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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Princess Tutu is delicious. I had seen the first two episodes before, but watching through episode 5 with Linkigi was delightful.
  • I had heard that the earlier episodes are better than the later.
    Who the hell told you that? Trigun doesn't get really good until shit gets real and Vash fucking loses it.
    Someome night very bright I suppose. Some guy from high school whose name I can't even remember. This was almost a decade ago after all!
    Princess Tutu is delicious. I had seen the first two episodes before, but watching through episode 5 with Linkigi was delightful.
    A recent addition to Netflix streaming. I have this one in my cue but haven't started yet.
  • Natsume III seems to be more of the same, and that's exactly what I want.
  • Natsume III seems to be more of the same, and that's exactly what I want.
    Yup. And I am very oooooo-kay with that.

    I should make some "one episode - one line" reviews for the new anime season in the new anime season thread.
  • Someone on here mentioned episode 8 of Gurren Lagaan is now on Netflix. I thought Netflix was taking Gurren Lagaan off July 1st? Is there a grace period if the show is in your queue or something?
  • I've got just two episodes left of Princess Tutu! I must admit I got bored for a while at the beginning of season two, but ohmygosh I love it again.

    Then I gotta finish Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Not sure what's up next after that. Too many good options, after copious note-taking at ConnectiCon.
  • I've got just two episodes left of Princess Tutu! I must admit I got bored for a while at the beginning of season two, but ohmygosh I love it again.
    Princess Tutu does that. For a while it goes to a series of kinda boring monster of the week episodes in beginning of first half and second and just when you almost get bored with the show it hits back with awesomes.
  • edited July 2011
    I've temporarily dropped Haruhi for Star Driver. Haruhi is a really good show, but I made an order mistake, and Star Driver is what happened when Enokido woke up and said "Let's make Utena again, but this time with giant robots." Thus, the Galactic Pretty Boy. Once we finish Princess Tutu, me and jtvh will probably start on Mawaru Penguindrum, but that's coming out weekly, and I'm on a post-con anime binge.

    UPDATE: We have finished Princess Tutu and watched the first episode of Mawaru Penguindrum. OHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHOHMIGOSHOHMIGOSH! A girl came back to life through the power of a hat from the aquarium, three penguins arrived in the mail from "Pengroup," and then there was a sequence I couldn't tell if it was the closing credits, or an egregious transformation sequence. The next episode preview included both a penguin eating toilet paper (context won't help) and -- in English -- "next week is so long away!" I LOVE THIS SHOW!
    Post edited by Greg on
  • I'm still loving Stein's Gate. I'm prone to loving time travel as a plot device though, so it's too be expected. Of the new shows I've seen so-far for this summer, I don't think there are any real gems yet. I need a new fix for psychological thriller anime right now. Or decent sci-fi.
  • Watched the first episode of Air Master right now. Not sure what to think. While the concept and fighting is good, the episode had some dead air for no reason other than perhaps them running out of animation budget for it, and both Tit-Girl (no, that is not sexist by me, because the only purpose of her in the episode was to have gigantic tits) and little kid girl are both super-annoying. I'll give it a few more episodes and I hope the series can overcome those deficiencies.
  • Been watching me some more shows with giant robots. First, Shin Mazinger Z gets a rating of "crazy," for not really telling you everything that happened in one episode until about two episodes later. There's tons of infighting, plots within plots, mistaken and hidden identities, etc. It's usually done pretty well, but some of the plans seem to require a bit more foresight and random chance than is usually feasible. Also, I don't like the way it deals with Greek mythology, but that's just me being a history nerd, and the show getting archaeology entirely wrong. That said, the "crazy" often becomes "crazy awesome," and the twist is absolutely superlative. The cliffhanger ending, maybe not so much.

    Mazinkaiser, on the other hand, is an extremely straight super robot show, and if you like super robot shows, you'll greatly enjoy Mazinkaiser. Having the opening and ending arranged by Yoko Kanno and performed by JAM Project helps matters.

