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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Cardcaptor Sakura.

    I'm still disappointed that this is not the actual theme song:
    I'm still disappointed in you for that.
    Well I still love the theme for completely nostalgic reasons.
  • edited August 2011

    Catcher and cuter. Should have stuck with the original.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Manyuu Hikenchou. It's basically the best anime I've ever seen in my damn life.
  • Redline is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I only just listened to the Arietty episode and was surprised Scrym hadn't seen it. I got to see it in a cinema, which is worth it for the sound alone.
  • I'm still disappointed in you for that.

    The Americanized version sounds like a Pokemon opener clone, which wouldn't surprise me if the same people worked on it.
  • The Americanized version sounds like a Pokemon opener clone, which wouldn't surprise me if the same people worked on it.
    That is exactly the crowd they were going for.
  • Finished C. I liked it somewhat. The beginning and middle more than the ending...
  • The Americanized version sounds like a Pokemon opener clone, which wouldn't surprise me if the same people worked on it.
    That is exactly the crowd they were going for.
    It worked. It worked so hard. I loved Cardcaptors. I really want to try out Cardcaptor Sakura to see if the original show can hold up to my half-remembered fondness for the Americanized version.
  • The Americanized version sounds like a Pokemon opener clone, which wouldn't surprise me if the same people worked on it.
    That is exactly the crowd they were going for.
    It worked. It worked so hard. I loved Cardcaptors. I really want to try out Cardcaptor Sakura to see if the original show can hold up to my half-remembered fondness for the Americanized version.
    It's a hell of a lot better, and I also loved the American version.
  • I've only seen the localized version too. Maybe I should give it a shot as well.
  • I've only seen the localized version too. Maybe I should give it a shot as well.
    I recommend it, if only for Leave it to Kero.
  • Wow... you all just turned into me when I was seven, except I didn't know about bit torent back then, so I didn't have all 70 episodes at immediate access like I do now. I still haven't seen all of it -- again, didn't know bit torent, and the VHSs they had at AB that year weren't easy to come by -- but I've since then re-watched a decent chunk, and I think I actually like it and it isn't just the nostalgia for Plaza AB. It's in the queue right beneath Star Driver and Bakamonogatari.
  • Should finish the 2nd season of Honey & Clover today. Oh lord, those unicorns.

    Tomorrow I'll watch Eden of the East, which I actually bought sight unseen due to recommendation from multiple sources.
  • edited August 2011
    Has anybody watched Tokyo Magnitude 8.0? I heard it's a decent show, but not much really about it. I saw that it ran on the noitaminA block after Eden of the East and that it is going to be released on DVD in my region by the same publisher as EotE in a couple of months. However, I'm kinda worried that the series will hit a bit close to home considering the events earlier this year.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I downloaded Redline and will be watching it within the next day and it will be glorious.
  • I downloaded Redline and will be watching it within the next day and it will be glorious.
    It really really really is.
  • Watching Redline right now. The animation is just really awesome and the art style is right up my alley.
  • Watching Redline right now. The animation is just really awesome and the art style is right up my alley.
    Just wait for Funky Boy. Oh manz. FUNKY BOY!!!
  • Just wrapped up the first season of Black Lagoon and am part way through the second. Man the first three eps of the Second Barrage are kinda grim.
  • So, Evangelion, pretty good. Do not know why I have waited so long to watch it.
  • Coincidentally, I just finished watching Eva 1.11 and 2.22. Took me this long because I wanted to rewatch the original series before I saw these. Too bad the third(and fourth?) one doesn't come out until Fall 2012.
  • edited August 2011
    Been watching Heaven's Memo Pad it's not bad. It's a detective series of sorts. The detective is a moe type character who is a shut-in recluse. She is tolerable for the most part. The series mostly follows her assistant a regular high school kid who has the makings for a detective himself but still falls quite short. That's where all the side characters come in. Ex Boxer, Miltary otaku, Gigolo, and Yakuza boss. The latest episode has the Boxer, Miltary Otaku and Gigolo playing a game of Settlers of Catan. Which was very amusing.

    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • Watching Princess Jellyfish right now. That show is awesome and hilarious.
  • Finished Black Lagoon. Need more.
  • Finished Black Lagoon. Need more.
    Did you watch the OVAs too?
  • I've been trying to but as yet I've been lame and not found them. But to be honest I haven't really looked to hard.
  • So, when you watch a fan sub and the fansubber puts romanized Japanese as subtitles when the characters speak english is that them just being, "Look how big my dick is?"
  • With the return of the family laptop forma month long trip, I believe it is time for me to watch GaoGaiGar again. It's been so long I've watched a full series and that's probable the best way for me to start again, the power of courage.
  • So, when you watch a fan sub and the fansubber puts romanized Japanese as subtitles when the characters speak english is that them just being, "Look how big my dick is?"
    No when they put their names before those of the people that made the show, that is them being dicks. I believe that there was an ep years ago by a guy called the 'Otaking' who talked about this. The guy was really well informed and had a really good argument.
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