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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Stupid question, Is Slayers different from The Slayers?
    The same. Chronlogically:

    0. Most of the OAVs/movies
    1. Slayers
    2. Slayers NEXT
    3. Slayers TRY
    4. Slayers Revolution
  • Years ago, all signs pointed to the fact that I would love Revolutionary Girl Utena. I watched the movie, hated it, didn't even get to the end. Then a couple weeks ago my son convinced me to start watching it, and then I realized I'd never seen the series. Just finished season one. Holy mother of god. I would very much like to put all my responsibilities on hold until I finish the series.

    Also recently started watching Ouran Host Club, also influenced by my son. It's amusing, and entertains me when I'm crafting or otherwise doing something that doesn't require my full attention.

    Really enjoyed East of Eden.

    Just finished Baccano! a while ago and liked it, but kinda expected more given the hype. Still haven't finished DRRR, but given the ending of Baccano! I'm not sure I'd get any particular closure (somehow I got bored with DRRR around episode 13 or so and can't get myself to start back up).

    Rewatched Akira about a month ago, when I was at home sick.

    And most heartwarming for me: Watched the Kimba the White Lion bonus disk from the recent release, which includes the Japanese version of Episode 1. Please please please please I wish they'd release the full series in Japanese! It's not just a dub/sub issue: The narrative is a bit different between the two versions of episode 1, and I'm guessing that could be the case throughout the series.
  • edited May 2011
    Years ago, all signs pointed to the fact that I would love Revolutionary Girl Utena. I watched the movie, hated it, didn't even get to the end. Then a couple weeks ago my son convinced me to start watching it, and then I realized I'd never seen the series. Just finished season one. Holy mother of god. I would very much like to put all my responsibilities on hold until I finish the series.
    In the words of a man whose name is to Swedish for me to spell "Hate to say I told you so, do believe I told you so..."
    I recently finished Utena and, wow, Utena, yeah...

    I also recently started watching a show called Princess Jellyfish, about some dysfunctional otaku in Tokyo whose lives are touched (or perhaps, are brought revolution to :P) by a Stylish transvestite named Karunosuke. It is fantastic.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I also recently started watching a show called Princess Jellyfish, about some dysfunctional otaku in Tokyo whose lives are touched (or perhaps, are brought revolution to :P) by a Stylish transvestite named Karunosuke. It is fantastic.
    Which of course is next up on my list now after Utena. And you've just strengthened the case for it by pointing out how much its plot mirrors my own life 1985-1992.
  • edited May 2011
    It is fantastic.
    It is almost from 3 seasons ago. It is a fun show, with rushed ending, and there's equal reason to love and hate the side-character otaku's.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • After hearing the last geeknight eps, I think I will watch hajime no ippo as my new morning wake up shonnen anime (yum... better than coffee) :P
  • edited June 2011
    Soooo about Netflix not having Gurren Lagann episode 8. I wrote an email to Bandai. The responded that they were upset that it was not there. How ever they can not do anything about that. It is up to Netflix. So today I called Netflix customer service and spoke to a very nice and helpful woman. She said that these things do happen and it is probably just a mistake when someone was uploading the episodes to the server. If they do not have #8 for whatever reason they will have to contact Bandai and it will take longer to fix. But if the problem is on their end it will be fixed in a few days. She filed a complaint that came from my account, and then told me they also have the ability to mark mistakes on an internal company basis. She did it from her company account too. She was very helpful so I asked to speak with her supervisor and gave her a good report. GreatTeacherMacRoss if you were watching it on Netflix too could you please call them and report it as well? I'm sure if there are more reports it will be taken care of faster. Also could anyone with a Netflix account please call Netflix and make them aware of this. If we get enough people to do it I am sure it will expedite the response. Their number is 1-866-716-0414.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • edited June 2011
    Watching Kaiji right now, and that thing is quite insane. It has a lot in common with One Outs and Liar Game. I really like these sorts of manga, though I don't really have label for them. "Figuring things out" manga/anime doesn't really sound right, though that is probably most accurate. Just series about weird games with changing rules and where the win condition or reaching it isn't quite easy and often forces you to do things you don't really want to do. Perhaps you could call them "Game" manga, or maybe "high stakes gambling".

    Kaiji just turns it up another notch from what I've seen so far, with people falling off of scyscrapers and such. Anybody have recommendations for similar series? I guess I should try Akagi, which is by the same author, Noboyuki Fukumoto, but beyond that?
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Is the Eden of the East movie different from the show or is it just the show compressed into a movie?
  • Is the Eden of the East movie different from the show or is it just the show compressed into a movie?
    They take place after the show ends.
  • Thanks! Im going to watch it right now!! Then I am going to see if The Sandlot is on Netflix streaming.
  • Just watched episode seventeen of Gurren Lagaan. I'm now one hundred percent a fan of the show.
  • Watching ep 25 of Utena right now. And suddenly: Cars!!!

