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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I'm watching Gunslinger Girl, and it's a meh show. I really think the creator thinks they're creating some masterful work of art. Which they're not.
    It's pretty much a show that covers the convergence between Moe lovers and Gun Otaku.
    1. It's pretty much a show that covers the convergence between Moe lovers and Gun Otaku.

    Why do they feel the need to have such dramatic background music even during the most mundane scenes? It seems like such a poor choice. I can understand a melancholic tone when someone dies, but during a walk through the park?
  • Why do they feel the need to have such dramatic background music even during the most mundane scenes? It seems like such a poor choice. I can understand a melancholic tone when someone dies, but during a walk through the park?
    I have no idea. Maybe it was a really sad walk in the park?
    1. I have no idea. Maybe it was a really sad walk in the park?

    Maybe, just maybe. We'll have to send this one down to the boys in the lab.
  • We'll have to send this one down to the boys in the lab.
    Please do so. We still love to blow shit up.
  • I just started in on The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. I'm watching it in DVD order, just because I happened to start watching it on DVD (in other words, I hadn't read up on the whole "which order should you watch it in" thing before getting started). So far I'm enjoying it.
  • You haven't seen more than 5 episodes then. Enjoy.
  • You haven't seen more than 5 episodes then. Enjoy.
    Actually, I've seen six, up to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya V.
  • Actually, I've seen six, up to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya V.
    My bad, forgot that even in chronological order, episode 00 is still episode 1.
  • edited July 2011
    Just finished episodes 26 and 27 of Gurren Lagaan.
    Cried like a bitch despite the ludicrousness of the bigger-than-a-galaxy-robot fight.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • I cried manly tears.
  • In doing last minute work for panels, I find myself really wanting to watch Combat Mecha Xabungle. It's the show Tomino did immediately after Space Runaway Ideon, and it shows just how quickly he got put on medication after that show, because it is the silliest military dramady. It deals with serious wartime issues in the least serious manner it possibly can. When you have lines like...

    "You're not gonna be much of a main character if you're dead!"
    "I won't die that easily, this is an anime!"

    ...You know the show has its sense of humor in the right place.
  • edited July 2011
    Just watched Summer Wars with a friend. We both really liked it and I am going to go back and listen to the review again.

    The parts set in OZ were quite creative and the design of the Love Machine (Evil A.I) was really cool, his lazy eyed, teeth filled grin is just awesome.

    King Kazma (Rabbit Avatar Combat Hero) is also really kick ass.

    Anytime he was on screen I sat up.

    I vaguely remember the review saying its not the *greatest* movie but we have to take what we can get. That's pretty much it. Its good, but not crazy good.

    Watch if you can.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • My anime of the moment is the original Super Dimensional Fortress Macross. It is an old show and looks like so, but isn't bad. It took me some time to get into it but it has been pulling me more and more into it.
  • My anime of the moment is the original Super Dimensional Fortress Macross. It is an old show and looks like so, but isn't bad. It took me some time to get into it but it has been pulling me more and more into it.
    hey, I *know* it's been posted before, but its really hard to search for: What is the best starting point to get into a mecha show? Having not watched any Gundam or macross I want to know what people consider the best example of this anime. I'm keen to give it a go.
  • My anime of the moment is the original Super Dimensional Fortress Macross. It is an old show and looks like so, but isn't bad. It took me some time to get into it but it has been pulling me more and more into it.
    hey, I *know* it's been posted before, but its really hard to search for: What is the best starting point to get into a mecha show? Having not watched any Gundam or macross I want to know what people consider the best example of this anime. I'm keen to give it a go.
    First of all don't ask me and take everything I tell you knowing that I know nothing about mecha anime. Haven't even seen an episode of Gundam.

    Short answer. Take something that seems interesting and has gotten praise and start there. If I have to name one show from the top of my head, I'd say Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Yes, it kinda is a parody of the genre, but I believe it can work as a starting point, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was among my first sci-fi books, and that worked well. Outside of being just a mecha show, it's fun, funny and generally good.

    On the other hand you could just take the most popular Gundam (whatever that is) and go from there.
  • Cool, thanks.

    I'll look into Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as well, I've heard it mentioned enough times now to take notice :)

    And if I get some free time later I might trawl the threads for some recommendations.
  • I don't watch that much anime, or at least not that fast, so pretty much everything I watch comes with recommendations from some source.
  • I don't watch that much anime, or at least not that fast, so pretty much everything I watch comes with recommendations from some source.
    Same here, with work and gaming and just regular TV (Game of Thrones, Dr Who etc etc) anime is one of my smaller hobbies. Maybe 4-5 hours a week.

    Hence why I always like to try to watch something that has been recommended :)

    I'm over halfway through cowboy Bebop and loving that, just trying to line up my next show before that ends. I like to keep it flowing.
  • edited July 2011
    Nooo! On my Cowboy Bebop DVD Volume 4, Mushroom Samba and Speak like a Child are all corrupted!

    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • Cool, thanks.

    I'll look into Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as well, I've heard it mentioned enough times now to take notice :)

    And if I get some free time later I might trawl the threads for some recommendations.
    Netflix FINALLY fixed episode 8.
  • Two episodes away from finishing my Eva rewatch.
  • Cool, thanks.
    I'll look into Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as well, I've heard it mentioned enough times now to take notice :)
    And if I get some free time later I might trawl the threads for some recommendations.
    Netflix FINALLY fixed episode 8.
    Yeah, that episode is sort of a big fucking deal.
  • Trying to watch Powerpuff Girls Z right now... I was... not... prepared...
  • I have not seen a whole lot of anime in my life, but I'm spending a lot of time sitting in a comfy chair feeding baby, burping baby, rocking baby to sleep etc., and have a iPad propped up on the shelf next to me. Netflix app is my savior! I recently watched The Place Promised in Our Early Days, which was beautiful but I am too dense to appreciate it's message (or the message was just way to heavily veiled. Something about innocence of youth, pointlessness of war, blah blah). Still, enjoyed the flick.

    Now I started an 11 episode series, Eden of the East. I'll mainly be posting here to make sure I don't start watching 26 episodes of a turd. Having not seen much anime, are there any MUST WATCH titles on Netflix instant? I've gone and added most of Scrym's "anime you should see" list to my queue but little to none is streaming.
  • Trigun is on instant.
  • Trigun is on instant.
    Man, right when I got back into watching Doctor Who...
  • Trigun is on instant.
    Actually one of the few things I have seen, but only about the first 10 episodes. I had heard that the earlier episodes are better than the later. Worth it to finish? (I will probably just rewatch the whole thing, this was 9 years ago)
  • I had heard that the earlier episodes are better than the later.
    Who the hell told you that? Trigun doesn't get really good until shit gets real and Vash fucking loses it.
  • Trigun is on instant.
    Actually one of the few things I have seen, but only about the first 10 episodes. I had heard that the earlier episodes are better than the later. Worth it to finish? (I will probably just rewatch the whole thing, this was 9 years ago)
    The opposite of true. Trigun doesn't hit its stride until episode 13.

    I'm finally watching Princess Tutu, and I absolutely adore just how meta it gets - things happen because it's a story, and that means things are supposed to happen that way.
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