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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Just finished Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, what the fuck? Seriously, what the hell was up with that ending? It came right the fuck out of left field!

    Starting on Princess Jellyfish now.
  • Despite not liking anime, I have recently watched Tenga Toppa Gurren Laggen to prepare for Animazement, where I'm volunteering. It was ok, again not really my kind of show. I almost stopped watching when Kamina died. That was just too much. Other wise, it was acceptable. I did enjoy giant robots throwing galaxies at each other.

    Next up is... Cowboy Bebop. I had it recommended to me, and from looking around on the internet, it seems well justified.
  • Wait, why are you working an anime convention and you don't like anime?
  • Princess Tutu, that is all.
  • Wait, why are you working an anime convention and you don't like anime?
    I'm in Japanese class, and my teacher is one of the head people there. Plus, I get service learning hours for it, which I need to graduate high school. And my friends are going, so why not?
  • Panty and Stocking with GarderBelt was on my list until last night when I finished it.

    I watch FLCL on a Bimonthly basis
  • I watch FLCL on a Bimonthly basis
    Marry me?
  • Princess Jellyfish was so damn good. I hope they make a second season.

    Downloading Durarara and Darker Than Black now.
  • Just rewatched some of Gundam Wing to see if it is as good as 10-year-old me remembers it being. After 5 episodes, all I can conclude is that it's definitely a Gundam show.
  • Rurouni Kenshin. Last time I saw it was on 4th generation Shinsengumi fan subs. I miss the commercials.
  • Just rewatched some of Gundam Wing to see if it is as good as 10-year-old me remembers it being. After 5 episodes, all I can conclude is that it's definitely a Gundam show.
    I watched a couple of eps. a few months ago. Man, did that bring me back! I tell you, though. Heero is a lot more of a dick than I remember him being. Maybe my taste for 15 year old humorless terrorists has lessened with time, or something. Duo is still awesome, though.
  • Adam has been showing me Eva.
  • Just rewatched some of Gundam Wing to see if it is as good as 10-year-old me remembers it being. After 5 episodes, all I can conclude is that it's definitely a Gundam show.
    I watched a couple of eps. a few months ago. Man, did that bring me back! I tell you, though. Heero is a lot more of a dick than I remember him being. Maybe my taste for 15 year old humorless terrorists has lessened with time, or something. Duo is still awesome, though.
    Duo is so awesome, and Trowa is as depressing as usual.

    Also, finally watching Durarara. The opening is so much like Baccano! it hurts, and I really want to know who the hell is doing the narration.
  • Someone please recommend me an anime. I found Baccano painfully boring and my favorite anime is Black Lagoon.

    There was some other anime I tried on the recommendation of either Geeknights, Dave & Joel or AWO - the one about the ghost motorcycle girl and the guy moves to the big city and there's a black russian guy. I didn't like that one either.
  • I found Baccano painfully boring
    the one about the ghost motorcycle girl and the guy moves to the big city and there's a black russian guy. I didn't like that one either.

    I think you would like Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.
  • Actually I do like that show, it's pretty funny.

    What else though?
  • It would have been strange had you liked one of Baccano and Durarara, and not the other. They're basically the same show in different settings. That being said, that you didn't like either definitely drops you down in the esteem of other members of this board.

    Anyway, this might help you. This might too.

    I recommend Black Lagoon, Planetes and Hajime no Ippo.
  • It would have been strange had you liked one of Baccano and Durarara, and not the other. They're basically the same show in different settings. That being said, that you didn't like either definitely drops you down in the esteem of other members of this board.
    Honestly I would take it as a personal insult if a bunch of anime nerds had a high opinion of me.
  • edited February 2011
    Planetes and Hajime no Ippo.
    If Baccano was boring, Hard Sci Fi Planetes would be a bad choice.
    Black Lagoon, huh? What about Bebop? Samurai Champloo? Michiko to Hatchin.
    Actually, Read or Die OAV is pretty fun.
    Honestly I would take it as a personal insult if a bunch of anime nerds had a high opinion of me.
    What if they had a high opinion of you because you were nice or something. That's not insulting.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2011
    Black Lagoon, huh? What about Bebop? Samurai Champloo? Michiko to Hatchin. Actually, Read or Die OAV is pretty fun.
    Seen it, seen it, that looks good (recommendation accepted) and I loved the Read or Die OVA - which made is all the more depressing when the anime was so deceptive.
    What if they had a high opinion of you because you were nice or something. That's not insulting.
    Hehe, you don't know me so that came out a bit wrong. I'm a former elitist anime nerd from the VHS era who's reformed his ways, I know all too well the darkest aspects of that world.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Want some well-done light comedy? Try Princess Jellyfish.
    Want some experimental coming of age? Try Tamami Galaxy.
    Want some Sci-Fi action? Try Birdy the Mighty: Decode.
    Want some slow paced, samurai period piece? Try House of Five Leaves.
    Want to know what these all have in common? They're all available legally, for free on
  • I now see what people mean when they say the first FMA anime takes a different direction from the manga.
  • edited February 2011
    Brotherhood is the better of the two series, methinks. And I think she's deep enough into the manga that they'll never have to stop to do filler, which is nice.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • It's weird how the two mesh together in your memory. There are things only brought up in the first that fill in the gaps to that very fast paced opening quarter but contain things that aren't accurate for the second series.
  • Brotherhood is the better of the two series, methinks. And I think she's deep enough into the manga that they'll never have to stop to do filler, which is nice.
    It's already done - both the manga and the anime.
  • Didn't know that. Well, I probably don't have to worry about that manga going out of print anytime soon.
  • My 8 year old little brother has just finished watching Full Metal Alchemist, and he loved it. However, he now wants another anime that is just as awesome.

    What anime should I show him that is awesome, but an 8 year old would still understand?
  • What anime should I show him that is awesome, but an 8 year old would still understand?
    Black Lagoon.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender. Not technically anime because it's not Japanese made, but it's damn good.

    Also it's not a long running typical shonen fighting show.
  • I had my little brother watch Full Metal Alchemist to stop him from re-watching Avatar: The Last Airbender for the 10th time. I love that show, but he was getting scarily addicted to it
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