrym tends to term "moe bullshit": where a female character looks like she's in middle school, acts cute but extremely dumb, and is supposed to make the fanbase all protective and "Oh she's so cute!" when the character in question is bad and annoying. Index slips into that on occasion.

    I'll have to check out World Destruction.
  • Watching BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad, up to Episode 3. Love it. Love the animation too, it just moves in a very realistic way. Just waiting for a tad more development with the main character.
  • Just waiting for a tad more development with the main character.
    You'll get it.
  • Just waiting for a tad more development with the main character.
    You'll get it.
    In spades. If you like it, read the manga. It picks up right where the show leaves off but without music for the new songs, which is a bummer. Are you watching the dub or the sub?
  • Just started watching Tytania. OMG so fab! So very very fab! Haven't seen so many hot characters in a show since I was watching Geass for the 50th time last night.

    But it gives off a very Last Exile wibe (not in visual design, but in what makes it cool), so I'm kinda worried it'll turn crap after the novelty has worn off. The other show it reminds me off (in the directing and 'style') is the remake of Reideen which most people thought was pretty meh, but I absolutely adored. So that's a good thing.
  • Mazinkaiser has started a Fire War in my Heart.
  • Mazinkaiser has started a Fire War in my Heart.
    I LOVE THAT SONG. And JAM Project in general. So good.
    Don't wanna know why, everybody, ready, get it on...
  • Just waiting for a tad more development with the main character.
    You'll get it.
    In spades. If you like it, read the manga. It picks up right where the show leaves off but without music for the new songs, which is a bummer. Are you watching the dub or the sub?
    Watching the subs.
  • edited December 2010
    I was recently reminded of Kamichu which I watched many years ago as it seemed to be similar to Spirited Away in many respects. At the time I remember feeling slightly weirded out by parts of the beach episode but overall I liked the whole show.

    That was before I had fully grocked how insidious moe can really be and feel that If I was to go back and watch it again, being better able to notice that stuff would ruin it for me.

    The worst part is Kamichu really struck me as a show made by someone who wanted to tell a good story about growing up with wacky hyjinks, and that, despite the best intentions, once you see moe in things masquerading as being innocent, you begin seeing it in things that never had any intentions of moe to begin with.

    Not sure if I should re-watch, though I kinda want to.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Watching the subs.
    This is one of those shows I prefer the dub of. The swearing is kind of awkward sometimes, but overall (the songs especially) I think it's better.
  • I was recently reminded of Kamichu which I watched many years ago as it seemed to be similar to Spirited Away in many respects. At the time I remember feeling slightly weirded out by parts of the beach episode but overall I liked the whole show.

    That was before I had fully grocked how insidious moe can really be and feel that If I was to go back and watch it again, being better able to notice that stuff would ruin it for me.

    The worst part is Kamichu really struck me as a show made by someone who wanted to tell a good story about growing up with wacky hyjinks, and that, despite the best intentions, once you see moe in thingsmasqueradingas being innocent, you begin seeing it in things that never had any intentions of moe to begin with.

    Not sure if I should re-watch, though I kinda want to.
    My parents love that show. The thing is, a lot of times they watch the moe shows, or shows that have slight moe characteristics and don't know that it is moe. I watched Kamichu and I liked it, and the goofiness and interesting premise outweighed the slight slight hint of moe girl phenomenon. The funniest thing was when I had to explain what moe and lolicon was when they watched Ichigo Mashimaro. They were like "This show is cute and innocent 95% of the time, and then 5% it is strangely sexualized. What's up with that?" And I was like "...Mom, you are watching one of THOSE shows."
    In cases like this, Ignorance is bliss, and you can enjoy the cuteness and innocence of these shows with a free conscience. I like some shows that would be considered moe-ish, but they are good shows and I like them anyway.
  • I'm going through Chii's Sweet Home. That's quite possibly the best slice of life cat show I've seen. Every show I'm reminded of my cats.
  • Watching the subs.
    This is one of those shows I prefer the dub of. The swearing is kind of awkward sometimes, but overall (the songs especially) I think it's better.
    I agree. I can't think of a single character that is poorly acted, and the characters who speak english can actually say "Shut the fuck up, he's going to be a fucking genius" rather than "SHAT THE FAUK UP HE'S GREAT HE'S GONNA BE A FAUKING GENE-I-AS"
  • Watching the subs.
    This is one of those shows I prefer the dub of. The swearing is kind of awkward sometimes, but overall (the songs especially) I think it's better.
    I agree. I can't think of a single character that is poorly acted, and the characters who speak english can actually say "Shut the fuck up, he's going to be a fucking genius" rather than "SHAT THE FAUK UP HE'S GREAT HE'S GONNA BE A FAUKING GENE-I-AS"
    No. I like the dub acting, but the sub is superior for two reasons. The first is that Chiba's English singing/rapping voice is fucking awful. The second is that the dub removes an extremely critical plot point and theme for the sake of convenience. A large part of the show is the language barrier between the Japanese and English speakers. It's often in the show that a character won't be able to understand another character because of this. Instead, the dub script makes up excuses, like Koyuki not being able to understand Eddie and Ryusuke when they're talking in the bar "because it's too loud" or some bullshit when it's really because they're speaking English.
  • I'm going through Chii's Sweet Home. That's quite possibly the best slice of life cat show I've seen. Every show I'm reminded of my cats.
    That was my happy show for a while. Watch a three minute episode of Chii's Sweet Home, feel good. Chii just makes all these awesome faces too whenever she discovers something or does something new. I didn't see the second season, but I watched all the first. My favorite episode is Chii and the Pancake.
  • No. I like the dub acting, but the sub is superior for two reasons. The first is that Chiba's English singing/rapping voice is fucking awful. The second is that the dub removes anextremelycritical plot point and theme for the sake of convenience. A large part of the show is the language barrier between the Japanese and English speakers. It's often in the show that a character won't be able to understand another character because of this. Instead, the dub script makes up excuses, like Koyuki not being able to understand Eddie and Ryusuke when they're talking in the bar "because it's too loud" or some bullshit when it's really because they're speaking English.
    Too true. That wasn't something I picked up on the first time I watched it, but the only torrent I could find was the dub. Until I read the manga, I didn't even know that there was a language barrier. As bad as Chiba was in the dub, I've heard the original and while I prefer the dub Chiba, it is by no means good.
  • edited December 2010
    I've never mentioned it, but for some odd reason I've developed a taste for fictionalized baseball. Major League is one of my favorite movies of all time, and over the last couple of years I've actually watched a ton of baseball anime. I've seen Major, One Outs, Cross Game, Rookies (though that was a live action drama, so technically not anime, though based on a manga), and even watched that rather sub-par moe show Taishou Yakyuu Musume. I also read Touch, though it is pretty much exactly the same story as Cross Game. Mitsuru Adachi is kind of a one trick pony: Romantic comedies involving sports. Plus that baseball one-shot by Masashi Kishimoto (author of Naruto) called Bench. If you wanted to like Naruto, this may be for you.

    Anyway, right now I'm watching Ookiku Furikabutte, a.ka. Big Windup. This anime is pretty weird. Despite on the surface taking very long to wrap up a game, it actually stays interesting and doesn't drag at all. It's hit a very good balance there, showcasing the minutia of baseball without getting boring. Of course it helps that it only focuses on the important games.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
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