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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • edited December 2010
    Oh, I know someone CAN get a show's meaning and not like it, but to use such hyperbole (worst than sitcoms? worse than the shit with laugh tracks, really?) is beyond the pale. FLCL is pretty much one of the best shows ever made. Its 'over the top style' is integral to its message, which is a not-so-subtle combination of coming of age and a commentary on anime itself. I find the show really satisfying because it's wild and crazy in a medium where that's entirely too common place and it does it well. It's actually good. And it's really clever in the way it both embraces and satirizes the absurdity of anime.

    There's been many imitators to FLCL in the past decade, and all any of them seem to take away from it is "WILD AND CRAZY HIJINKS MAKE GOOD SHOW" and, big surprise, they all fucking suck ass. Posts like yours upset me because they seem to draw no distinction between a masterfully crafted, really rich show like FLCL and pieces of shit like Abenobashi Magical Shopping District.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • Fair enough. I've personally never really liked the absurdity of anime though, so that's probably the issue. I'm actually relatively new to the medium, but I find I'm leaning towards the more toned down anime. I personally don't really like high pitched screaming girls, or things of that nature. I never really understood how a guy's nose bleeding at the sight of a big breasted woman is supposed to be funny.. A lot of stuff like that comes off as immature, in my opinion.
  • I never really understood how a guy's nose bleeding at the sight of a big breasted woman is supposed to be funny..
    That's for the 10-14 year olds in the audience really...(or the 50 year old never matured men)
  • That's for the 10-14 year olds in the audience really...(or the 50 year old never matured men)
    Oh okay, well I'm glad I'm not alone in not finding stuff like that funny.
  • Currently trying to get through Irresponsible Captain Tylor, aka, "Justy Tylor is a space pimp"
  • Currently trying to get through Irresponsible Captain Tylor, aka, "Justy Tylor is a space pimp"
    You're going to spend the whole serious deciding whether Tylor is a Moron or the holy offspring of Jesus, Gandhi, and Neil Patrick Harris. It's really the second-to-last episode that clears the question up.
  • Currently trying to get through Irresponsible Captain Tylor, aka, "Justy Tylor is a space pimp"
    One of my favourite anime series ever. I really love the end of the series, I can watch the last half of the last episode again and again. I should rewatch the whole series at some point.
  • edited December 2010
    Currently trying to get through Irresponsible Captain Tylor, aka, "Justy Tylor is a space pimp"
    You're going to spend the whole serious deciding whether Tylor is a Moron or the holy offspring of Jesus, Gandhi, and Neil Patrick Harris. It's really the second-to-last episode that clears the question up.
    Does it really? I don't remember the question ever being fully answered.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Currently trying to get through Irresponsible Captain Tylor, aka, "Justy Tylor is a space pimp"
    You're going to spend the whole serious deciding whether Tylor is a Moron or the holy offspring of Jesus, Gandhi, and Neil Patrick Harris. It's really the second-to-last episode that clears the question up.
    Does it really? I don't remember the question ever being fully answered.
    Me neither, but I like it better that way.
  • edited December 2010
    Bus Gamer. It's really funny without trying to be x) Either that, or its a really cleaver parody. So far so good.
    Edit: Finished it. It just ended. In the middle of the story. FFS 1 more episode was all that's needed to resolve it. Ugh this is just annoying ¬_¬
    Post edited by Aria on
  • edited December 2010
    Just started a show called Bakumatsukikansetsuirohanihoheto (No, seriously, that's the name). Ep 1 has so far had a Alucard-looking guy being badass, great character design and average+ art/animation. Also,2 English speakers where 1 of them is native and the other is heavily accented. Set in late Edo, has historical characters, think it's gonna be about how the Meiji period started. Oh ya, and Ebisumaru is in episode 1. No sign of Ishikawa Goemon yet tho =P
    Alright, finished the first episode. It's about ninjas. Also, supernatural shit. Glowing eyes. And the ED, I dunno what the song is called, but I've had it for year. Oh, and cute loli/shouta. Well, the first episode is cool anyway, gonna watch the rest now.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • On the second season of To Aru Majutsu No Index. Still fairly good, with battles of a nearly-perfect length, and a nice degree of background politics.

