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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I just listened to that episode! It was about that, and the poor translations...
  • Yep I really enjoyed it. Though it is a bit double edged I really can't sit through bad fan subs any more.
  • So it looks like the hurricane destroying my place of work may have brought some blessings. I am having an awesome anime marathon. I am going to finish Evangelion sometime tonight, well at least the first anime series. I may try to watch The End of Eva too. Are there any OVA's to watch or should I just jump to Rebulding Eva after End of Eva?
  • Eva TV Series -> End of Eva -> Rebuild of Eva
  • Stein's Gate is still my favorite this season... this last episode was awesome. Tiger & Bunny is great too, sure.
  • I'm still watching Manyuu Haikenchou, it's really good.
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The good one with the awesome gambling episode.
  • Where did he get that juice?!
  • Where did he get that juice?!
    Stand power. Lift this juice up, one punch.
  • JJBA is my favorite thing.
  • edited August 2011
    Where did he get that juice?!
    What juice? Who's got juice? I like juice. Can I have some? Is it blue juice? Does it have ice? What kind of ice? Cubed? Crushed? Shaved? That weird ice that has a hole in the middle? It better be crushed, cause we all know crushed ice is the best . Well crushed and shaved. But are they not pretty much the same? Come on guys share the juice! My mom says if you share the juice she will make cookies for us to share! Good cookies. Chocolate (white chocolate and regular chocolate) chip, caramel chip and Peanut chip cookie! Juice is the nectar of the Gods. Fo realies though, what the eff are you talking aboot? Is there some cool looking juice in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The good one with the awesome gambling episode.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • JJBA is my favorite thing.
    Is there some cool looking juice in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. The good one with the awesome gambling episode.
    If you have to ask, you'll never know.
  • Eat some of this truck.
  • edited September 2011
    Finished Star Driver. I'm glad Enokido got a pay check for it, because Redline isn't making him any money. That show had so many problems. What was the significance of the Maidens? Why did the Crux keep summoning Takuto into Zero Time? Why did Tokio have to be Takuto's dad? What the hell happened with that climax? It had no emotional pull and came totally out of left field! This is 9 hours of your life you will not get back. Good soundtrack, though. Next, I either start on Madoka Magica, or Bakamonogatari.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited September 2011
    What was the significance of the Maidens?
    The power of their Marks was what kept the Cybodies locked into Zero Time.
    Why did the Crux keep summoning Takuto into Zero Time?
    They weren't summoning him specifically, it's how Zero Time works; whenever it starts up, everyone with a Mark or a mask is pulled in automatically and Takuto happens to have a Mark.
    Why did Tokio ______________________?
    Because what better way to induce ~DRAMA~ than with family ties? No, seriously, I kinda don't understand why this is a question outside of an aversion to the trope.
    What the hell happened with that climax? It had no emotional pull and came totally out of left field!
    This I actually agree with you on, it felt like it was kinda forced or rushed out so the show could end in time. As such, I kinda feel like Star Driver deserves the Ideon treatment: having a pair of movies made, one being a recap of the first 95% of the show and the second being a feature-length remake of those last two episodes so that they actually tie up a few loose ends instead of... that.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • edited September 2011
    OK. I am just pointing this out. I have seen it happen a few times recently. A person will include somepony's post that has spoilers in it. When they do this, the spoilers show up in the quote because of the color. Now I really do not care about spoilers, but I know that somepony's really do. Please keep this in mind guys and try to delete the spoiler part or something.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • Welcome to Why We Need A Legitimate Spoiler Plugin For This Forum.
  • But then why did the Crux keep fighting Takuto? I don't understand what the conflict was between these two. Unless I missed something -- which is quite possible, first time I watched Utena I missed what the flying castle is -- it was never explained why they wanted to destroy Tauburn.
  • FInished season 1 of Cardcaptor Sakura, going to watch the 1st movie today and will probably take a break from the show and finish Slayers Next.

    Also, I'm going to watch Redline with a bunch of people tonight and I have also gotten my roommates to want to rewatch Trigun, Outlaw Star, 8th MS Team, and Cowboy Bebop. I feel accomplished, my massive anime binge is spreading to other people.
  • edited September 2011
    But then why did the Crux keep fighting Takuto? I don't understand what the conflict was between these two. Unless I missed something -- which is quite possible, first time I watched Utena I missed what the flying castle is -- it was never explained why they wanted to destroy Tauburn.
    Because if they didn't take out Takuto, he would keep Tauburnin' it up to stop them from unsealing the Maidens anyway. The reason they're fighting Takuto isn't because they just don't like Takuto, it's because Takuto is directly standing in their way.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • As such, I kinda feel like Star Driver deserves the Ideon treatment: having a pair of movies made, one being a recap of the first 95% of the show and the second being a feature-length remake of those last two episodes so that they actually tie up a few loose ends instead of... that.
    So should Wako's head get blown off by the recoil from a bazooka?
  • By definition, a bazooka has no recoil. In fact, weapons like it often have negative recoil, with friction from the projectile exiting the weapon pulling the weapon forward.

    You might have meant the backblast, which is something else entirely.
  • By definition, a bazooka has no recoil. In fact, weapons like it often have negative recoil, with friction from the projectile exiting the weapon pulling the weapon forward.
    Well, as a pure point of Semantics, "Recoilless" is often a little bit of an overstatement. The launching charge still gives it some kick, and if you don't position yourself properly and hold it right, you can still lose control of the weapon, or be knocked over.
  • It depends heavily on the weapon and what it's firing. More modern weapons tend towards having recoil due to having larger launching charges or systems to allow the weapon to be fired indoors without blowing up your head with overpressure, while older or smaller weapons, such as the original bazooka or many RPG series weapons, have negligible "recoil" in the traditional sense of opposite reaction, though the weapon could be knocked about in all sorts of ways by other effects from the rocket or the shape of the tube. The original bazooka was basically just a metal tube with a rocket dropped into the back end; you were far more likely to feel it jerk in an odd direction from an imperfect rocket than experience noticeable recoil.
  • It depends heavily on the weapon and what it's firing.
    I'm well aware, but I'm trying to keep it real simple, because otherwise, we'd be here for hours.
  • It depends heavily on the weapon and what it's firing.
    I'm well aware, but I'm trying to keep it real simple, because otherwise, we'd be here for hours.
    The Gyrojet sees this argument and renders it invalid. All glory to the Gyrojet.
  • The Gyrojet is the shit. One of the factions is Paradox uses it for all their infantry weapons simply because it's so pimptastic, and justifies a cool "longer range = more damage" mechanic.
  • Direct me to this "Paradox" of which you speak.
  • My body is ready.
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