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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • The transitions into the Singing in the Rain and Star Wars sections are equally great.
  • The whole dang opener is what got me to watch the show. I was like "I'll give this a try. noitaminA is usually a good block." Then that opening happened and I laughed out loud.
  • So im watching Robotech. Unless anyone has anyother suggestions that is either on Hulu or Netflix.
  • So im watching Robotech. Unless anyone has anyother suggestions that is either on Hulu or Netflix.
    How about Moribito or The Original Macross?
  • Don't watch Robotech. It's notoriously Macekred. Watch The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross.
  • Watched more Gurren Lagan. I'm amused, still. The manliness/penis references are juvenile, but amusing, and the dub has been pretty well done. When the 'general' showed up with his giant face-with-a-battleship-as-a-giant-schlong, the double-entendre filled dialogue was pretty funny.
  • Don't watch Robotech. It's notoriously Macekred. Watch The Super-Dimension Fortress Macross.
  • So im watching Robotech. Unless anyone has anyother suggestions that is either on Hulu or Netflix.
    Are you looking for other big robot shows to watch or are you open to any kind of suggestions for anime? Here are few to check out on Netflix streaming that you might like.

    In no particular order:

    Gurren Lagann
    Cowboy Bebop: The Movie
    Initial D: First Stage
    Last Exile
    Macross Plus (There only seems to be volume 1 though)
  • edited May 2011
    Ive seen most of that list.. What do you recomend first? Initial D, Baccano, last exile or Macross?
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • I would go for Baccano first since you can finish it quick along with it being a great show. Then probably Initial D once you finished that.
  • Do not watch Macross Plus. Start with SDF Macross, and then move on to the other Macross stuff if the original interests you.
  • Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
  • Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
    After the update?
  • I thought it was "What anime are you watching? v2.0", but it's possible that I just missed it the entire time.
  • Umm… I guess I haven’t been watching many animes lately, but this is what I am currently watching:

    Princess Tutu (Well, my brother actually kind of wanted to watched it, but not by himself since he kind of fell it was too girly to watch it alone :P)
    The world that god only knows (I am liking the first season over the second one so far, but I thing it a good show)

    I just finished watching, and probably will look for a replacement soon:
    Genesis of Aquarion (It is not a good show, but I admit that I only watched it, nevertheless it was because I liked the opening by Yoko Kanno… I have a weakness for shows with good songs. :P Also, I wanted an high energy show.)
    Spice and Wolf 2 (I watched the first season because I fell for the Ringo Biyori ending song, but then I was hooked into the show. I admit again, that I liked a bit more the first season over the second one, but both are good. The second season concentrated more in on a few businesses than the first, but also perhaps developed the relationship between the characters more… anyway, I liked it :P)

    I am thinking about watching:
    Ok, this is kind of hard, I have many options about good stuff that I may be watching but perhaps I will watch Baccano, Gundam Seed or, even perhaps I will finish watching Utena, with I started and never finished. Perhaps I will into other animes that feature song by Yoko, maybe even finish watching Wolf Rain :P
  • Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
    For a long, long time. Every time I look at this thread it bothers me but I've never pointed it out.
  • Do not watch Macross Plus. Start with SDF Macross, and then move on to the other Macross stuff if the original interests you.
    You don't need to watch SDF Macross to understand and enjoy Macross Plus. It stands on it's own well enough.
  • Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
    For a long, long time. Every time I look at this thread it bothers me but I've never pointed it out.
    Holy shit. I just noticed that. That's uncanny.
  • Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
    For a long, long time. Every time I look at this thread it bothers me but I've never pointed it out.
    I fixed it. I've never changed the subject header before now. So I guess it's always read incorrectly like that? It's kind of weird that it is just getting pointed out now.
  • edited May 2011
    Wait, since when is the title of this thread "What are anime are you watching? v2.0"
    For a long, long time. Every time I look at this thread it bothers me but I've never pointed it out.
    Holy shit. I just noticed that. That's uncanny.
    Yeah, I only just noticed it then. It's amazing that we could've missed it this whole time.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It's amazing that we could've missed it this whole time.
    Only rules of these forums are writing proper English. It takes over 22 pages to notice errors like this. So much for those rules.
    For a long, long time. Every time I look at this thread it bothers me but I've never pointed it out.
    Pussy! Go back to watching your cartoons for little girls if you can't handle something as simple as saying "B& his ass!".
  • The Oonly rules of these forums are writing proper English. It takes over 22 pages to notice errors like this. So much for those rules.
    It's quite easy to miss something like that, especially when one doesn't tend to actually read thread titles so much as glance at them and recognise them from memory. In my mind this thread was always called "What anime are you watching? v2.0", until I noticed yesterday.
  • I always noticed the error. Never pointed it out.
  • It's quite easy to miss something like that, especially when one doesn't tend to actually read thread titles so much as glance at them and recognise them from memory. In my mind this thread was always called "What anime are you watching? v2.0", until I noticed yesterday.
    So basically you only notice mistakes once in a blue moon, or when it's given to you. Good thing you're not a moderator who has to correct such errors, right?
  • Rewatching Digimon s1. Picked a bad episode to start on though
  • Rewatching Digimon s1. Picked a bad episode to start on though
    Get to the Myotismon saga, things will start to pick up.
    Or watch Tamers (season 3), a lot better throughout.
  • Rewatching Digimon s1. Picked a bad episode to start on though
    Yes you did.
  • We started in the Myotismon arc. But we didn't start on the first episode of it. It was episode 27, the arc starts on 22 according to Wikipedia.
  • I am on the last episode of season one of Birdy The Mighty. Gonna start season two right after.
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