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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • edited July 2011
    It's not BL BL.
    Boy-love in my words means the innocent holding hands, kissing neck/face/belly level of love. Yaoi is the "YAY SEX!" kind.
    there is a similar scene in the book.
    I heard about that before yes. The similar scene included kissing. I hope there was more reason for that shit in the books, but in the anime it's just groan-worthy. Also, the irony in Shion calling Mouse 'girly' was stupefying (he's so fucking ambiguous that after his "decaying into flower petals" daydream I thought he had changed genders, so off was the art). Still have to download ep 2 upwards. Will do so this weekend. Much catching up to do. Also, Bunny Drop ep 3 is as d'awwwwwwwwww as the first two.
    One of my students told me about this one. If no one else has seen it, I'll check it out.
    Ah, C. Yu-Gi-Oh with credit cards. Fun show, entertaining. Not that great at doing what it wants to do. Economics lingo for the sake of economics lingo, weirdest part, they're the names for the attacks used, which in turn have nothing really in common with the term other than the most literal interpretation (like Scorched Earth = BURN EVERYTHING). Also some tarot symbolism on (some of) the cards for no reason, with no explanation and no use, same as NGE in that regard with its Christian mythology appearing once in a while.

    One of the most thought-provoking animes ever made
    is complete and utter bullshit. Taking that blog with all the salt in Salar de Uyuni would result in you not having enough salt.

    I always liked the way GG Subs described the show: "Yu-Gi-Oh with Credit Cards".
    <3 gg. Dammit though for stealing my joke! You, not gg. I stole it from gg, but wanted to use it here. DAMN YOU YUKYUK!
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I am watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood. It is so much better than the first pseudo Full Metal Alchemist series :P
  • Champloo is on netflix streaming... That is all.
  • edited July 2011
    Still watching Blue Exorcist. It's been servicing me well in the shonen category. Also watched the first episode of Dantalian no Shoka. From what I can tell it's set in the early 1900's. Grandson inherits a mansion from his late grandfather who was a collector of books. When he gets to the mansion he meets a mysterious girl who is the guardian of forbidden magical books that come alive.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • So I decided it would be a good idea to watch all of a little Go Nagai OVA called Shuten Doji today. On a scale of 1 to Kekko Kamen, I'd put it at a solid Devilman.

    Now I just have to find a way to deliver this to Dave and Joel.
  • So I decided it would be a good idea to watch all of a little Go Nagai OVA called Shuten Doji today. On a scale of 1 to Kekko Kamen, I'd put it at a solid Devilman.

    Now I just have to find a way to deliver this to Dave and Joel.
    Shuten Doji is made of pure Win, and demons :D
    Try Mazinkaizer and Shin Mazinger Shogeki Z-hen!
    Opening by JAM- Project!
  • Now I just have to find a way to deliver this to Dave and Joel.
    Maybe take that first line as is, and just send that as the email subject, no body text.
  • edited July 2011
    I checked out some first eps of summer shows today.

    The premise is that a young lord inherits his estranged grandfather's (supernatural) library. The set-up is really rushed. There's too much telling, not enough showing. Instead of seeing things for yourself, the characters just tell you everything. It also seems like it'll turn into a "monster of the week" show. Boring.

    Ikoku Meiro no Croisee: Young Japanese girl comes to live in turn of the century France. I was attracted by the premise of cross-cultural interaction between the Japanese and French characters, but I don't think it will deal with any of that in an authentic way. It's just window dressing for another moe slice-of-life show. Not to mention the "wheee, look at the pretty girl, she's so SPECIAL!" overtone is really repulsive. The main character is just there as an eyepiece, she has no real personality and can't even speak. Despite the main male character protesting that she's not a doll, she is, in fact, a doll. Blech.

    No. 6: In a futuristic "Big Brother" society, a naive young kid gets tangled up in the business of a runaway prisoner. This one looks promising. Showing instead of telling? Check. No icky moe? Check. Hints of deeper, disturbing secrets underlying the world? Check. The next episode will really decide where this goes.