    Also, I fucking love the Patlabor OVA. Are the movies and TV show any good?
  • Also, I fucking love the Patlabor OVA. Are the movies and TV show any good?
    It's all great, movies especially.
  • Also, I fucking love the Patlabor OVA. Are the movies and TV show any good?
    It's all great, movies especially.
    The second movie took terrible to a whole new level. The first movie was pretty good. The show was very 'meh' if I remember correctly.
  • The second movie took terrible to a whole new level. The first movie was pretty good. The show was very 'meh' if I remember correctly.
    You suck. Both movies are amazing. Show varies based on the episode.
  • The second movie took terrible to a whole new level.
    So I assume you hated Sky Crawlers and Ghost in the Shell: Innocence too? ;^)
  • The second movie took terrible to a whole new level.
    So I assume you hated Sky Crawlers and Ghost in the Shell: Innocence too? ;^)
    Haven't seen Sky Crawlers, and GitS:I was so bad I couldn't finish watching it.
  • GitS:I was so bad I couldn't finish watching it.
    So, I'm guessing you just don't like Mamoru Oshii.

    I can understand why someone wouldn't enjoy his movies per se, but to say that they're terrible is overreaching. They're expertly crafted.
  • Ghost in the Shell: Innocence too? ;^)
    Wait, that's the second movie right? That was better then the first one :-p
  • Ghost in the Shell: Innocence too? ;^)
    Wait, that's the second movie right? That was better then the first one :-p
    Hated, HATED the cel-shaded animation in that movie. That was part of the reason I couldn't watch the whole thing.
  • Hated, HATED the cel-shaded animation in that movie. That was part of the reason I couldn't watch the whole thing.
  • Monsieur, you have won at both this thread, and GIFs everywhere.
  • image
    I thought this one was good for anime themed haters.
  • There's something sufficiently off about both Misty and Brock's hair in that one. She's taking a few tips from Princess Tutu, and he's been talking to Gerald from Hey Arnold.
  • edited July 2011
    Lol @ both of those above .GIF!

    Me and a mate have a weekly Thursday night "Lounge" where you just bring anyting to the table. Last night we played around half of that free PS3 game Dead Nation, its a 2 player top down shooter. All good, but then I brought out Bokurano!

    Not really spoilers since Scrym have already reviewed the show, but we were both watching it, ok, Giant robot piloted by school kids - check. Giant alien invaders that kids have to fight off - check. Quirky Japanese humour (specifically that floating bunny thing?? I mean, WTF?) - check.

    But I *knew* that the pilots died right? That's its shtick. I told my mate that.

    So in the first episode the "teacher" pilots the mech with the kids watching, and then he kinda disappears after the battle., as if someone turned off a computer. He kind of erased himself. So we were both like, oh, ok, maybe the kids go to another dimension when they die, maybe it IS all just a game.

    But then at the end of episode 2... The kids are on the top of the mech, joyously celebrating their victory... And the pilot just FUCKING DIES and falls off the mech into the ocean.

    Lol, we turned to each other and were like, waa?? That didn't look like game, that looked like that kid fully died and fell into the ocean. For real.

    Will definately keep watching to see what's going on.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Whoo, boy, are you in for something else.
  • I love Bokurano. When I show it to people, they get hooked. It's just...Awesome.
  • I love Bokurano. When I show it to people, they get hooked. It's just...Awesome.
    That show got me back into anime, I love depressing shit ^_^
  • Oh Bokurano. I've read the manga and seen the anime and enjoyed both.
  • I love depressing shit
  • edited July 2011
    Oh Bokurano. I've read the manga and seen the anime and enjoyed both.
    Yeah, its really hooked me in, been thinking about it all day. Who writes that kind of thing? Kids dying?

    Just finished Cowboy Bebop. Pretty sure I'm in the minority but.. I didn't like it. I found it to be really disjointed. 1 or 2 GREAT episodes (chessmaster or real cowboy bounty hunter episode) but mainly they were just weird. It felt like it just never really went anywhere? At least not in the way that Eva or Stand Alone Complex did. Maybe that's what I expect from my anime now. Grandiose and outrageous premises and endings?
    Also, unless I somehow missed a few episodes, I don't think the show earned that ending. Viscious and Julia barely had ANY screen time during the entire series, yet I'm supposed to care about that finale?

    The first two episodes of Bokurano have me more excited to watch the show than any single episode of Bebop.

    I *wanted* to like it, but really, I didn't :/
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
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