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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Sure, in the case of a turn-based game that is possible. Waiting for your turn is like waiting for that unskippable cutscene to end, again.
    In College we used to have two TV's next to each other and one of us would play a JRPG while anime was playing on the other. Since there was so much mindless grinding you could pay attention to the anime at the same time... (though Subtitles made it a bit harder)
    Thats what I have been doing with Princess Tutu on my netbook and FFVII on my TV.
  • I am loving Mawaru Penguindrum, especially for the silly penguins and the Starlight Express-style transformation sequences.

    I finished Ouran High School Host Club last week. The last couple weeks have been such that I really needed a sweet, simple show that didn't make me think or challenge my world view or even require me to pay attention, really. It delivered. Also, I've seen too many damn AMVs based on the show, and I'm glad to finally know where the various scenes come from.
  • It is a very fun show. My parents liked it too!
  • It is a very fun show.
    I enjoyed how they had Renge more of a prominent side character vs. the manga. She's very amusing with her coming out the ground slowly spinning.

    Currently the manga is at a point where the conflict is truly starting with Tamaki. Too bad each volume is taking too long to be released. :(
  • My family and I liked that it was so meta. All the characters acted like they knew they were in a show.
  • Steins;Gate is a very, very subtle harem anime. The last episodes have been about the other girls, and their love for Hououin Kyouma!
  • Watched episode 1-4 of Usgai Drop. I was bit reluctant in watching the series because of Japan's reputation of crossing that pedo line once to often. But so far it's been a sincere story of a single adult learning how to raise a child. I love the watercolor look the animation has in some scenes. And I'm quite enjoying the story and it's characters. It's been a very adorable series thus far.
  • It's been a very adorable series thus far.
    This is an understatement. The show is dead straight regarding it's subject matter, but knows how to insert funny and adorable little things into the story.
    I love the watercolor look the animation has in some scenes.
    Wandering Son is also done in a similar watercolor and also is mature about it's subject matter.
  • I downloaded the series called "Freezing" this weekend. Watched the anime (12 episodes) and read the manga. It's a weird ecchi magical schoolgirls evangelion thing. I have mixed feelings on it. At times, it was pretty dark and gory. At other times, it was a pretty silly and lighthearted. There are definitely some things that make me dislike the series, especially the most recent few chapters of the manga. The anime was less problematic in that department (seems like they focused away from some of that and spent more time on the minor characters). Overall... I feel a bit stupid for watching the whole thing and reading the entire manga, but I kept hoping for that big "openning up" moment where the sinister plot starts to reveal itself and you find out what's "really" going on (or at least the second layer of the onion).

    Also in the Stein's Gate department, the last two or three episodes have been somewhat boring. Episode 13 and 14 were probably the high points in the series so-far for me. I'm still hoping it peaks again though.
  • edited August 2011
    This is less a "what I'm watching" than a "what I just found out about" and uh


    EDIT: Okay, my bad, this is not a show, it's a game. Disregard all but the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • [Uhh-worthy video]
  • [Uhh-worthy video]
  • Zawa...
  • Okay guys, I'm in kind of a bad mood and I want some comedy to cheer me up. The funnier the better. Recommendations plz.
  • Okay guys, I'm in kind of a bad mood and I want some comedy to cheer me up. The funnier the better. Recommendations plz.
  • Already watching it as soon as a new episode comes out and I'm awake (usually monday morning for me, like today). Also seen most of all the other comedies that get recommended on things like the /a/ "Before you start a recommendation thread, watch these" images. So maybe to rephrase, I'm looking for a good, but perhaps obscure, comedy.
  • Already watching it as soon as a new episode comes out and I'm awake (usually monday morning for me, like today). Also seen most of all the other comedies that get recommended on things like the /a/ "Before you start a recommendation thread, watch these" images. So maybe to rephrase, I'm looking for a good, but perhaps obscure, comedy.
    Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru
  • Also seen, also a very nice series. A lot of people don't like it because Chiaki Omigawa is speaking the main character and a lot of people don't like her voice, but for some odd reason I actually do very much.

    Perhaps you would do better if you put multiple
  • Perhaps you would do better if you put multiple
    I'm trying to think of an obscure comedy and that was the best I could do.

    So I'll blast away:

    Squid Girl
    Princess Jellyfish

    I don't know how far you want me to go back, there are only a few really good anime comedies a year.
  • edited August 2011
    I haven't actually watched Princess Jellyfish yet. Thanks for the reminder. I guess, I'll go with that. Plus Honey & Clover which I've been meaning to watch, though that is not really a comedy as I'm told. Squid Girl is Shinryaku Ika-Musume I assume, and that show is really funny. Also already seen Working.

    The problem is indeed the thing about the small number of good anime in general, and even fewer straight up comedies. Plus, I've already seen most of the good ones already, including Azumanga Daioh, PaniPoni Dash, Seto no Hanayome, FLCL, Detroit Metal City, Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan, Animation Runner Kuromi, Ouran High School Host Club, Nichijou, Hidamari Sketch, GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class, Working, Genshiken, Shinryaku Ika-Musume, Arakawa, Sketchbook, SoreMachi, Hen Zemi, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Lucky Star, Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, School Rumble, Excel Saga, Penguin Musume, and even some crappy ones like Puni Puni Poemi and Minami-Ke.

    It's just rather hard to find a good comedy I haven't seen yet.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I like Miname-ke =(
  • The List
    I don't see Hare + Guu in there. It's been a while since I watched it, but it was a reasonably goofy comedy.

    o-or maybe it's one of the unlisted "crappy ones" and i just have bad taste
  • This association just occurred to me.

    Shion = Scott
    Rat = Rym

    Though I dare not invoke it.
  • edited August 2011
    I don't see Hare + Guu in there. It's been a while since I watched it, but it was a reasonably goofy comedy.

    o-or maybe it's one of the unlisted "crappy ones" and i just have bad taste
    Haven't seen that series yet. Might give it a spin.
    I like Miname-ke =(
    I watched the first season and got about halfway through the 2nd when I realized that I was virtually never laughing and the gender confusion annoyed the hell out of me, so I stopped.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Generally, I don't recommend Working!! since it gets off-track rather fast. In terms of comedies and anime, I always recommend the Shin-Chan Adult Gag Dub, because it's hysterical what kind of stuff they say and how the English VAs take advantage of the situation. If you like dubs, you may want to go with that for it's insanity. Gintama is also consistently funny and silly because of how it takes advantage of it's scenarios and shonen tropes, but even with the large number (I think it's around 150) of episodes, not many are subtitled.

    Oooh! I don't see Cromartie High School on there either. Give that a go. ^_^
  • o-or maybe it's one of the unlisted "crappy ones" and i just have bad taste
    No way, yo, that show is great.
  • Doujin Work is a short, funny series about porn that's never quite explicit itself. I really like it, and I'm pretty sure that AWO mention
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is so awesome and manly that it's Awesome Manliness can only be expressed as "Xlim x → Hokuto No Ken."
  • Started watching Hare+Guu and it's a complete Kafka Komedy. And that is a good thing.
  • I powered through Arakawa Under the Bridge and I still don't know if I like it or not. It kept me watching, but didn't really answer anything.
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