    As to Nine's/Air Co's comments on No.6's main character: The kid might be a genius in terms of book-smarts, but he's still really naive. Is a 12-year-old in a sheltered life really going to do the smart, adult thing? Nope. As for being ambiguously-gendered, he's still a kid. He's not going to look manly when he's hardly gone through puberty yet. As for the BL/fanservice, I don't know where it came from. The 12-year-old is probably thrilled that something exciting and dangerous is happening in his life. Rat himself might actually be gay, or just hungry for touch/affection, seeing as he's been abused in prison. Dunno. I guess the next couple episodes will reveal if it's just pandering, or actually something relevant to the story.
    Post edited by Johannes Uglyfred II on
  • and can't even speak
    Did you finish episode 1? From the get-go she speaks pretty much fluent French. I have to give it to you that you're on a different stupidity line from the rest of the internet who are completely incapable of grasping the concept of context. But yes, it's a cute clash of cultures.
    a runaway prisoner.
    Who magically survives being cornered in a barred sewer exit by armed men in black.
    The kid might be a genius in terms of book-smarts, but he's still really naive.
    Book-smarts will teach you NOT TO FUCKING SUTURE UP A WOUND IN A FUCKING DARK CLOSET WITH NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER. He's bloody retarded and blessed by the writer's wand so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
    He's not going to look manly
    He doesn't have to. In real life there is a clear difference between boys and girls (quite clearly so at age 12). It just was ironic that the girliest character design was the one to call the other 'girly'. It's your usual bishounen/JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! bollocks. They sometimes just cannot draw a normal human being, mostly due to fanservice.
  • edited July 2011
    Grandizer, Getter Robot G, Great Mazinger Decisive Battle! The Great Sea Monster sounds like the best premise for a giant robot show I've heard in a long time.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Posted By: Air Co.
    Did you finish episode 1? From the get-go she speaks pretty much fluent French. I have to give it to you that you're on a different stupidity line from the rest of the internet who are completely incapable of grasping the concept of context. But yes, it's a cute clash of cultures.
    Could she? There was some line in there about how the girl could not understand what the young male character was saying. I was under the impression that the grandfather spoke Japanese to the girl, and that's how she could talk to him, but the boy could only speak French. Maybe I misunderstood. In any case, she didn't seem to have a personality aside from "I'm cute."
    a runaway prisoner.Who magically survives being cornered in a barred sewer exit by armed men in black.
    I don't know what's up with that, either. Probably some power/ability that will be revealed later. If it's not ever explained, then I agree, it would be crap.
    Book-smarts will teach you NOT TO FUCKING SUTURE UP A WOUND IN A FUCKING DARK CLOSET WITH NO EXPERIENCE WHATSOEVER. He's bloody retarded and blessed by the writer's wand so they can do whatever the fuck they want.
    They said right out that he only knew the theory, and had no practice in it at all. He did the dumb kid thing and tried it anyway. They never showed if he was successful or not. Without confirmation, I guess the assumption of whether or not he succeeded comes down to viewer bias. Personally, I need more evidence before I decide he's a Stu. It may be the case, but I don't know yet.
    He doesn't have to [look manly]. In real life there is a clear difference between boys and girls (quite clearly so at age 12). It just was ironic that the girliest character design was the one to call the other 'girly'. It's your usual bishounen/JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! bollocks. They sometimes just cannot draw a normal human being, mostly due to fanservice.
    The art style doesn't strike me as the pandering kind. It's much plainer than the usual flowery designs that accompany BL shows. That's not to say that the show won't go in that direction, but at first glance, nobody seems to look very sexualized.


    Compare to Uta no Prince-sama, also from this season, in which the male characters are conspicuously effeminate and good-looking.

    Or Hakuoki of previous seasons:

    I believe that a show can deal with androgynous or LGBT characters without pandering, but it does require care. I think it's too soon to call out No. 6. If it goes the fanservice route or the main character becomes a Gary Stu, I will stop watching. But it will take more episodes to see.
  • edited July 2011
    Could she? There was some line in there about how the girl could not understand what the young male character was saying. I was under the impression that the grandfather spoke Japanese to the girl, and that's how she could talk to him, but the boy could only speak French. Maybe I misunderstood. In any case, she didn't seem to have a personality aside from "I'm cute."
    Okay, you could've just said "I didn't finish the first episode." That's after all far shorter, and explains all your points.
    I believe that a show can deal with androgynous or LGBT characters without pandering, but it does require care.
    Example: Kino's Journey.

