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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • My sister and I are watching fruits basket. I am very surprised about the level of overlap of voice actors between it's english dub and the english dub of Yu Yu Hakusho.
  • edited May 2011
    I've noticed Netflix has Naruto streaming and they are like 50 episodes each season! What is that show like? If I liked Trigun, would I like that one?
    Maybe? But they are nothing alike. Trigun is a SciFi Western that muses on pacifism, Naruto is a lot more like an American superhero comic book where there are many fights with a ton of characters and there is crazy ninja stuff and it lasts forever.

    So, I have been watching Seirei no Moribito. Good stuff so far. It has great fight scenes, fabulous animation, interesting characters, and most of all, a really badass female protagonist. She's not quite on the level of my favorite, The Major, but is surely shaping up to be of the same ilk. Also, it has one of those handsome conflicted bad guys who may turn good, which makes me go all dokyuuun!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • So wait, am I to understand that episode 8 from GL is MISSING from Netflix streaming? No wonder!
  • So wait, am I to understand that episode 8 from GL is MISSING from Netflix streaming? No wonder!
    Oh yeah, my brother had that mistake. Sadly, Netflix really needs to fix it.
  • I got Karo Kano and Excel Sage (new Funimation release) in the mail yesterday. I'm enjoying not keeping up with the current season and watching these old shows.
  • I got Karo Kano
    Kare Kano? The series is great, but the manga is better because of course it tells more but goes into further detail of the various romantic relationships and growth of the side characters.
  • I got Karo Kano
    Kare Kano? The series is great, but the manga is better because of course it tells more but goes into further detail of the various romantic relationships and growth of the side characters.
    Yes, sorry. It's been recommended to me a ton and it's just one of those things I haven't gotten around too yet. It's also one of the few titles that Hideaki Anno directed, and famously the one that drove him to nervous breakdown, so that alone makes it a must watch in my book.
  • It's also one of the few titles that Hideaki Anno directed, and famously the one that drove him to nervous breakdown
    You're thinking of Nadia. With Kare Kano, he simply disagreed with the producers and the original author, and he went to go work with Miyazaki for a while.
  • You're thinking of Nadia. With Kare Kano, he simply disagreed with the producers and the original author, and he went to go work with Miyazaki for a while.
    Ah, I had been misinformed. I thought both were nervous breakdowns. I recently watched Nadia and endured the Shinji Higuchi episodes. It was painful, to say the least.
  • Shinji Higuchi episodes. It was painful, to say the least.
    They are called "the island episodes."
  • They are called "the island episodes."
    They should be called "The unwatchable episodes."
  • which makes me go all dokyuuun!
    English dammit.

    It seems I'm the only one actually following the great Spring season 2011. Also, Natsume 3 this Summer.
  • It seems I'm the only one actually following the great Spring season 2011. Also, Natsume 3 this Summer.
    It's rare for me to watch anything that is coming out currently when there is so much unseen good stuff I don't have to wait for. But if the Spring season of 2011 is really and honesty great, then it is quite likely that I'll see some of it's series at some point in the future. To be honest I don't even have no idea what's out there right now, anything actually interesting?
  • edited May 2011
    Tiger & Bunny and [C] are the shows to watch. Maybe Dororon Enma if you like bawdy youkai.