    My favorite part might just be that the protagonist gets hospitalized after every single fight. The one time he doesn't, he goes to the hospital anyways to brag about not getting injured.
  • On the second season of To Aru Majutsu No Index. Still fairly good, with battles of a nearly-perfect length, and a nice degree of background politics.

    My favorite part might just be that the protagonist gets hospitalized after every single fight. The one time he doesn't, he goes to the hospital anyways to brag about not getting injured.
    Oh yeah, I remember why I liked this show now. I shall check out the second season.
  • Is the second season Railgun? Or is there a second Index season too?
  • Is the second season Railgun? Or is there a second Index season too?
    The second season of Index just finished up.
  • Is the second season Railgun? Or is there a second Index season too?
    The second season of Index just finished up.
    Wikipedia says it's scheduled for 24 episodes. I also didn't think it to be a series that would be popular in this forum. It is entertaining though, but not the high water mark of anime.
  • permalinkquote
    They made a season of Index, a season of Railgun, and are currently on a second season of Index, which is what I was talking about.
  • Why did I ever stop watching Sengoku Basara Ni?! Toyotomi Hideyoshi PUNCHED OUT THE OCEAN!
  • edited December 2010
    I've been trying to find out the name of an anime we watched in Anime Club a couple weeks back. It had this one character in it that just made me crack up. It was this really macho warrior in a maid outfit who always smiled daggers and, at one point, plugged a usb printer into his ear.

    EDIT: Found it!
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited January 2011
    On episode 17 of of Bakumatsukikansetsu Iro wa Nihoheto. So far it has been great. One of the best recent anime I've seen.
    Oh, and the Alucard-looking guy just owned Hijikata Toshizou in half a sec without a sword. Yah, he's pretty badass.
    Edit: Namida by Ishikawa Chiaki played as background music just now. I think this series was made for the sole purpose or pleasing me.
    Post edited by Aria on
  • Dun finished Princess Jellyfish. Think the last episode of the series feels like the ending of the first arc of a longer series. I hope they continue it in later seasons. As it stands now, I say it's a 4 out of 5 series. It has the characters/situations/jokes/episodic pacing of a 5/5 series but has the series pacing of a much lesser series.
  • edited January 2011
    P+S w/GB is tasteless to the point of actually being interesting and experimental.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Man, the new packaging for FLCL looks AWESOME!
  • Serei no Moribito: We marathoned this over the weekend. Actually a decent show, and the dub was about average. Lots of character development and not so much fighting as suggested by all the weapons on the covers. There are a couple of "Well why the fuck did no one do that earlier?" moments, but the show is pretty solid. The show is actually about taking care of a child, growing up, letting go, and giant squid-flowers that want to rip you in half and eat you.
  • It never occurred to me when G Gundam was on Cartoon Network how strange it was for Neo-Germany's fighter to be the ninja. Now!
  • Demonbane. It's awesome/funny. In the first episode, they randomly summon a giant robot, and say something that I misheard as "Dues Ex Machina" while summoning, and then call it 'the god of this world'/Japanese cartoons.
  • I just saw Summer Wars. I really enjoyed it because it touches on my favorite theme ever: SPOILARZ: the change over of generations and family. I don't think it's inaccurate to say that the major (family) plot points of Summer Wars coincide almost exactly with the major plot points of The Godfather, if you replace the mob shinanagins with internet shinanagins and switch the genders. Anyway, it's awesome and if you're in Seattle, go see it this week. I'm looking at you Ro and knox. University District, Varsity theater.
  • Anyway, it's awesome and if you're in Seattle, go see it this week. I'm looking at you Ro and knox. University District, Varsity theater.
    Intriguing, but I've already seen it, and I'm going to be hitting 60+ hour weeks for a while here.
  • Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt is pretty damn enjoyable.
  • I'm watching
    Gundam Seed
    Gundam 00 Season 2.
    Black Lagoon
    Galaxy Express 999
    Alison to Illia

    Going through a bit of a anime revival since I moved my computer to my 50 inch plasma.
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