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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • In that case, continue with the second season. Maybe you'll find out whether you like the show or not during that one.
  • edited August 2011
    I'm done with the first season of Kaiji now. It's surprisingly good, especially how pretty much every game has in fact had a big element of skill in it so far, despite not appearing that way at first.
    Initially I thought E-Card was a poor game (the mathematical optimal strategy is clearly to randomly pick which order you play the cards in, even if you have to look at them), but they made it entertaining for the last two rounds where it became a completely different game.
    However, at the start while it was still E-Card there was actually something to think about with regards to the wagering strategy.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2011
    However, at the start while it was still E-Card there was actually something to think about with regards to the wagering strategy.
    Not a bad little problem, really. The optimal strategy (assuming no cheating) is fairly interesting.
    It turns out that Kaiji really should have bet 18mm in the first round, and indeed in every round as emperor he should've made the maximum safe bet, while betting only 1mm every slave round except for the last three, in which he should've made the maximum safe bet. Initially I thought he should bet more on the slave rounds because the expected payoff is higher (20% chance of 5x win vs 80% chance of 1x win, i.e. 5x the money at 1/4 the chance), but I was wrong. Also, starting with the Emperor side first was most definitely the correct choice.
    The expected value of the gamble is very nearly 8 million yen, assuming that at no point you're willing to accept any chance whatsoever of losing your eardrum, and assuming that there wasn't any cheating. That means the figures they gave in the show were way off when they said "you can pick up about 1 million with no risk" - more like 8 million with no risk. Of course, they could have been accounting for cheating in the figure - but then it still would be more than 1 million.

    If you're actually interested in this as a math problem, here's a couple of easier side problems for you:
    Optimal betting strategy for (E = emperor round, S = slave round; no further rounds after the end):
    1) EE
    2) SS
    3) ES
    4) SE
    5) SEE
    6) SEEE
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • While watching Kaiji (just finished episode 17) I came up with a drinking game for it. Simply put, every time there is a metaphor take a drink. If you want more details you can factor in is the metaphor given by the narrator or an character and does is include visuals.

    One interesting thing I noticed was that I felt more strongly in second games first part than in the second even when in the second the risks were higher. I also know why that is but let's spoiler-white it: In the first race, when someone dropped we heard the sickening sound of bones breaking and saw the competitor laying in ground. Watching that felt really unpleasant, while in the second "race" when somebody dropped to their death they just fell in to the darkness and their death was just implied, which didn't move me at all.
  • edited August 2011
    Honestly, I'm a little disappointed that Kaiji didn't bet exactly 18mm in the first round. I would've had more respect for the character if that's what he did.
    As for the bar-walking, yeah, the sickening sound worked better in the first one, it definitely felt a little painful to watch. However, in the second one I was moved to tears by the guy who fell silently. That was pretty fucking awesome.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2011
    Just starting Black Lagoon. Why did the fansubbers have to put the lyrics to Red Fraction? It's an awesome song until you know what they're saying trying to say.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I'm just starting to get into anime so I've been watching the necessary entry anime: Bebop, Eva, Trigun etc. If anyone wants to suggest some more anime for the entry level fan it would be much appreciated.
  • I'm just starting to get into anime so I've been watching the necessary entry anime: Bebop, Eva, Trigun etc. If anyone wants to suggest some more anime for the entry level fan it would be much appreciated.
    I suggest you find any of the hundred threads and pages on this forum and other sites that already discusses this topic rather than having us all re-type the same information yet again. Also, all Miyazaki movies.
  • I suggest you find any of the hundred threads and pages on this forum and other sites that already discusses this topic rather than having us all re-type the same information yet again. Also, all Miyazaki movies.
    Thank you sir.
  • Watched Sky Crawlers last night.


    Did not like.

    It was 80% people smoking, 10% people drinking beer and 10% jarring aircraft combat CG that while pretty, looked hopelessly out of place.

    After having watched Summer Wars recently I was quite disappointed.

    Wish they just did a Voices from a Distant Star and condensed the meat into a much shorter time.

