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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Ikuhara's actually directing something again? Now that is interesting.
  • edited June 2011
    The thread is "What Anime are You Watching".
    Yes, as in currently watching, present day, present time.
    In about a month's time, those are the anime I will be watching. Thus, a sneak preview.
    There's a thread for that. Also, your taste sucks. You red-bordered (which I assume means "PROBABLY NOT/NO") the Sengoku BASARA film, a new Ghibli film while green-bordering a Hayate the Combat Butler film. You also put a question mark on the wrong Noitamina show and a green smiley on the GONZO show (just hope they are pumping funds into the new Last Exile).

    EDIT: Proper charts for people to actually look at, while we're at it.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I just went on a Gundam binge for the last week, going through Zeta, Char's Counterattack, the three current episodes of Unicorn Gundam, and the Gundam 00 movie.

    Zeta Gundam has even more melodrama and stupid teenagers than almost any other Gundam show, but it's pulled off pretty well for the most part - the relationship between old and new characters is especially interesting to watch unfold, since it's not really done well in any other Gundam series.

    I'll strongly recommend Char's Counterattack to anybody who knows the plot of Gundam and Zeta Gundam, just because the animation is really high-quality - possibly the best of the Tomino-directed shows. The fight between Char and Amuro is one of the best fights in the whole franchise, if you want to see that.

    The Gundam 00 movie is pretty ridiculous especially in its various violations of physics, but is unique in that it introduces actual aliens while maintaining a Gundam-ish message. It's also notable for having an absurdly huge set-piece battle to go along with absurdly-powerful robots. If you like the shinies, watch this.

    Gundam Unicorn is, first, really really pretty. The story is going in an interesting direction so far, with a good job of not having one side be significantly more morally reprehensible than the other, and everybody except possibly the protagonist has understandable, sympathetic motivations. I recommend it.
  • So it does actually get good? I stopped watching after the first arc and it was pretty shit.
    It's still EXTREMELY ponderous but at least it gives you an X-men fight every eps in the middle I'm on eps 8 or 9 now so I'll let you know when I finish.
  • Because posting in the middle of a film is silly (though I could trivially do it), I watched the Borrower Arrietty. Nice directorial debut of what'shisface. TWO DROPS OF TEA PER PERSON! The French dub has the voice of Amalia from Wakfu for Arrietty (Jack Bauer voices Ruel Stroud). One more Ghibli film to cross from the list. I think they make them faster than I watch them though.
  • So how is it so far?
  • Patlabour 2 was slow, pretentious garbage trying way too hard to be Ghost in the Shell but with absolutely no sense of tension. Not worth watching.
  • edited June 2011
    I thought the first Patlabor film was really good. 2nd film focused to much on the captain and not enough on the the team as a whole. There was also like you said to much political b.s.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • The first Patlabour was fantastic, which made the sequel way super disappointing. I didn't feel the problem was that they focused too much on the captain, I felt the problem was they didn't focus on anything; it was like the whole movie was being observed through binoculars, and we were so distant from every event that there was no investment in anything. Every event was done at the slowest pace possible, completely deflating any tension by making even the most dangerous situations like helicopter strafing and bombs going off feel like an anti-climax. The movie felt sedated, as in, on a valium drip the whole time.
  • I couldn't finish the second Patlabour movie. Blech,
  • If you like the focus on the team in ensemble comedy, try the OVAs or TV series. They're not as good as the first movie, but they're really fun.
  • I saw the OVA's first before I watched anything else. It's a great one of a kind series.
  • I like all Patlabor. Some is better than others. The best are the OVA, first movie, and the TV episodes that had strong Mamoru Oshii influence (Chinese food episode). Even so, the less-good Patlabors, like OVA2 are still pretty awesome.
  • Any suggestions of what to watch on Netflix? (from the recently added in the last 1-2 months or so)
  • Darker than Black seems pretty cool
  • Darker than Black seems pretty cool
    It's awesome style is pretty much all it has.
  • I really liked Arietty. It was a solid B - B+ Ghibli movie with really good music. It pushed all kinds of nostalgia buttons I didn't know I had (I haven't read The Borrowers in a decade or so). I understood a lot more of the Japanese than I expected which was a huge confidence boost too. This was probably my favorite part of the whole movie though:
  • Darker than Black seems pretty cool
    It's awesome style is pretty much all it has.
    I disagree. I like the style, a lot of the plot, and the action scenes are great. It has a lot of great moments. Although I hear season 2 isn't that great.
  • edited June 2011
    This was probably my favorite part of the whole movie though:
    HELL YEAH! You picked the perfect frame from that scene. Though what is up with those black bars on there.
    Although I hear season 2 isn't that great.
    "They made it up as they went along", or so they say.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • HELL YEAH! You picked the perfect frame from that scene. Though what is up with those black bars on there.
    Those black bars are there cause I just took a screen cap and didn't crop them out.
  • I need an animu to watch. I wanted to watch Queen Millennia, but not all the episodes are available with subtitles as far as I can find.
  • Have you watched Kaiji yet?
  • Darker than Black seems pretty cool
    It's awesome style is pretty much all it has.
    I disagree. I like the style, a lot of the plot, and the action scenes are great. It has a lot of great moments. Although I hear season 2 isn't that great.
    I enjoyed the first few episodes, then lost interest quickly.

