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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I watched Sasameki Koto when it was coming out. It's a decent show, but nothing spectacular. I did really like the episode with the rainy day and the treasure hunt though.
  • this will be my third time watching FLCL this week, 2nd time watching PSG and I'm starting Angel's egg... again
  • this will be my third time watching FLCL this week, 2nd time watching PSG and I'm starting Angel's egg... again
    I know that FLCL is good, but three time in one week. Isn't that a bit too much?
  • this will be my third time watching FLCL this week, 2nd time watching PSG and I'm starting Angel's egg... again
    I know that FLCL is good, but three time in one week. Isn't that a bit too much?
    Not when I'm using it as a muse for writing.
  • Just finished War in the Pocket and it's probably the best Gundam I've seen.
  • Just finished War in the Pocket and it's probably the best Gundam I've seen.
    Yeah, yet it starts off way too slow. It was losing me in episode 3 and yet those last three episodes say more about War than most Gundam series can in 50 episodes.
  • Finished Kaze No Yojimbo. Going to start watching the movie it was based on next I think.
  • Kurosawa's Yojimbo is better x100 than Kaze no Yojimbo.
  • Kurosawa's Yojimbo is better x100 than Kaze no Yojimbo.
    Kaze no Yojimbo is decidedly mediocre. A flat B- anime. Entertaining, well-done mostly, but very short of greatness.
  • Rewatched FMA on netflix with the girlfriend. She had not seen the whole thing yet and I was kinda in the mood to watch it over again. I'm still way interested in how the gate functions and how much cross over there is between both sides. Maybe more is explained in Brotherhood? I'll have to sit down and watch it sometime.

    The english voice actors were not too bad for FMA either.
  • Rewatched FMA on netflix with the girlfriend. She had not seen the whole thing yet and I was kinda in the mood to watch it over again. I'm still way interested in how the gate functions and how much cross over there is between both sides. Maybe more is explained in Brotherhood? I'll have to sit down and watch it sometime.

    The english voice actors were not too bad for FMA either.
    Brotherhood is not a sequel, it's an anime adaptation that's faithful to the manga. Which, imho, is way better.
  • edited June 2011
    Brotherhood is not a sequel, it's an anime adaptation that's faithful to the manga. Which, imho, is way better.
    I realize, it's why I did not refer to it as such, I were just curious if they get into the gate and how/why it works more.
    Post edited by zehaeva on
  • I realize, it's why I did not refer to it as such, I were just curious if they get into the gate and how/why it works more.
    They do indeed go into that.
  • I realize, it's why I did not refer to it as such, I were just curious if they get into the gate and how/why it works more.
    They do indeed go into that.
    You now have me excited sir!
  • Kurosawa's Yojimbo is better x100 than Kaze no Yojimbo.
    This is what I've heard so I choose Kaze first. Watched a bit last night before bed and even from the start I can see the jump in quality.
  • edited June 2011
    [I deleted the image and posted an imgur one on the next page]
    Sneak preview, just for you guys (and Facebook).
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • That's way too small to actually read anything.
  • I'm re-watching genshiken.
  • I'm re-watching Chii's Sweet Home.
  • According to that preview, there's some genuine shite coming out soon.
  • The only show I'm really looking forward to is Natsume Yuujinchou 3.
  • That's way too small to actually read anything.
    Photobucket auto-shrank it. Know any photo hosting sites that don't suck?
  • That's way too small to actually read anything.
    Photobucket auto-shrank it. Know any photo hosting sites that don't suck?
    always use imgur.
  • Sneak preview
    Of what? Your opinion scribbled in serif on a month old chart?
    [A]lways use imgur.
    Which will just dump the image if it's too large.
  • edited June 2011
    Hooray for not sucking!
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • Bunny Drop, if the manga's reception is any indication, should be the best show of the Summer. Other than that most of them are a toss up.
  • Almost all of that yellow text is impossible to read.
  • Sneak preview
    Of what? Your opinion scribbled in Serif on a month old chart?
    The thread is "What Anime are You Watching". In about a month's time, those are the anime I will be watching. Thus, a sneak preview.
  • I'm watching the X-men Anime, it took about 5 eps to be pretty good, finally they've gotten to a point where Cyclops is eye blasting things every eps. Come on guys what took so long :-p
  • I'm watching the X-men Anime, it took about 5 eps to be pretty good, finally they've gotten to a point where Cyclops is eye blasting things every eps. Come on guys what took so long :-p
    So it does actually get good? I stopped watching after the first arc and it was pretty shit.
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