    I am really looking forward to finishing the series so I can listen to (and read) all the various commentaries I've been avoiding for fear of spoilers.
  • edited June 2011
    One Outs
    Done by the same guy. Same with Akagi, watch that too if you haven't already. Also once caught up to Kaiji season 1, follow fansubs for season 2. The week long wait between episodes is what makes it so much more awesome.

    EDIT: Herp, I should read more before replying.
    "Figuring things out" manga/anime
    They're about psychological warfare and gambling, so look for gambling and/or psychological [something].
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • edited June 2011

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Zack Patate's problem persists, so I'll have to respond this way: One Outs and Kaiji are not by the same author. One Outs and Liar Game are, by man named Shinobu Kaitani.
    And yes, of course I plan on getting into the 2nd season of Kaiji once I'm done with the first.
    Another thought I recently had was that certain aspects of Eyeshield 21 also fall into the same category with Hiruma using gambling, underhanded tactics and trick plays to outwit opponents.
  • One Outs and Kaiji are not by the same author.
    Ah yes, true. Kaiji and Akagi are, One Outs just has the same style. My bad.
    Zack Patate's problem persists
    I don't have a problem.
  • I'm starting to realize Tiger and Bunny is like, a thing in the Japanese anime circles. On Pixiv, there is a ton of art of it, 'specially slashy stuff.
    I guess I might try that.

    I also watched:
    Moribito (Still in the middle of. Excellent, somewhat sates my Kusanagi craving.)
    A few episodes of Hanasaku Iroha (okay, well animated, a little moe-trope-tastic, but overall solid so far)
    A bunch of the Young Animator Training Project (I really like the one about the dresser drawer spirits!)
    Manga Editors Make Out aka Sekaiichi no Hatsukoi (don't judge me!)
    Aoi Bungaku (Japanese Literature done with art by the deathnote and bleach chara designers. Good lit, but I really dislike the protagonist from Ningen Shikaku.)

    Hoping to Watch "Colorful" tonight. (The new movie, not the pervy OVA.)
  • edited June 2011
    'specially slashy stuff.
    It's got buddy-cop show strands. And of course Japan jumps at the chance to turn their unwillingness to cooperate into awkward love.
    (okay, well animated, a little moe-trope-tastic, but overall solid so far)
    A bunch of the Young Animator Training Project (I really like the one about the dresser drawer spirits!)
    All four are fun and have fun stuff in them (like Tarrocman going Dirty Harry). I agree with the Dresser Hobs being best.

    Ninth episode (last one as of writing) of Kaiji's second season introduced us to THE PACHINKO MACHINE amongst pachinko machines. We now possible get 15 episodes of Kaiji playing Pachinko. AND IT WILL BE AWESOME, THUS SAITH THE FACTS.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • Started watching Zeta Gundam. Three episodes in and it's already as good or better than most other UC Gundam I've seen with the exception of the third compilation film.
  • It's got buddy-cop show strands.
    Oh, even better. I like a good buddy cop movie. From what I notice, nothing gets the fanart fujoshi riled up like a good manly bromance.
  • a good manly bromance.
    There's none though. Bunny does not like being paired up with Old Man WILD-OH TIGER. Though the morning-after of the boozefest in Bunny's apartment in episode 9 does little to calm those women.
  • I watched the first ep or so of Tiger and Bunny and found it enjoyable. In particular, I like the older, washed-up protagonist. Gonna have to check out the rest.

    Hanasaku Iroha was okay, but like most slice-of-life shows, not much happens. The main character is spunky, but it's not enough to hold my interest. I dropped it three episodes in.

    Meanwhile, Galaxy Express 999 is still rollin'.
  • Meanwhile, Galaxy Express 999 is still rollin'.
    Have you seen the planet of beggars? How about the planet of talking dinosaurs?
  • Meanwhile, Galaxy Express 999 is still rollin'.
    Have you seen the planet of beggars? How about the planet of talking dinosaurs?
    I don't think so. I'm only up to episode 38. I think the dinosaur one is in the 50's somewhere. No idea about the beggar planet.
  • Sasameki Koto is a show that makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside.
  • I'm watching ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ at the moment.
  • I'm watching ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ at the moment.
    Such an awesome show. From the style to the story just very awesome.
  • Sasameki Koto is a show that makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside
    I love Sasameki Koto. I really like the main character. It was super cute yuri!
  • Sasameki Koto is a show that makes me feel all happy and fuzzy inside
    I love Sasameki Koto. I really like the main character. It was super cute yuri!
    I'm partial to Aoi, the yuri fan. In a way, she's primarily in love with literature and yuri in particular. That's something I can relate to as a guy who reads Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Christabel and sees yuri elements in that ballad from before Europeans knew there was a Japan.
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