    EDIT: Also, because I've forgotten to mention it before, and it's also hilarious. Croissée has Aryan Frenchies. Blue eyes, blonde hair. The lot of them.`
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Boy-love in my words means the innocent holding hands, kissing neck/face/belly level of love. Yaoi is the "YAY SEX!" kind.
    In Japan they are both BL. Yaoi is smutty BL that has no plot.
    there is a similar scene in the book.
    I heard about that before yes. The similar scene included kissing. I hope there was more reason for that shit in the books, but in the anime it's just groan-worthy. Also, the irony in Shion calling Mouse 'girly' was stupefying (he's so fucking ambiguous that after his "decaying into flower petals" daydream I thought he had changed genders, so off was the art). Still have to download ep 2 upwards. Will do so this weekend. Much catching up to do. Also, Bunny Drop ep 3 is as d'awwwwwwwwww as the first two.
    No, wait what? No kissing happened, and I am way past that scene in the book. In the book there isn't any hand holding, but it pretty much goes down the same way as in the anime and they sleep curled up together on the bed. In the book, it gives more introspection into the main character (told part of the time from his first person viewpoint) and while he does try to sew up the wound, he explains about how he saw it in a video. He's a sheltered, bored rich kid and this is the first time anything crazy has happened to him. It describes Kid Rat as androgynous in the book, but not in a bishounen way. It described him more as an urchin whose shaggy hair and baggy clothing made it difficult at first glance to determine his age or gender.
    Also, Shion's friend is kind of awesome for her propositioning style.
    Also, reading further on, I keep thinking of Oh NO NOT THE BEES!
  • In Japan they are both BL. Yaoi is smutty BL that has no plot.
    Good thing I'm not in Japan then, eh?
    No kissing happened
    Good to know. That makes more sense.
    Also, Shion's friend is kind of awesome for her propositioning style.
    The first half of ep 1 was fine. AND I STILL HAVEN'T CAUGHT UP WITH EVERYTHING. RAAAARGH. Ep 2 looks to have the two actual main characters in it though.
  • I started watching Princess Tutu. It is not to bad for a magical girl show.
  • Episode two has a time-skip. No more twelve year olds. Be happy, Nine!

    @Tim: Keep going. It gets even better...
  • I started watching Full metal Alchemist Brotherhood, it is so much better than the first original series. If you haven't read the manga and do not have time to read all 28 volumes, definately check it out :P
  • edited August 2011
    Be happy, Nine!
    Is that a suggestion, or a command?
    do not have time to read all 28 volumes
    Reading the entire thing would take about as much time as watching all of Brotherhood I'm thinking. So not great advice. Unless the former has chapters that are 100 pages each.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • Be happy, Nine!
    Is that a suggestion, or a command?
    do not have time to read all 28 volumes
    Reading the entire thing would take about as much time as watching all of Brotherhood I'm thinking. So not great advice. Unless the former has chapters that are 100 pages each.
    I play video games while I watch anime, I can't play video games while I read manga :O
    1. I play video games while I watch anime, I can't play video games while I read manga :O

    What games are you playing?
  • edited August 2011
    Madlax. Here's an conversation from the last episode I saw.
    A: Because of this thing I just did, you now have a chance to do that thing you wanted to do.
    B: No, I cannot do that thing I was going to do...
    A: Why not? You're being silly, now's your chance to do it!
    B: I can't before I do the thing I was going to do!
    Post edited by Aria on
  • I play video games while I watch anime
    So you don't watch anime. Got it.
  • edited August 2011
    I play video games while I watch anime
    So you don't watch anime. Got it.
    Yeah, there are a lot of things that are secondary activities like playing Pokemon or knitting, but if you're 'watching a show' while you're playing video games you're not really paying attention to one of them, and it's probably the show that is lacking attention (especially if it's not dubbed in a language you speak).
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Well, the thing is that I read the manga up to the point when Ed gets eaten by Glutony. So I knew what was going on, and I was pleasantly surprise on how well the story was translated from the manga to the anime. I was playing Catherine while the anime was going on, and I would put pause when a cutscene from Catherine would occur. Guys, it is not that hard to multitask when it comes to anime and games :P
  • it is not that hard to multitask when it comes to anime and games
    No it's not. Unless you want to follow what's happening in either. Cutscenes are also the one point where you don't have to focus on the game for a moment.
  • it is not that hard to multitask when it comes to anime and games
    No it's not. Unless you want to follow what's happening in either. Cutscenes are also the one point where you don't have to focus on the game for a moment.
    No, if it is a game like Catherine :P
  • No, if it is a game like Catherine :P
    The game where you have to think how to solve the puzzles that look fairly quick-paced? Sod off.
  • Actually, I tend to watch TV in English while playing Turn based strategy, I still tend to tone out the show in the background when I'm involved in heavy decision making but while the turn is shifting or I'm taking a mental break I pay attention to what's playing on the TV.
  • Sure, in the case of a turn-based game that is possible. Waiting for your turn is like waiting for that unskippable cutscene to end, again.
  • Sure, in the case of a turn-based game that is possible. Waiting for your turn is like waiting for that unskippable cutscene to end, again.
    In College we used to have two TV's next to each other and one of us would play a JRPG while anime was playing on the other. Since there was so much mindless grinding you could pay attention to the anime at the same time... (though Subtitles made it a bit harder)
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