    Can't remember whether I mentioned that I watched Princess Jellyfish, and enjoyed it a lot. I've never really been a shojo fan, and this show made me reconsider that. (I've heard it argued that Utena is shojo, but I dunno about that. Also, I consider Princess Tutu to be a "shojo fighting show," so I guess more shojo has crept in around the edges lately than I want to admit. Maybe I'm actually a girly girl.)

    Started watching the 2003 Astro Boy series yesterday, mostly as research for a ConnetiCon panel but also just because. I really wish the 1966 series was readily available.
  • I need an animu to watch. I wanted to watch Queen Millennia, but not all the episodes are available with subtitles as far as I can find.
    Have you seen The Tatami Galaxy or Princess Jellyfish? They're both great and free to stream on Hulu.
  • I need an animu to watch. I wanted to watch Queen Millennia, but not all the episodes are available with subtitles as far as I can find.
    You should review any of the anime that you guys need to do a final thoughts episode on.
  • I need an animu to watch. I wanted to watch Queen Millennia, but not all the episodes are available with subtitles as far as I can find.
    You should review any of the anime that you guys need to do a final thoughts episode on.

    Specifically: Utena.
  • I really wish the 1966 series was readily available.
    I really need to watch that. The Astroboy manga was part of what got me into anime/manga to begin with. My local library carried about 12 volumes of it; they've always had a decent selection of manga. What really surprises me is that they had the Crayon Shinchan manga, which almost got me out of manga/anime ("So, the joke is his penis?").
  • I really wish the 1966 series was readily available.
    But,it is.
  • I really wish the 1966 series was readily available.
    I really need to watch that. The Astroboy manga was part of what got me into anime/manga to begin with. My local library carried about 12 volumes of it; they've always had a decent selection of manga. What really surprises me is that they had the Crayon Shinchan manga, which almost got me out of manga/anime ("So, the joke is his penis?").
    Ohmygosh! Just discovered that WingedMushroomofDoom appears to have 50+ episodes of the 1963 (correcting myself) Astro Boy on YouTube. Win.
    I really wish the 1966 series was readily available.
    But,it is.
    I may well end up purchasing that. I must admit, I'd seen that before and forgotten it existed, because I was looking for the full series.
  • Sorry to reiterate this, but yeah, Tatami Galaxy is a MUST watch, for anime or non-anime fans alike. In fact, if you like early 20th century Japanese literature, the narrative style of the show will fit that taste very closely. I liked it so much I watched it twice, back to back.
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