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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • How about this?
    Baby Kimba swims from Spain to southern Africa, beats a shark, then walks half the continent, all immediately after his mother dies on a sinking ship.I see no cheese, only awesome.
  • edited July 2011
    How about this?
    Baby Kimba swims from Spain to southern Africa, beats a shark, then walks half the continent, all immediately after his mother dies on a sinking ship.I see no cheese, only awesome.
    That movie was so sad, and so good! But I think that movie was from the 90s.
    Also, they are very cute:
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited July 2011
    What are some good shows on Crunchyroll aside from Code Geass?
    Sherlock Hound. It's basically 26 episodes of Sherlock Holmes as Anthropomorphic dogs done by Hayao Miyazaki. Holmes is a fox, Moriarty a wolf, The voice acting is great, the art style is, well, Miyazaki, and it's one of the better uses of the Holmes style. It's fantastic.

    The whole series is also up, officialy, on youtube.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on

  • That movie was so sad, and so good! But I think that movie was from the 90s.
    Yes, but the TV Show Jungle Emperor (to which I referenced about the shark and Spain and such) was from the mid '60s. It was the first show Tezuka made after Astro Boy.
  • edited July 2011
    done by Hayao Miyazaki
    Only 9 or so episodes though. The rest is done by another guy from what I remember.
    Baby Kimba swims from Spain to southern Africa, beats a shark, then walks half the continent, all immediately after his mother dies on a sinking ship.I see no cheese, only awesome.
    Wait, so he swims SOUTH from Spain, circles the entire continent of Africa to get to southern Africa, THEN WALKS BACK? Either you failed in your synopsis, or there's something retarded going on in that story.
    Really? That's actually kind of sad. How do you feel about the look of old paintings or movies?
    That's half a bullshit argument. Painting technology hasn't changed in centuries. As for your argument, there's old Disney shorts that look a lot less aged than some great anime. You cannot deny that technology has ridiculously improved and sped up animating, so much so that older anime just looks bad if it didn't have top-line funding for the animation (example: Nausicaa looks awesome, why? It was a film with budget).
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • edited July 2011
    done by Hayao Miyazaki
    Only 9 or so episodes though. The rest is done by another guy from what I remember.
    Baby Kimba swims from Spain to southern Africa, beats a shark, then walks half the continent, all immediately after his mother dies on a sinking ship.I see no cheese, only awesome.
    Wait, so he swims SOUTH from Spain, circles the entire continent of Africa to get to southern Africa, THEN WALKS BACK? Either you failed in your synopsis, or there's something retarded going on in that story.
    Dude, Kimba was a baby. He had no sense of orientation :O

    Also, is kind of hard to be oriented when the stars align to look like your mother.

    But I digress if you are looking for something new with a little of the past I would recommend "Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas"

    It is on Crunchyroll
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • edited July 2011
    Wait, so he swims SOUTH from Spain, circles the entire continent of Africa to get to southern Africa, THEN WALKS BACK? Either you failed in your synopsis, or there's something retarded going on in that story.
    If I need to draw a map for you, I will.
    As a side note, Kimba was born in the valley, then got captured by the poachers, who killed his dad, then tried to take him to Spain, then their boat sank and he escaped and traveled as explained above. Not sure where he fought the shark, but I imagine it was somewhere around Guinea.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • If I need to draw a map for you, I will.
    Thanks for confirming, and thereby ruining, it. I cannot suspend my disbelief when the character is swimming a sixth across the globe. I could've done it if it was just crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, but swimming from tropic to tropic? Fuck that. There's too many ways to die like that that aren't drowning.
  • If I need to draw a map for you, I will.
    Thanks for confirming, and thereby ruining, it. I cannot suspend my disbelief when the character is swimming a sixth across the globe. I could've done it if it was just crossing the Strait of Gibraltar, but swimming from tropic to tropic? Fuck that. There's too many ways to die like that that aren't drowning.
    And that is why he is such a bad-ass!
  • What are some good shows on Crunchyroll aside from Code Geass?
    Going over their list of anime. I would suggest: Chi's Sweet Home, Durarara, Fist of the North Star, Galaxy express 999, Gankutsuou, Haruhi, Natsume Yujincho, Pale Cocoon, and Time Of Eve. They also appear to have lots of Gundam, and a fair amount of recent anime that I've never seen or don't have enough info to suggest.
  • edited July 2011
    I'm working my way through Rose of Versailles; the political intrigue is rather enjoyable.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Marathoned through Jyu-oh-Sei last night with some friends. Still a good show. Lots of little surprises that I had forgotten about.
  • Honey and Clover. It is the shit.
  • Also going to plug Zeta Gundam, as it's probably the best Gundam TV series. At the least, it's the best at being a Gundam series, although things get a little wonky in the last few episodes.
  • I'm working my way through Rose of Versailles; the political intrigue is rather enjoyable.
    I think you mean the court intrigue, which is not the same as political intrigue.

