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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I knew I would like Kaiji, but yeah, it is great.
  • I knew I would like Kaiji, but yeah, it is great.
  • Just finished Kaiji. That show was MESSED UP. HOOOOLY SHIT.
  • edited September 2011
    If you just meant the first season, there's a second one as well, which isn't quite over yet.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited September 2011
    Oh yeah, only the first season. Didn't realize there was a second out already. I'll get on that as soon as MY SOUL HEALS ;_;
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Don't worry. Kaiji's the Ultimate Survivor. It's right in the title.
  • I am watching through His and Her Circumstances. The mix of fairly generic Shoujo with post-Evangelion era Anno is weird... to say the least.
  • Taking a 5-minute break between episodes 5 and 6 of Madoka. So far, it seems to be doing for magical girl shows what Eva did for mecha.

    There are too many shows I want to watch, and not enough hours in the day. Life is perilously unfair.
  • edited September 2011
    Nichijou's humor is right up my alley.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • What the hell was that? It is kind of moe, but I almost enjoyed it : O
  • What the hell was that? It is kind of moe, but I almost enjoyed it : O
    That's Nichijou, the best series this season...
  • I thought that was mildly entertaining, but nothing about it made me want to watch an episode.
  • In the drawings the one girl did the guy has a pumpkin on his head....
  • Welcome to Why We Need A Legitimate Spoiler Plugin For This Forum.
    Or to People Could Just Use That Grey Stuff In Their Skull And Define Background Color As Well. People are stupid, how can you not know this yet?
  • It's kinda moe (extremely at times) but similar to the way Azumanga was. I highly recommend you watch the first episode; the clip I posted isn't really the standard for the show.
  • I think the better demonstration of Nichijou's humor is this image that Eryn posted in the Random GIFs thread:
  • I think the better demonstration of Nichijou's humor is this image that Eryn posted in the Random GIFs thread:
    Ok, now I have to watch this :O
  • This just seems like someone said in a writer's meeting "What happens when Yotsuba grows up?" and then someone else said "HAVE ALL THE YENS"
  • edited September 2011
    This just seems like someone said in a writer's meeting "What happens when Yotsuba grows up?"
    Black Dog already showed us what happens.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I want to know what happens when magical girls grow up (and yup, just watched Madoka, so that's one possible answer). How do they cope with it when their teenage daughters come into their own magic? Do they become magical crones, all the more powerful for the wisdom acquired through the years? Does their magic fade with the effects of time and gravity, leaving them wistful, or grateful, or bitter?

    I'm pretty sure I haven't yet seen a show that looks directly at this question (and maybe I'm the only one looking for answers here). But if there's one out there I'd like to know about it.
  • edited September 2011
    This just seems like someone said in a writer's meeting "What happens when Yotsuba grows up?"
    Black Dog already showed us what happens.
    Alternatively this is my favorite what-if story
    Post edited by Gold Experience on
  • I think the better demonstration of Nichijou's humor is this image that Eryn posted in the Random GIFs thread:
    That's... awesome... but I'm not yet bought in.
  • Alternatively this is my favorite what-if story
    So either way it ends in lots and lots of sex?
    That's... awesome... but I'm not yet bought in.
    Just watch a fucking episode.
  • Alternatively this is my favorite what-if story
    So either way it ends in lots and lots of sex?
    Keep reading it gets worse.
  • Alternatively this is my favorite what-if story
    So either way it ends in lots and lots of sex?
    Keep reading it gets worse.
    I didn't even start; this PC is in my kitchen and both of my parents are home (as well as my little sister). I just looked at a few thumbnails.
  • this PC is in my kitchen
    I thought I was the only one whose parents kept the PC in the kitchen.
  • edited September 2011
    this PC is in my kitchen
    I thought I was the only one whose parents kept the PC in the kitchen.
    Technically it's a different room, but there's no doorway separating it, just a fireplace.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • That's... awesome... but I'm not yet bought in.
    Just watch a fucking episode.
    This. A million times this. In fact, this applies to any show you're not sure about. Give it the Three Episode Litmus: Watch the first three episodes - if it hooks you by then, keep watching. If not, stop watching.
  • edited September 2011
    That's... awesome... but I'm not yet bought in.
    Just watch a fucking episode.
    There is an fucking episode in that?
    Post edited by Apsup on
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