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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Fuck you Japan... seriously...

    After Amazon's insistence that I'd enjoy Usagi Drop, I looked the series up, and just finished the anime, and hoping there is going to be a second season I looked into the rest of the story... just... fuck you Japan...
  • Fuck you Japan... seriously...

    After Amazon's insistence that I'd enjoy Usagi Drop, I looked the series up, and just finished the anime, and hoping there is going to be a second season I looked into the rest of the story... just... fuck you Japan...
    The manga is also an Eisner candidate. WTF.
  • Is the manga not more of the same? Am I perhaps sensing some heart wrenching shenanigans on the mangaka's part?
  • The manga is also an Eisner candidate. WTF.
    Because it's extremely good. Eisner only looks at material currently released in English, so they haven't judged anything past the time skip.
    Is the manga not more of the same? Am I perhaps sensing some heart wrenching shenanigans on the mangaka's part?
    No, nothing like that. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want it spoiled. Wikipedia has a summary of the last tankobon. However, if spoiled most people will probably prefer to stick with the first four tankobon and/or the 11 episode series without venturing further.
  • edited September 2011
    I think I'm gonna watch this Tiger & Bunny show. But I didn't see it on torrents or crunchyroll. Where is it at?
    I was watching on the Viz homepage but the videos seem to be broken or down on my end. They are still listed on the site as full episodes so you might have better luck than I did.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Hulu, unfortunately.
    Just out of curiosity, but what exactly is wrong with Hulu?
  • No, nothing like that. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want it spoiled. Wikipedia has a summary of the last tankobon. However, if spoiled most people will probably prefer to stick with the first four tankobon and/or the 11 episode series without venturing further.
    Does the anime follow the manga? If so, what chapter does the show end on?
  • No, nothing like that. I'll leave it up to you to decide if you want it spoiled. Wikipedia has a summary of the last tankobon. However, if spoiled most people will probably prefer to stick with the first four tankobon and/or the 11 episode series without venturing further.
    Does the anime follow the manga? If so, what chapter does the show end on?
    The manga has 2 main timelines, the first is the anime, the second one is 10 years after the anime (and the first half of the manga) ends.
  • My eyes! MY EYES!!!! WHY! WHY!!!! WWWWWHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I just watched Dance in the Vampire Bund. The first episode was alright. The second episode. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
    I think I need to go sit in my shower for a couple hours.
  • Dance in the Vampire Bund?

    You are a terrible person.
  • I have never heard of it... I feel awful now.
  • edited September 2011
    So I went to the wiki article and read up on the manga ending for Usagi Drop. That is a bummer. I would have like to have read the series or watched a 2nd anime series. Now I'm just going to pretend there never was a follow up.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • My parents loved Usagi Drop. Then they got the the time skip and called me on the phone to warn me not to finish the manga. Seriously, why did the mangaka go and do that?
  • edited September 2011
    Usagi Drop: I made the mistake of spoiling myself on the manga ending around episode 8 maybe 10 days ago. Those last couple episodes are just sitting there unwatched for now, although the actual anime product still has all the strong positive qualities it did before.

    Cowboy Bebop: So yeah, I've really just started watching non-Ghibli anime. I know the show has been out for 13 years and covered to death, but it's still so great I have to vent my thoughts somewhere. I got a mediocre first impression from half-watching a subbed version of the episode that introduces Ein back in college while pretty smashed. I came away fairly confused and under the impression that it was sort of a serial detective show where they try to find the lab Ein came from. And the other anime series I came into contact with randomly over the ensuing years were all fairly unimpressive. So I avoided it until I started listening to a few anime podcasts, all of which seem to offhandedly reference it being the best thing ever in every other review.

    I won't rehash all of the basics. I just want to say that this is absolutely my favorite kind of SF setting: humans-only, small-scale, multiplanetary. It makes for such strong yet relevant stories and I've never understood why there's virtually nothing else out there that uses it. As for the secret ingredient in this show, its hard to put into words but I would describe it as a very zen perspective on the absurdities and trials of life (?) that seems to take the wide view on all of its characters. It's also really rare, and very pleasant, to watch a show where *all* of the characters are highly secure in their identities without becoming caricatures.