  • Honey and Clover. It is the shit.
    Couldn't get into that show. In a large part it was because I couldn't stand a bunch of collage age kids falling over themselves for a character who, for all intents and purposes, is a moe 12 year old.
  • Aww, but it is such a good show. Art school drama!
  • a moe 12 year old
  • a petite shy 17 year old.
  • a moe 12 year old
    Yeah, that part is painful. I try to imagine that she is a foot or so taller.
  • edited July 2011
    No. 6 I had been a bit excited about, because it showed all the signs of being my kind of show. (Read: A dystopian SciFi with tough pretty boys which is just a teeny bit slashy-gay but actually just friendship and bravery.) Little did I know that it was based on novels by none other than Asano Atsuko, one of my favorite young adult writers in Japan. She likes to write about youth and baseball and Manzai and stuff, and I didn't even know she wrote SciFi. I'm off to Kinokuniya!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited July 2011
    I've only seen 2 episodes of the Summer season shows, switching to a Windows et all. The thing that bothered me about No. 6 was the unsubtle fanservice. I knew there was going to be BL in it, but instead of getting the two older looking guys on the promotion art and a developed relationship between two opposite castes in a dystopian future, I get 2 twelve year old bipolar kids blessed with the writer's magic Gary Stu wand to scuffle about on top of each other for the fans. Worst part: The 'main' character is supposed to be a genius, yet he does not a single intelligent thing in the entire fucking episode. Episode 2 better be a whole lot better.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I did not know there was a Twin Spica anime. I'll be checking that out eventually. We shall see if it's as good as the manga.
  • I had watched the first episode of No. 6, decided it was interesting enough to follow, but hadn't actually kept up with it. The title was just too easy to forget. At some point I'll have to try catching up with it, but probably only when I can sit down and watch a whole bunch of episodes at once to get to a satisfying level of the plot.
  • One of my students told me about this one. If no one else has seen it, I'll check it out.
  • edited July 2011
    One of my students told me about this one. If no one else has seen it, I'll check it out.
    It's NoitaminA from last season. It looked mildly interesting and I had heard good things about it. Cute demon girls and magic debit cards.
    I knew there was going to be BL in it
    It's not BL BL. Only mild hand holding. I will agree that this seemed kinda targeted at the fangirls but there is a similar scene in the book.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • One of my students told me about this one. If no one else has seen it, I'll check it out.
    I always liked the way GG Subs described the show: "Yu-Gi-Oh with Credit Cards".
  • One of my students told me about this one. If no one else has seen it, I'll check it out.
    I always liked the way GG Subs described the show: "Yu-Gi-Oh with Credit Cards".
    Me too. I rather enjoyed the show too, even if it was a little hard to follow watching it weekly.
  • My reactions to the end of Zeta Gundam:

    Fuck ya! - WTF - T_T - T_T - T_T - Fuck Ya! - GETT'EM - image - Fuck yeah! - Fuck Ye- What? No! NO! WHAT THE FUCK! - The end
  • Aww, but it is such a good show. Art school drama!
    I'm reading the wikipedia article for this show and it explicitly mentions love triangles. My decision to watch this show will be determined by the answer to the following question.

    Would I need copious amounts of pushpins and yarn to chart these triangles?
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