    Didn't know there was more Natsume coming. Really looking forward to that now.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Blue Exorcist is also pretty good.
  • It seems I'm the only one actually following the great Spring season 2011. Also, Natsume 3 this Summer.
    I normally am keeping up with the season, for the podcast, but this time I decided to take a break. Kinda want to catch up on Tiger & Bunny and Hanasaku Iroha.
  • edited May 2011
    Blue Exorcist is also pretty good.
    I watched the first episode when it came out, but I haven't gotten around to watching the rest yet. And looking at the list, I've heard good things about Fireball Charming, Kaiji 2, and Deadman Wonderland (really like the manga).
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited May 2011
    To be honest I don't even have no idea what's out there right now, anything actually interesting?
    Ano ... fuckthisnameit'stoogoddamnedlongandtranslatesto"Westilldon'tknowthenameoftheflowerwesawthatday" Hana morewordsherefuckJapanese - shown in the Noitamina block and very much unlike Fractale.
    [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control - or just Control, also from the Noitamina block, also unlike Fractale thank god.
    Hanasaku Iroha - P.A. Works' 10 year anniversary animation, 26 episodes, I like the character design, has the one hilariously stupid line "I want to sparkle!" (context is erotic fanfiction of the main character in-universe), character's are fun and I like Itou Kanae's voice too much.
    Fireball Charming - Disney shorts about a robot in the far far far far future. It's fun. Supposedly it's made to sell toys but I don't believe that. Though a fully articulated figure of our great empress Drossel would be interesting, but heretical.
    Kaiji season 2 - because Kaiji season 2 you fucker. THREE DICE ROLLS PER EPISODE AND A LOT OF ZAWA!
    Nichijou - very entertaining comedy series of the absurd variety. Features a talking black cat named Sakamoto, a robot with a key in her back and the best tsundere character in anime history who doesn't need no stupid time magic to get big ass fuck you weapons.
    Steins;Gate - Light Yagami the mad scientist-oh travels through time to fight SERN, the evil twin brother corporation of CERN, who build their own LHC. Probably 10 meters below CERN's but we aren't told that.
    Tiger & Bunny - Superheroes with real life brands plastered across their chest. Unless it's Blue Rose in which case we get cleavage and a Pepsi hat. Also spiked tentacles. It's about superheroes being superheroes, only awesome.

    And that's only the shows I checked out. There's also stuff like Deadman Wonderland, Blue Exorcist, thatSengokushowabouttea, Dorororororororon Enma-kun, and a handful of second seasons that are popular for some reason. And SHAFT's Denpa somethingsomething.

    Also all the movies we aren't going to see for months like Tezuka's Buddha.
    Post edited by Zack Patate on
  • edited May 2011
    Blue Exorcist has been pretty good so far. I suspect the series will eventually fall into the shonen power creep hole.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • I've been watching Tiger & Bunny and Deadman Wonderland. The former is kinda meh to me since I don't care much for superheroes, and aside from the main character all of them are pretty standard as far as anime goes; the latter is fun to watch because it's a somewhat fresh take on an old idea with plenty of gore and Shiro just amuses me to no end. Nothing else really caught my interest, and it's hard enough to keep up with just those two with the way my free time is.

    Also started watching Nobody's Boy Remi since it is a classic and who knows how long ANN will keep it available for.
  • Tiger & Bunny and [C] are the shows to watch. Maybe Dororon Enma if you like bawdy youkai.
  • They should be called "The unwatchable episodes."
    Yea, Nadia is one of my favorite shows of all time, except for that part, talk about taking a A level anime and completely fucking with it.
  • Yea, Nadia is one of my favorite shows of all time, except for that part, talk about taking a A level anime and completely fucking with it.
    My parents were like "What happened?! This show turned really bad!" I never watched all of Nadia (only watched the beginning) and I never felt like it after my parents hated the middle so much. (They said the end was better.)

    Basically, I'm watching noitaminA stuff that I missed. NoitaminA is really the only block of anime I watch anymore. Also Moribito, as I said before.
  • NoitaminA is really the only block of anime I watch anymore.
    Something like every other season it's crap though, and when it's not crap, it's not best of the season all day erryday.
  • I think there are way more hits than misses. I liked Hachikuro and stuff like that, so hey.
  • English goddammit. Who the fuck knows that Hachikuro is Honey and Clover? But let me rephrase what I said. Since it became well known and advertised (alongside that Anime no Chikara project) in 2009 or so, it's been constantly hyped up only to just be average (for the shows I tend to watch which already rules out 45/50 shows for a particular season), or crap if we're getting to Yamamoto's Failtale. Seriously, just ignore that show. It tried to do too many things in too little time with absolutely no freaking idea about how to any of the things they stuffed in the show, besides 'moe'.
  • I think there are way more hits than misses. I liked Hachikuro and stuff like that, so hey.
    The music for Honey & Clover also had a lot of fun indie pop songs.
  • Bonus in that I listened to Spitz "hachimitsu" album all the time in high school, so when I heard that on the soundtrack I was happy.
  • Stupid question, Is Slayers different from The Slayers?
  • My parents were like "What happened?! This show turned really bad!" I never watched all of Nadia (only watched the beginning) and I never felt like it after my parents hated the middle so much. (They said the end was better.)
    Just skip the island episodes, they're all filler. The end involves spaceships. Lots of spaceships.
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