    Not sure who this movie is for, someone right? Certainly not me.
  • Fuck the wager for E Card. Those be some creepy illustrations.
  • I'm just starting to get into anime so I've been watching the necessary entry anime: Bebop, Eva, Trigun etc. If anyone wants to suggest some more anime for the entry level fan it would be much appreciated.
    Urotsukidōji I had to watch it at age 14. I must now now pass this on to others.
  • Define "had" to watch. You could have, and probably should have, walked out at any time.
  • It was 80% people smoking, 10% people drinking beer and 10% jarring aircraft combat CG that while pretty, looked hopelessly out of place.
    I thought the dogfights were pretty great. It was definitely an Oshii movie in terms of the pacing. I think the boys did a show on it. Not my favorite film, but I kind of liked it, and I think the pacing was done intentionally.
  • I was 14 at the time. My 11 year old brother and I rode our bikes to the local family owned store. I had no idea what the movie was, It was the Japanese title romanized. It wasn't a legal copy, The owners or their son just had a bootleg on the shelf. I knew it was an anime because it was in the anime section. Well the kid at the counter rented it to us and we rode home. We popped it in and I swear the demons on that film came out and held us there and forced us to watch! I wanted to look away, I did! It was like a terrible car accident.
  • image

    Season 2 almost finished. A season 3 would be greatly appreciated.
  • Kaiji.
  • Ahh Inoko Max is a fan. (I just watched the newest Retro Game Master on Kotaku, they make mention of this manga)
  • edited August 2011
    Yeah, it's pretty great. Does anyone know how the manga compares to the anime?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • It was 80% people smoking, 10% people drinking beer and 10% jarring aircraft combat CG that while pretty, looked hopelessly out of place.
    I thought the dogfights were pretty great. It was definitely an Oshii movie in terms of the pacing. I think the boys did a show on it. Not my favorite film, but I kind of liked it, and I think the pacing was done intentionally.
    The dogfights were great. But... What was the movie trying to say?

    That Kildren can smoke and drink their faces off because they cannot die? I didn't need 2 hours to tell me that. An intro could have told me that.

    Still, it was interesting. In a WTF kind of way.
  • edited August 2011
    Season 2 almost finished. A season 3 would be greatly appreciated.
    I've now caught up to S2E19, and it's kinda sad that there isn't any more Kaiji for me to keep watching right now. Still, presumably this season will be 26 episodes, which should mean another arc after the Bog arc is over.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited August 2011
    Half-way through No. 6. Read the first novel, waiting for the next volumes to come in at Kinokuniya.
    Oh my Gosh, Asano Atsuko, why are you such a middle-aged fujoshi? Half the books I read of yours are like "Are they? ARE THEY? Oh My, they totally are gay for each other?...Oh, no. Fooled me again!" She's not even some light novel slouch either, but a well respected young adult author with a wide range of subject matter and literary prizes under her belt. She is especially fond of baseball stories, which I also enjoy.
    But as for No. 6, it's funny because if I was on the show where they talked about the kind of anime they wanted to see made, this would resemble one of the ones I would put forth:
    It's a SciFi dystopia/ post-apocalyptic survival story with a bromance between two tough pretty boys who waver between friendship and animosity. It also has strong female side characters and cute rats who are actually cool robots.
    It's far from a perfect show, but I want to see more like this. More sci-fi mysteries! More stuff based off actual literature! And, whether they are queer or not, I would like to see more anime featuring gay or lesbian characters where their sexuality is not the primary focus of the plot. Stupid BL/Yuri romance crap is fail.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Finished the first season of Hare+Guu today and am halfway through the first OVA season (the 2nd OVA season is not available :/). It's a decent show, but not as funny as I was lead to expect. Also, will attempt to rewatch Bakemonogatari tomorrow (huzzah for austrian holidays, even if they're christian). Next up on the list are Honey & Clover, Princess Jellyfish, Master Keaton (which I've been pushing for ages now) and Vision of Escaflowne (which I've been meaning to rewatch, also for ages).
  • Slogging though BakaTest Nii's School Camp Arc at the moment and I'm wondering where all the fun has gone...
  • Although it's not anime I've been powering through the first season of Adventure Time. It's mathematical!
  • I just watched Redline, and it is awesome.

    It is the best thing I've watched in a long time. When Gerlad said that it reminded him of Akira, I believe it. If marketed properly, this movie will be the next big thing in American Anime fandom.
  • Stein's Gate 19 and 20 have picked things back up. Yay.
  • After a short intermezzo with the 2nd season of Maria+Holic (a show I've now officially given up on. I guess not all Shaft series can be winners) I've now started on Honey and Clover. The first thing I thought was "Is this another season of Nodame Cantabile?" because the animation, art style and character design are quite similar. Both series have been animated by J.C. Staff under the direction of Kenichi Kasai (who also had a hand in Major, Bakuman and Toradora, all series I liked) and ran in the noitaminA programming block, but other than that I can't find any relation. However, the comparison, if true, would bode well because I really really liked Nodame Cantabile.
  • Honey and Clover is by Umino Chica, and the manga art styles are quite different. Similar demographic, however, so the anime should appeal to the same range of fans.
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