    Thundercats: speaking of which, it's not technically anime but I also gave a shot to Thundercats recently since it was my absolute most favorite thing as a child. I thought the first two episodes were a well-executed, suitably epic re-introduction to a deeper series, but I found Lion-O's idiotic emo stubbornness to be nails on a chalkboard painful in the third episode as the main story was starting and had to abandon ship. Somebody let me know if it gets better.

    Fullmetal Alchemist: I saw this up on Netflix streaming. Can someone refresh my memory whether the show faded during the season or just disappeared due to a lack of a worthy follow-up? I remember being incredibly into the first 6-7 episodes, then... nothing. I think I went on vacation, or something.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I think I'm gonna watch this Tiger & Bunny show. But I didn't see it on torrents or crunchyroll. Where is it at?
    Obviously, you didn't look then. Inb4 HERPADERP I ONLY USE THE USA-SAFE TORRENT SITE. You're fucking pirating it, who the hell cares. You can always go and support your actually existing industry afterwards.
  • edited September 2011
    Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.

    *goes to check out Usagi Drop spoilers*

    ... probably horribly handled in both the manga and anime.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • edited September 2011
    [More of the same about Usagi Drop's time skip]
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: I saw this up on Netflix streaming. Can someone refresh my memory whether the show faded during the season or just disappeared due to a lack of a worthy follow-up? I remember being incredibly into the first 6-7 episodes, then... nothing. I think I went on vacation, or something.
    Watch Brotherhood. It's significantly better.
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: I saw this up on Netflix streaming. Can someone refresh my memory whether the show faded during the season or just disappeared due to a lack of a worthy follow-up? I remember being incredibly into the first 6-7 episodes, then... nothing. I think I went on vacation, or something.
    Watch Brotherhood. It's significantly better.
    I'll second that Brotherhood is better, but I'm not sure if Brotherhood is better because I watched the first series or in spite of. While watching Brotherhood I constantly kept thinking about the 1st series and comparing them to each other.
  • The first series was good until the second season when they caught up to the manga and decided to wing it. The show just nosedived from there. While it contained some good moments, it really just felt like it was a completely different show.
  • Watched the first two episodes of Tiger and Bunny. Seems to be a buddy cop story, with superheroes. I'm totally fine with that.
  • Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.
  • edited September 2011
    Or you could not be a pirate douchebag when you don't need to, and go watch the show on Hulu.
    Or not (in my case), since it's U.S. only. Granted, I'm not looking to watch it right now anyway, but if I did it would definitely be via torrent.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited September 2011
    The first series was good until the second season when they caught up to the manga and decided to wing it. The show just nosedived from there. While it contained some good moments, it really just felt like it was a completely different show.
    Brotherhood had a better plot, better action and was probably better in many technical ways, but for me it did not have the emotional impact the original series did.

    It helps to understand Russian; the English version (below) slightly worse IMO but still gets the point across.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • helps to understand Russian
    I can attest that understanding Russian poorly only makes it confusing.
  • edited September 2011
    helps to understand Russian
    I can attest that understanding Russian poorly only makes it confusing.
    The English version is pretty similar in meaning.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited September 2011
    The English version is pretty similar in meaning.
    Yeah, but how else am I meant to practice, when I don't know that many people who speak russian, have the patience to put up with my shitty I'm-still-learning Russian, and don't want to crack my head like an egg? It's pretty slow going as it is.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2011
    In any case, my point is that in Brotherhood the story of the two brothers - what the song is about - just didn't come through as strongly as it did in the original, and I'd have to say that's the most compelling thing about FMA.

    In the original series, I cared about what would happen to the characters; in Brotherhood, I was just interested in what was going to happen to them.

    With that aside, you're left with a straight-up shounen fighting show, and as a shounen fighting show Brotherhood is definitely better.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • In any case, my point is that in Brotherhood the story of the two brothers - what the song is about - just didn't come through as strongly as it did in the original, and I'd have to say that's the most compelling thing about FMA.

    In the original series, I cared about what would happen to the characters; in Brotherhood, I was just interested in what was going to happen to them.
    I'll agree entirely with that.
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