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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Ghost in the Shell. Again. Again. Again.
  • Is it worth it to watch Now and Then, Here and There?
    Yes, but if you are already a depressed person don't :-p
    You definately should watch it, but you will want to kill yourself by the end.
  • Yes, Finished off Bokurano tonight!
    DID like.
    Much more about story than fights, truth be told, the fights were kind of crap. Slow and cumbersome. Still, lots of cool ideas and cool scenes.

    And it's really fucking creepy.

    Also, they never answer the big question. They don't NEED to, but it would have been nice.
  • Also, they never answer the big question. They don't NEED to, but it would have been nice.
    What are you talking about? Bokurano answered everything! They said AND showed everything.
  • edited August 2011

    "Why did the Masterminds decide to hold the contest? Why did 14/15 parallel earths need to die?

    For fun? To "weed out" parallel universes? OK.. but WHY?? Would they destabalise the entire universe?

    Edit: Or 15/16 I guess. You have to win 15 fights, then your earth survives.

    Edit2: Having had a quick look around a few boards, I get the strong feeling that I am not alone in my assessment of the end of Bokurano. There is really no explanation of the masterminds, no sense of resolution, knowing that what has happened to them is just going to continue. No real explanation as to why.

    Why Scott WHY? :)
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Because it's not the point of the show. Bokurano ignored the trap that other shows fall into, of getting the main characters involved in the fate of the universe. While something like Gurren Lagann is enjoyable in it's over-the-top stakes, Bokurano is clearly a CHARACTER story. It's not about solving the puzzle. It's about following those characters. Why are the universe overseers holding the fights? Because they want to. You know as much as anyone in that universe. I think they mention that the multiverse was growing too cramped, and that they needed more room and such...But even still, you don't need to know. Stop Gandalf-girthing and enjoy the show.
  • Yep, in my first post I said you don't NEED to know, and I agree with what you said, as clearly that's the case.

    But... Then Scott said they answered everything... I figured I might have missed something. :/

    Guess not. What you see is what you get. Characters, not ultimate answers.
  • Yep, in my first post I said you don't NEED to know, and I agree with what you said, as clearly that's the case.

    But... Then Scott said they answered everything... I figured I might have missed something. :/

    Guess not. What you see is what you get. Characters, not ultimate answers.
    Ultimate answers are overrated.
  • edited August 2011
    Ultimate answers are overrated.
    Usually your just disappointed, I agree Axel.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Ultimate answers are overrated.
    Usually your just disappointed, I agree Axel.
    Yep. I don't ever want a full explanation of The Gate Disaster from Cowboy Bebop. It would ruin the magic.
  • Ultimate answers are overrated.
    Usually your just disappointed, I agree Axel.
    Yep. I don't ever want a full explanation of The Gate Disaster from Cowboy Bebop. It would ruin the magic.
    That's fair enough, but precursor tech or historical events are one thing to leave mysterious, but a group of people who are identified as the Masterminds, who are fucking your shit up *right now*, I wouldn't mind a tiny bit of closure there.

    We are not talking Eva here, the premise is simple - 15 fights to win, your earth lives. Simple.

    Here, take 1 minute of airtime and say something like "The parallel worlds are consuming too much of the finite energy from this universe, unless many are wiped out, ALL will die. the Masterminds decided this was the fairest way to decide who lives, oh and BTW, we will steal your life force for ourselves (sometimes) and the guy running the operation? Dung Beatle? Yeah, he's kind of a dick, sorry about that. :)

    I liked it, I really did! But it's not like it was that complicated that they couldn't have just said what was going on, very easily.

    And yes, I know my above example was lame, but that just goes to show I don't know why they did it... :)
  • So, Starblazers is on Netflix streaming. It is going to be a pretty awesome season made of anime of old :D
  • So, Starblazers is on Netflix streaming. It is going to be a pretty awesome season made of anime of old :D
    Don't watch Star Blazers. Download Space Battleship Yamato. Seriously.
  • Space Battleship Yamato
    Are they that different?
    I like Macross more than Robotech, so I will follow your advise. Thanks Scott, you save me a lot of hours of anime watching :D
  • Are they that different?
    Actually, they aren't that different. The main difference is of course, dub vs. sub. Also, the opener and closer are different. The only other major differences are the words they use for things. For example, the bad guy is Desler, but in Star Blazers he is Dethlok. I disagree, this is Deathlok.
    There are also some cuts. You can read all about it in great detail here.
  • Ultimate answers are overrated.
    Usually your just disappointed, I agree Axel.
    Yep. I don't ever want a full explanation of The Gate Disaster from Cowboy Bebop. It would ruin the magic.
    I am pretty sure The Gate Disaster had something to do with c-beams glittering in the dark.
  • edited August 2011
    So I randomly picked up this "Now and Then Here and There"... I've seen this before. At least the full first episode. But I have no memory of what's actually going on. That's pretty weird for me. Every time a new character shows up I recognize them... but I never know any of them or what's going on.

    Edit: I'm flipping through the episodes now quickly. It's like I have a photographic memory of the visuals... but no idea what the hell is happening.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I just started "Usagi Drop", like the Transformers, it is more than meets the eye :O
  • Ultimate answers are overrated.
    Usually your just disappointed, I agree Axel.
    Yep. I don't ever want a full explanation of The Gate Disaster from Cowboy Bebop. It would ruin the magic.
    I am pretty sure The Gate Disaster had something to do with c-beams glittering in the dark.
  • Finished Madoka. That was a really good show. "A" territory, I'd say. I cried. I'll post in the Madoka thread.
    Usagi Drop is nice. My family is watching it as well.
    There was indeed a kiss in No. 6. Eeeeeee!
  • Are they that different?
    Actually, they aren't that different. The main difference is of course, dub vs. sub. Also, the opener and closer are different. The only other major differences are the words they use for things. For example, the bad guy is Desler, but in Star Blazers he is Dethlok. I disagree, this is Deathlok.
    There are also some cuts. You can read all about it in great detail here.
    Desslok, not Dethlok. At least get the name right -- it's even in the URL of the site you link to. Starblazers is definitely worth it -- it's one of the all time best dub jobs, even with the cuts and name changes and the story is pretty much 99% intact. Even Japanese fans of the original Yamato said that it was pretty much the same except for a few cuts and name changes.
  • it's one of the all time best dub jobs
    I disagree. It's a typical old dub about the same as Voltron. Not awful, not great, just typical. Thing is, typical for dubs is not satisfactory.
  • Usagi Drop is the most adorable.
  • it's one of the all time best dub jobs
    I disagree. It's a typical old dub about the same as Voltron. Not awful, not great, just typical. Thing is, typical for dubs is not satisfactory.
    I've heard some truly wretched dubs, so maybe my "quality scale" differs from yours. It's certainly a better dub than Voltron.
  • edited August 2011
    Cardcaptor Sakura.

    I'm still disappointed that this is not the actual theme song:
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • Wooow, I had totally forgotten about that opener, but as soon as I hit play it all flooded back to me.
  • Wooow, I had totally forgotten about that opener, but as soon as I hit play it all flooded back to me.
  • I'm also watching Bunny/Usagi Drop. The writing and execution in the show is basically as exacting as it gets, and the main characters are incredibly well done. Simultaneously adorable and uplifting and kind of serious and heavy, which is really hard to pull off. And I usually can't stand slow character dramas.
  • Wooow, I had totally forgotten about that opener, but as soon as I hit play it all flooded back to me.
  • Cardcaptor Sakura.

    I'm still disappointed that this is not the actual theme song:
    I'm still disappointed in you for that.
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